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Everything posted by By-Stander

  1. I'd heard that the present MTA core was to be developed further to continue support for GTA3 until such time as the newer tech could be turned to it. Bar a few minor problems the current core carries it pretty well and I'd be more than happy to stick with it for now as judging by the development time it would be a fair while until the new tech could do so.
  2. Actually I don't think they did. Rockstar stated there would be better support for modification/customisation. There is some speculation that the fat/thin Carl, clothing choice, car tuning options, weapon usage stats and Respect meter that are standard in SA are what they were referring to as the original exe had some major barriers to many forms of modification (MTA's methods included), let alone a further patched version. Other interpretations were leapt to by the community.
  3. Is it possible to use an externally linked image as an avatar? (as it is on many forums). Attempting to input the URL into the field returns an error quoting the three file types allowable - the image IS a .jpg however.
  4. Thats great news. Long may they stay away.
  5. Is this the same SM that xenex and others used to be a part of? I have fond memories of those guys
  6. Wasn't this thread about some competition at one point?
  7. By-Stander

    sa jokes...

    I think you missed the point
  8. By-Stander

    sa jokes...

    I like how when people say 'no offense' they are ALWAYS about to say somethig offensive or mildly insulting
  9. He knows that, that's why he is asking
  10. No. Vehicles, and therefore vehicle induced deaths, are an integral part of GTA and therefore MTA.
  11. Mine was the rosy days of gta3mta 0.3b, loading it up and getting past the scrolling credits for the first time to see another real human player in liberty city. Awesome. Shortly after a hectic car chase around the mafioso hills his car began to flip around and grind its way up a building..seems he'd lost server connection and the server pretended he hadn't but thats another story.
  12. That is the version you would play yes, of course. (By the way it is very rude to simply post a link with no following text in the way some have above.)
  13. Isn't that a video competition not a stunt competition? Easily doctored. I would suggest some form of 'live' competition in the same way as DM matches.
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