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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by zerb

  1. A. Jigga.. he, he.. he.. ate them himself (X_o) Q. or am i wrong?
  2. A. Sounds perfect. Q. /me hands out another plate of cookies?
  3. A. 24 metres left, go north 3 miles longer. Q. Would anyone like a polo mint?
  4. zerb

    how do i.....

    Does he deserve a medal? Play on english based clan servers if your looking to get recruited for any particular english clan. ;d
  5. A. Under the bed. Q. Who wants to look under?
  6. Possibly looking for the word " Drive-by " ;P
  7. /me puts link on the side table. http://www.mirc.com - Obivously download the latest version. ;D
  8. A. Me, Me, Me, Me, Me. Q. Is 50p enough? plus a free slap?
  9. zerb

    help up

    Well, first your posting in the wrong section
  10. A. Stabbed Q. Can we also throw pies, cookies and Spitfire at the guy also?
  11. A. Im not. Q. Is it better to get paid in money or cookies?
  12. zerb

    how do i.....

    1. Get to know the clan first, looking at website, reading their gang threads etc. so you get to know more about the clan/s. 2. If your interested in joining a clan, i`ll advise to contact their leader/s. Some clans have websites and forums also etc. 3. Be respected, play fair etc.
  13. A. Yes, i was even sad enough to look. Q. Hows February going for you?
  14. zerb


    Hey whats up I am not new here and certainly not new to MTA... (Check out my joined date, ouch) Rolling on 3 years nearly heh.. Not long till your retirement ;D
  15. http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=14745&start=0
  16. zerb

    help up

    Install the 0.5 Server and the patch. MultiTheftAuto - mtaserver.config. Set the settings to what ever you like etc. Run the MTA Server, which you should have already patched since this does cause to solve some memory leak problems. Then go to Start - Programs - 0.5 - Server - Tools - Admin. Run the admin console, you should of set the admin password under the mtaserver.config settings. Thats a basic server setup. You can also go further like adding scripts etc. This requires downloading mIRC then MTAmA.
  17. Sign up for the S.A.R.L then, if you already havent, you`ll get a much harder challenge there ;P
  18. Nice to hear if the accuracy is spot on perhaps, should make killing more easier/harder depending on what sort of player you are.
  19. I think there should be some option on the selection screen to customise your CJ in size, or just pick a CJ which suits your playing style. For example a muscular CJ could have a more higher chance of not dieing then a skinny CJ, which would mean the muscular CJ would take longer to kill then a skinny CJ due to the persons built and size etc. Also, like in 0.5, the sailor can regain health, i think that possibly that could be added also to each character at different speeds. Obviously the fat CJ would take longer to regain then the rest etc. Basically size dosent matter
  20. Hehe, totally wrong understanding, it was too early in the morning =p
  21. That map looks interesting, looks challenging with the hills, rocks etc.
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