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Everything posted by zerb

  1. Tanel, look at the help section, i know your more mature then this.
  2. No, you only need the server patch if your going to install a server without the problems. Im talking about the offical patch from R*. v1.1
  3. zerb

    Happy B-day l2ebel

    Enjoy the pies while they last ;D. HB
  4. zerb

    Client Problem

    Tell us the message, it may be posted somewhere around this help section.
  5. Its more fun to just demolish your vehicles then have a nice little fly from a parachute. =P
  6. zerb

    1000 players

    /me faints ;P
  7. Jani did a nice server setup for 0.5, he might possibly do one for SA since it was a very good tutorial.
  8. Do you have the server patch installed? Did you play VC in single player before installing MTA?
  9. zerb

    Big Problem

    You have installed the server cilent also, right? Does any part of the help section help at all?
  10. A. Horrid Q. Not long till our pensions then?
  11. Could be the reso or texture could be slowing you down a little.
  12. A. Yeah, even better if your next to me. Q. Have the last 12 hours changed your life?
  13. All who are participating will hopefully all face each other.
  14. Spitfire, you have a friend now? ;D
  15. A. Never. Q. Whos ready to see about 1000+ new clans join the MTA community?
  16. Well the community will be all prepared for the cilent release in as many hours time, awesome. =P
  17. v.nice Jani, possibly a sticky sometime?
  18. The police are always unintelligent in any of the GTA series, the AI of them has really improved in any of the previous versions, 32 of us against many armed forces wouldnt be so hard though it would just end in a continous battle over and over.
  19. zerb

    Crusader Armor Glitch

    But though, there will still be some GTA3 and VC players around who would want to see an improvement.
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