See what you do by just posting a finished, more or less working script?
People make more topics and expect to get a working script again.
You should ask yourself if you wanna help people or just show off with your "skills".
Hey Peeps,
I'm try to create some manual transmission stuff since I couldn't find anything good online.
getVehicleCurrentGear() works pretty good, but the interval between the shifts is different for any car.
I want to calculate the RPM without having to put values for every car first.
Anyone got an idea how to get this done?
Yeah, I know that. I was talking about checkIfPlayerAlreadyHasDownloaded(), sorry.
This downloadFile function seems to cause a lot of problems.
I never used it so I don't know if its caused by people being unable to use it or general problems.
Alright, then try to create an empty label and after that the label with text inside.
local pX = 200
local label = guiCreateLabel(pX, 0, 380, 481, "", false, scrollpane)
local label = guiCreateLabel(pX, 0, 380, 481, "ABC", false, scrollpane)
As far as I know you don't even have to check if its existing already, since it won't download but still trigger that finish function in that case.
Try this with one file only, maybe without importing, also put an "else" to that if (sucess) then thing.
I'm just thinking the handler to draw the download message isn't needed before it actually starts.
Also, its not needed anymore after the download is finished. But its fine, since you remove it there.
But if you add the handler inside of a loop, you add it multiple times.
Even though this outputs some error in the debuglog and won't work anyway, its just more "clean" this way.
Did you try /debugscript 3?
It should show some more information, about some infinite running stuff or something.
Not sure why that would help, but also some mistake in that for loop.
for _, downFile in pairs( downloadFiles ) do
downloadFile ( downFile[1] )
for _, downFile in pairs( downloadFiles ) do
downloadFile ( downFile )
Also, don't add the handler inside of that loop.
You don't need to call downloadState().
Its bound to onClientRender, so it will be called on every frame automatically.
Instead, you could add the Handler there. But not inside the loop.
Also, whats with that for loop in line 12? Its not needed and wrong placed anyway.
Why do you store the team anyway? Couldn't you just go through all nodes, get the name, and compare with the team name?
if xmlNodeGetAttribute(nodes,"name") == teamName then
Alright, but I was worried about if I have to take care about those handlers, even though the function won't be called anymore, are they still existing somehow, using memory etc. ?
Actually Remember me should work. At least I didn't notice any problems there.
I changed Freeroam to not being car only, meaning u can walk around, use weapons..
Can't do anything about the admin panel, you would have to edit it yourself.
Also changed command flood to be anti spam only.
Will upload later.
Its not that hard.
Why don't you try it yourself?
Assuming its clientside: