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Everything posted by zerb

  1. zerb

    [UMT] United Masters Team

    Why didnt you just edit your last post heh
  2. zerb

    TO TLR!!!

    God Dam these little cheaters these days
  3. A. I stole an Elf from Santa`s sleigh while he was munching on my digestives biscuits. Q. Who had xmas pudding?
  4. My opinion i feel in SA you can have more control of the car overall.
  5. zerb

    An unfair law ...

    Looks like the Greek MTA players ( If there were any ) wont be around for a long time heh =P
  6. R1 you cant go on foot, however in future versions you will be able too.
  7. Its all good but too many people ignore these sort of things on the forums.
  8. TLR, UVA still play, HoT, HAW, Theres still a good number of clans heh
  9. zerb

    MTA Allstars (A)

    Looks like someone is lying before christmas ;P
  10. zerb

    MTA Allstars (A)

    =bTk= was SmartiE`s creation, Silent only lead that team once, a few months back.
  11. The server patch is only needed if your creating a server, fixes many errors which occured in the 0.5 version. The patch dosent fix anything else apart from the server side of the version. =P
  12. zerb

    RPG Haters

    Go and raid them
  13. zerb

    black cheetah project

    Agreed. I like to watch videos that so some good challenging stunts, tricks which some players cannot do etc.
  14. Hungarian list is basically Jano and the HAW =P
  15. - Make sure you`ve played it in single player first. - Close other applications which might be running when playing the mod. or are any of the known issues are any use?
  16. zerb

    Chat Box

    One of the " F " keys can make the chatbox go off screen, thats about it.
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