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Everything posted by DazzaJay

  1. i tried, its not in the Download archive https://mtasa.com/dl-archive.html all that is there is: MTA:SA Race v1.1.1 MTA:SA Race v1.0 MTA v0.5 for GTA3 & VC MTA v0.4.1 for GTA3 & VC MTA v0.4.0 for GTA3 & VC MTA:VC v0.3 series MTA:VC v0.2.2 MTA:VC v0.2 MTA:VC v0.1 GTA3:MTA series Media
  2. Hell, if someone could send me an Older version of Votemanager, from say DP1, that would be great, because this is just ridiculous
  3. Today in my server, which runs mostly race maps, Votemanager just started being annnoying. Basically, the issue is, every time it appears, the Same 8 maps are in it. Concidering there is over 500 maps on the server, i find this to be odd. (and annoying because it has selected all of the worst possible maps) but what makes the problem even more interesting is that a friend who runs another server has just today got the same problem. we are both running the latest versions of Votemanager. and No errors are appearing in the server window. Help is required fast. as people are allready starting to complain.
  4. Thanks for helping out, altho we are a bit further on from that part. as we got the files working, but helpmanager is cutting the file off at about 1044 characters. which from what i have been reading, should not be happening.
  5. ah, ok, well, any ETA on a release date?
  6. im currently using the version in the downloads section. and i have no scripts that change names colours as far as i know
  7. that does not stop the fact that everyone else in the game can still see the chat messages.
  8. basically, i, and probably many other people, would like an "Improved Permanant Mute Script" for these reasons: the one in the admin panel is buggy at best, like heres a great example of its most common bug... Basically, somone will be spamming the chat with crap, and i will mute them. For ME, thier chat messages stop, I dont receve any more Spammage from the fool. Problem is, all his messages Still get sent to the IRC relay, and the other people in the room. So its less of a "Mute" and more of an "Ignore" So, what i am requesting is to take Mute to the next level. Like bind the O key to bring up a menu, and in it have a "Players in game" box, a "Players Muted" box and 2 buttons "Mute" and "Unmute" so i could just go in, click the name, click mute, thier name goes into the "Muted Box" but, what happens on the Muted players end is thier Chatbox open buttons (T and Y) get Unbound, so they cannot even open the chatbox. this will solve the issue of people still hearing somone after that person is muted, it will also satop the IRC relay relaying thier spam after muted. it would have to save to a file, the players serial, so if they quit and rejoin, it re-apply's the mute. Anyone think they can make this much needed script? please do.
  9. is there any way to "Fix" helpmanager so it can cope with more characters?
  10. then why does it keep cutting the text off after 1044 characters?
  11. nah, all good, the &'s were only in it because i copied all the text from the website. however, ive looked thru the helpmanager script a few times, and i cant see anything that even remoteley looks like a Character limit.. so how i would get it to read xml files with more than 1000 characters is beyond me.
  12. ok, i got it working, thanks for pointing it out that the "&" characters as being the problem. i have also found a rough character limit. 1044 characters is a rough limit.... sometimes it will alow 1053, but not allways. and heres what my rules thing looks like now.... <help>Server Website: [url=http://www.potholestudios.com/mta]http://www.potholestudios.com/mta[/url] Server Teamspeak: Admin Email: [email protected] ================ Rules: 1. NO CHEATING! Cheaters will recive an immediate IP ban, Serial ban and kick from the server, No Warnings No Excuses. 2. No Arseholes. Don't flame any other player. Don't abuse any other player. Don't Threaten any other player. just Dont be a cunt, Simple. 3. Be Original. Don't join with your Nick as ANY of the Games Characters, Anyone using these Names will be Kicked. 4. Dont Dis-Respect Anyone. Dis-respect somone and recive a warning, continue and recive a kick, rejoin and contine and you will recive a ban. 5. Have fun! We want you to have as much fun as possible, isnt that what a game is for? 6. Don't spam the chat. Don't TYPE IN ALL CAPS, Don't spam your Map vote into the chat. Disobey this rule, Recive a kick. 7. SPEAK ENGLISH. Speak English, and only clear English. Don't speak 1337, gangsta or idiot. if you talk like a moron, you will be kicked. </help> lets just say beforehand the rules were like 4X as long (with in-depth explenation behind each rule).. looked a lot more like this page: http://www.potholestudios.com/Content/pid=12.html any way to lift the character limit in Helpmanager?
