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    Birmingham, England

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Punk-@ss B*tch

Punk-@ss B*tch (12/54)



  1. We are searching for a DL (Deputy Leader) to help us in the MTA side of the clan, so if you got what it takes head over to this topic and give us much information as you can.. http://edkclan.co.uk/forum/index.php?showtopic=253 Thanks
  2. We just can't do it lol no matter how many times we try, we just end up stopping it.
  3. I can see most textures now, it's just the game runs low and my FPS is between 5-10 and its very unplayable, i can't find a solution so im just going to give up EDIT: Think its sorted now
  4. I see most cars, it's just sometimes the textures/buildings/roads etc take a few seconds to show And i doubt my video card is 'weak' I know someone who has 'weaker' video card than me and he gets 25-30 fps I changed the settings to what he told me but still no difference and even on my old pc amd athlon 2200+ 256mb ram NVIDIA Geforce mx440 (64mb) - that is a WEAK gfx card the performence is the same.. I'm currently backing up all my stuff then i am going to format.. I think this may be the problem that when i got the new comp, i didnt format the hard-drive, meaning i put the hard-drive from my old comp in the new so it may have some of the old comp settings on it
  5. I just changed resolution to 800x600, but the fps is still lower than 10! May i ask what is AA and AF and how to turn them off? I did search something earlier and saw something about it but forgot what i searched
  6. I am getting the 'lag' problem.. FPS is below 25 and when i changed the graphics to lower than it already was, it is still the same! The performance of the game is exactly how it was on my old PC.. my specs: AMD Athlon™ 64 bit Processor 3000+ (2.01ghz) 1GB of Ram K8NF4G - SATA 2 (NVIDIA nForce 4 Chipset Motherboard) NVIDIA GeForce 6100 (256mb) I would aprechiate if people can help me and ill awnser back any questions! thanks
  7. Great video mate, well done
  8. So far so good cant wait to see the features
  9. Good luck with your clan mate
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