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Everything posted by zerb

  1. You can also check various other hosting sites by following the direct link below. Hosting Solutions Link Oh, nice touch of green also..
  2. zerb


    Use this link for more information also. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Main_Page
  3. Come to think of it, I’ve had similar problems for a long time. I use to only think it was something to do with IE (we know how awful that is) but then the same happens with Firefox. Whilst it isn’t a huge problem, it does become annoying when you keep repeating the same method.
  4. Sranje! Usually the ban is permanent - hope you’re not though! Topic locked.
  5. zerb

    Report MTAQA Faker

    Unfortunately there are many more of these types where they come from. You just have to make sure you deal with them instantly. As for the guy above - Quality Assurance.
  6. If I’m correct I believe that the steam version of VC does not work properly with MTA, which might be what is causing the problem.
  7. We do not provide any support for those who wish to cheat. Do it elsewhere. Topic locked.
  8. This is as bad as offering free sweets to children.
  9. Why should anyone waste their time taking screenshots? I think people just need common sense. If you want competition then fight against the recognised clans who have established themselves within the community. Geez, half of these clans aren’t even competitive - come back to the VC era where we split the boys from the men.
  10. zerb

    SoH Clan

    There isn’t much you can do. I suppose a change of name would be the most relevant because at least you can keep the history of your clan still running. Unfortunately, as one of the guys already said, most people would respect that if there is another clan with the same name, the newest group would realise that the name was already taken, though obviously these “children” so to say just want things their own way. Or.. Just slaughter the hell out of them in a match for bragging rights!
  11. I must agree that the textures aren’t exactly the best but I’ll give them credit for what they created. Many of these projects have so much potential and as I said above it’s a shame many don’t ever get finished. I know there was a Jurassic Park one for San Andreas which didn’t get completed because of copyright or something stupid. No doubt though that the best I’ve played was one for Vice City. I say it’s the best one but yet I don’t even remember the name..
  12. Moved topic. As the others have already said, whilst Hebrew might be a popular language worldwide, we don’t come across many of the speakers around the forum, then again, we don’t exactly know who’s from where! I will past this on.
  13. zerb


    son, you are my robhol.
  14. Wasn’t there another project where GTA3, VC and SA were all going to be combined into one?
  15. zerb

    HELP PLS!!

    What stops you from just searching the servers in alphabetical order yourself?
  16. zerb

    Cop mode MTA?

    Locked. Enough said.
  17. Talk about a trip down memory lane! Shame this didn’t every happen though. I am always curious to know why such projects don’t ever come to completion.
  18. Topic locked before yet another thread starts getting out of control. No idea why this was bumped in the first place either.
  19. zerb

    Duke Nukem Forever

    The REAL Duke Nukem is for us oldies who loved it on the N64! Memories..
  20. I usually don’t pop over to this side of the forum often though this thread seemed to have quite a few comments and rightly so - awesome video; something different for a change.
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