  13. thanks, i would have understood the "And" character.... never ever heard of it referd to an Ampersand i will test this out when i get home and report back if it works or otherwise.
  14. Ampersand? ..... can you please show what character you are talking about, as i know what most characters looklike, but none of the names.
  15. You know that doesn't encourage people ? well, to be precise, i said it to get a responce, no insult was intended or anything, but it did get a responce, as i have noticed that people love to prove others wrong (this includes myself) so therefore by saying that the MTA community are no help - got a responce of people trying to help - for the reason of trying to prove my comment wrong, most of the time by the subconcious mind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and for info .. i press F9 it only has the standard stuff in there, as if my script is not running attall. as for you mr hankey, the 12hour system is simple, before midday (0 to 12) its AM, and after midday (13 - 24) its PM, except instead of having the 13 onwards, it starts from 1 again, so just think of an analog clock, at the 12, it starts all over again. Firestarter, go right ahead, if you can get it to work with your edit, if it works, can you post your help file so i can see how long it is and if special characters were used. thanks. Brophy, i remember back in the days just after race came out, a reply to any thread took under 10 minutes, i guess im just not used to the fact that everyone left to play samp. Ransom, yes i have helpmanager, it is runny by default, when i press F9 i get the CTV rules and so on, but no tab for my server rules script, as if it isnt even running, (and ive checked made sure its running and so on) --------------------------------- but yeah, the text is not cut off or anything, it just acts like its not there attall.
  16. Within an hour!? take a closer look at the times... one says AM one says PM.... to be precice... 13 hours. not 1. and yes, i did search.... about 14 hours ago.... i got a mysql error. and also, that thread does not awnser my question of Why this isnt working. also, it has nothing about the Character limit. i know it must be a character limit, because i have made help for other small things before and they have all worked. So... i will say it again, What is the Character Limit!?
  17. Its good to see that the MTA community is as helpfull as ever.
  18. Basically, i have written a help.xml and so on to run in my server that shows server info in the F9 Help box.... problem is, it does not work... http://files.potholestudios.com/Server_Rules.zip that is the link to it, the only thing i can think of is that the Help.xml is too big for MTA to handle. any ideas? and if it is becuse there is somthing as moronic as a character limit in Helpmanager, what is the limit?
  19. here is the thing, if it does not check every so often, you will end up with bubbles stuck on your screen.... (a few other similar scripts do that, khepra's does not, but its the only one that uses bandwidth like this) which makes me think..... which is worse.... high pings.... or having peoples chat bubbles stuck on your screen.
  20. khepra, i found a bug with it... i have noticed that it increases all players uploads in my server by 800% without it i upload at 1.5kbps constant to the server, but when kchaticon is on, that amount of upload is increased to 12.0kbps thats over 1000% increase in upload bandwidth. same happens to download, add 10kbps to the top of what would normally be recived from the server. any idea on why it would be causing all that bandwidth to be used? (i have tested it on all 4 of my servers with the same results)
  21. *waits for a release of DM where your ingenious fix to a problem that never should have existed isn't required.
  22. Its really simple (im still using Photoshop 7) if you are working from another image, and want to make an area transparent, use the "Magic Eraser tool"
  23. ive given up on even bothering to learn LUA. i have been studying this crap for weeks, and none of it makes any more sence now as it did a month ago.
  24. well, often in race gamemode at the moment, it randomly starts races with no vehicle collision, and there is no floating in it. i think it has somthing to do with the Ghostmode code thats in the gametype
  25. my bad man, i wasnt going off at you or anything. mainly just the LUA language. heres the thing, i can picture in my head at this verry second, Exactly how what i am trying to do would look in mIRC script code. but this LUA shit is fucking ridiculous. With mirc, i asked a few small questions, and picked up the rest pretty quickly. Hell, i have even written an entire emotes script, (which only got from A to D in the emotes i was going to put in) which was allready over 150 emotes. but this lua shit, is ridiculous, i cant learn it by looking at it, as each time i look at it, or try to figure out somthing as simple as a Fucking Timer, it just confuses me even more.
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