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Everything posted by Towncivilian

  1. The bug you are experiencing has been fixed in 1.3, but if there are no 1.3 servers available you will have to run 1.2 for the time being. Sorry.
  2. Please redownload the installer and try again.
  3. Try installing the latest patch of MTA:SA.
  4. Towncivilian


    Bleh, nice bump. Something tells me that if the site isn't up by now, it probably isn't going to be up again.
  5. More drivers: Graphics driver (this one will actually install) Audio driver BIOS F.44 Provide another dxdiag log after installing.
  6. Congratulations. I hope things run better now! I certainly wouldn't spend any more money with that computer - better to save your money for a more modern one now.
  7. Please install the following: Graphics driver Ethernet driver (do a Repair install if prompted) Touchpad driver Card reader driver Latest DirectX runtimes Provide another dxdiag log after installing. Also, please provide the entire model number (found on a sticker on the bottom of your laptop probably). It'll look like "HP Pavilion g6-1a69us".
  8. Towncivilian

    windows 8

    I wouldn't be so quick to claim that. But anyway, stick with Windows 7 for now until Windows 8 is complete.
  9. Towncivilian


    Does single player work? Does MTA:SA 1.1 work?
  10. You are not running MTA 0.5r2. Download and install it here: http://files.mtasa.com/apps/0.5r2/mta05 ... taller.exe
  11. Sorry, I don't know which setting controls that. You'll have to poke around in the audio settings. Try Control Panel -> Sound -> right click Speakers -> Properties -> check the tabs for any setting that seems like it would achieve your desired effect.
  12. Your music is probably stereo, not surround encoded (DTS, AC3, lossless multichannel FLAC, etc). Was stereo music being played through all the speakers previously? If so, it's probably some other setting somewhere in the Realtek audio control panel, which can be accessed through Control Panel.
  13. Well, I found where the values for car and ped density multipliers are stored: 0x8A5B20 and 0x8D2530 respectively. Both are shared floats; the former is referenced by the opcode handler, obviously, as well as traffic functions, emergency vehicle spawning, and CMissionCleanup. The latter is also referenced by CMissionCleanup and during cutscenes. You can add a function to work with these addresses yourself, it shouldn't be awfully difficult - just don't modify them directly. Whether it'll actually work as intended in MTA just by changing those two memory addresses alone is another story. I tested these two addresses in GTA:SA single-player and they worked as desired (once you move outside of any currently spawned peds/vehicles, no more will spawn). I'm also not a developer, so I have no idea if the above will work in MTA.
  14. Towncivilian


    Please install the following: Graphics driver Audio driver Chipset drivers Ethernet driver (do a Repair install if prompted) Provide another dxdiag log after installing.
  15. To fix your surround settings, go to Control Panel -> Sound -> right click Speakers -> click "Configure Speakers" and follow the instructions. You are running a beta version of the graphics driver. Perhaps try rolling back to the latest WHQL driver and see if that changes anything.
  16. Thanks. I added a shortened URL to #mta.scripting's topic in case Wiki goes down.
  17. It is not possible to change MTA's serial.
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