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Everything posted by By-Stander

  1. You could just get a slap for 20 each time you get a 'fix', drugs kill you in the end after all.
  2. Any progress Zzz? Or has the festive season left you too hung over?
  3. Are you using version 1.1? (of VC not MTA)
  4. I'm sure someone will make this, or similar. I'm also sure many more competitive game structures will be worked out. I guess a large part of the reasons we have had the attack/defend structure is exactly because you can see all players through buildings and on the radar, removing stealth altogether. (Such a shame the teamplay specific features never made it into 0.5.x (obviously)). Stealthy play should rock.
  5. This is mentioned in the manual, it should resolve itself once the player(s) in question have died and respawned.
  6. You may still be correct. You didn't specify the year
  7. By-Stander


    I think they change a little too rapidly, perhaps slow the animation down a little? At least give time for the eye to scan from one end to the other to take in the image and the text
  8. Wow, 40 pages and it hasn't even started yet! (I think?) Could you put the website address in the topic title please? so I can check the competition format and rules to be played etc. I really don't want to have to read through the entire thread to find the URL. Thanks.
  9. It doesn't. Having spoken regularly to many of the team I'm aware he did much more than putting together a manual. And having a cheap shot at Oli in your 'private' message is out of order. Why not start a 'bash the mta team one at a time' thread and rant in there? Anyway, perhaps now it is time to return on-topic Can I B... erm no, Great work getting the fixes out so rapidly. I look forward to playing it, as ever.
  10. Making innacurate statements like that probably doesn't help your cause in regards to becoming a beta tester. (not that you are bitter, right? )
  11. Someone said you got banned from the developers IRC server on more than one occasion too, and this forum also?
  12. This poll is too rigid I love all incarnations (Except GTAII - shudder - ) and consider them all essential purchases for any gamer. So I want to vote that option
  13. By-Stander

    Mta Server

    He means the admin tool that comes with MTA. Alternatively you could use mIRC and MTAMA, that may be a little beyond your reach technically however if you are experiencing such problems already.
  14. Yes. And I have done so. Not for MTA though as I absolutely detest cheaters and cheating and find it interesting psychologically what would drive some poor soul to feel the need to do so. * Wanders off to read some Freud
  15. Or a rev counter / speedo / gear combo, that could rise and fall depending on breakthroughs and problems etc. Possibly a little involved though, it would take somebodys precious time to both design and regularly manipulate it. It would be less rigid and fits in with the Auto side nicely though.
  16. I fail to see how a no-cd is anything to do with cheating and therefore anything to do with an anti-cheat system.... It is illegal in the view of this board however so I suggest this is locked.
  17. Helicopter exiting is tied up with car exiting, they both use the same code. Therefore it's a compromise leaving you prone to death when exiting a heli. You cannot actually harm the driver, although it may appear your end that you shot him. In that case you may suffer some desync. i.e. he will appear to have died yet still be driving around in everyone elses view.
  18. Actually the scm coders chose where we get out of heli's, not gta coders.
  19. Isnt drug a clan full of self confessed/agrandising cheaters?
  20. It's not broken as such, it's just a compromise. Vehicles were (are) only synchronised when a player is inside them, that's why when a player bails out the car that rolled down the road in his point of view stopped dead in everyone elses (because he left it so sync stopped). So obviously the server doesnt record where empty vehicles are and the scm (GTA's scripting file) re-parks them when you start a fresh game. This also leads to your car being 'snatched' sometimes as you go to enter it where it was abandoned at the same time that a new player (or a player that saw it destroyed and respawned) enters it at its original spawn area. Often one will be transported across the map when this happens. There are several compromises in the present core (and in the new core also I'm sure) in my opinion these all add to the character of the mod and stand as a constant reminder of just how miraculous it is that the many many other things DO work.
  21. They are both nice images but neither really push the multiplayer aspect, ironically. Such a shame there was such a small response to this competition. Is it too late to enter something new?
  22. I presume he means it would be in his native language for others who speak it?
  23. Posting here will merely encourage these children. I suggest you ignore them until they go away instead, it seems to be more effective.
  24. That's the point. It isn't really possible to assign an accurate completion percentage to this kind of project so the number chosen is obviously tongue-in-cheek. You just didn't 'get it'
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