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Everything posted by Towncivilian

  1. Verify that the issue is indeed on all servers. Try at least five different servers. Ensure your internet service provider and/or router are not blocking ports 22003 and 22005.
  2. Could you provide another dxdiag log?
  3. Please install the following: Graphics driver Audio driver Ethernet driver (do a Repair install if prompted) Latest patch of MTA:SA Latest DirectX runtimes Provide another dxdiag log after installing.
  4. Could you provide a dxdiag report? Press the Windows key + R, type dxdiag, press Enter, click Save all information... and post the contents of the saved log here within Code tags.
  5. Please post results from SpeedTest.
  6. The video card and RAM are rather marginal, but you should be able to run MTA alright. Probably the largest bottleneck is the video card. The stock Intel heatsink will suffice, it should come with the CPU.
  7. Could you provide a dxdiag report? Press the Windows key + R, type dxdiag, press Enter, click Save all information... and post the contents of the saved log here within Code tags.
  8. Install the latest patch of MTA:SA Install the latest DirectX runtimes
  9. Towncivilian


    ++++++++++[>+++++++>+++>++++++++>+++++++<<<<-]>+++.>++.>+++++++.>+++.+++++. Damnit, wrong again!
  10. Towncivilian

    I need help!

    Is your GTA:SA modified at all?
  11. Por favor instale: Graphics driver Ethernet driver Visual C++ 2008 SP1 runtimes Latest patch of MTA:SA Latest DirectX runtimes Dame otro dxdiag log después de instalar.
  12. Towncivilian


    You could've yelled at me in #ulk to fix your account!
  13. Run the installer as an administrator.
  14. Make sure your keyboard has no stuck keys, maybe re-plug mouse/keyboard in a different USB port, restart Windows...
  15. Towncivilian

    I need help!

    Does any server work? What happens if you try to use map editor?
  16. Towncivilian

    I need help!

    Install MTA:SA 1.1.1, then the latest nightly.
  17. Towncivilian

    I need help!

    OK, everything installed properly. If you're still having the issue, please try reinstalling both GTA:SA and MTA:SA.
  18. Towncivilian

    I need help!

    Please try this driver instead: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0792HYW3
  19. Install the latest patch of MTA:SA Install the latest DirectX runtimes
  20. You said you already downloaded the chipset driver installer. You should still have it downloaded on your computer, unless you deleted it.
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