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Everything posted by eAi

  1. Or use setElementData, which is neater.
  2. eAi

    MTAWeb 0.1 Beta 2

    I agree, I'm somewhat dubious as to what this is. We'd rather you did not steal our website design too. I've removed the [RELEASE] tag from this post as it clearly isn't anywhere near being released.
  3. eAi


    Please stop making new posts. Nobody is just going to make a script for you. You need to learn yourself. I'm going to merge your threads.
  4. eAi

    MTAWeb 0.1 Beta 2

    Mind explaining what this is?
  5. If you get errors, you need to tell us what they are.
  6. Try setElementData - setElementData(vehicle, "parkedby", player ) Then getElementData - if ( getElementData ( vehicle, "parkedby" ) == player ) then ...
  7. eAi


    It's not really an error, it's a warning. I agree it's annoying that it appears, but there's nothing you can really do to avoid it appearing, except not using setElementData on non-element/non-primitive values.
  8. eAi

    GUI help

    Instead of having to do the 'if source==closemenu' line, you can just set the last boolean of addEventHandler to false (i.e. getPropagated).
  9. Unbinding the chatbox won't reliably work, they can just rebind it themselves. What you really want to do is just modify the irc bot to check isPlayerMuted before relaying it.
  10. You have to remember that the acl group names can be changed, or not even exist. Please do use hasObjectPermissionTo (if it works).
  11. eAi

    [REQ]Radar refresh

    Seems like an odd bug, I've not seen it reported before so please make sure it isn't a problem with the script. If it isn't, please post a small script/resource to reproduce or a set of clear steps.
  12. Well, using hasObjectPermissionTo. You obviously can't specify a specific vehicle from the ACL, you should choose/set that vehicle elsewhere. Your previous post with hasObjectPermissionTo, can you post your ACL?
  13. I believe that is a hard coded limit for our GUI engine, memo fields can't hold more than 1000 characters. You can split it over multiple pages if you code your own GUI for it.
  14. You should not rely on existing ACLs like banIP, you should make your own. You should call it resource.YourResourceNameHere.canEnterVehicles or something similar. This makes it much more flexible for admins, though slightly harder. It also makes sure they're aware how it works.
  15. If you want to have an ampersand, you should be able to replace it with &
  16. What appears in the file? You should make sure you call fileClose at some point or the data may not get written to the file.
  17. Well, it's fairly obvious. Bad argument means you're passing something you shouldn't be. So, the values you're passing and getting errors on are all returned from other functions. I can't tell exactly what the issue is, but why not output some of the intermediate values - see what getPlayerFromNick returns for example - does it return nil or false? Do the same with your playerlicensedata variable. Most likely, the playername you're specifying doesn't exist, causing getPlayerFromNick to return nil (or false). That's then passed to getClientAccount thats returning nil, causing getAccountName to give an error. Presumably the xml error on line 8 is because you don't have a node called 'license' inside your 'playerlicense' node of your xml file.
  18. eAi

    SQLite help

    Can you provide more information as to what is wrong with executeSQLQuery - a test case would be useful.
  19. Not entirely sure what you mean?
  20. You'd have to place the camera pointing along the wrist which would frankly look really odd (e.g. when reloading with the gun pointing up)...
  21. eAi


    That is the recommended solution - the solution provided by tma allows more flexibility, but is more than you need. As always, see the wiki: http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... elpmanager
  22. Yes, alternatively, you can get the entire list using getElementsByType.
  23. http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... kedOffBike Although not fully documented, it's not exactly complex. Specify a player then 'true' or 'false'. True specifying that they can be knocked off, false that they can't.
  24. You want to do it client side, with the onClientRender event, toggleCameraFixedMode and setCameraPosition and setCameraLookAt.
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