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Everything posted by Bonsai

  1. Bonsai


    In fact, he should be banned instantly for doing that. Especially because its even more stupid since people quoted his stuff as far as I can see.
  2. If this was made by you, you would probably have an account here. But since you created this just for selling... Even though, might be created by you but I don't think so.
  3. Just read https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/TriggerServerEvent carefully.
  4. Most likely stolen. Anyway, MTA stuff isn't worth anything. I don't understand why everyone is selling "his" stuff. In this case, 35$ is about 35$ too much.
  5. Didn't look it up before I started, I was just interrested in doing it
  6. Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiki! https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Ge ... urrentGear
  7. I guess checking if the brake control is active + checking the gear.
  8. Hey Peeps, this is a Chatbox that is based on using different Tabs for different kind of Chats. Most suitable to servers with multiple arenas. It takes the settings from the Original Chatbox, so it looks different for every players. It automaticall adds a Team tab, if a player has a team. Its possible to create a group tab, where you can invite players to a group chat. Also, its position can be changed using drag and drop. Video: Download: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=10074 Bonsai
  9. Bonsai

    2 Questions

    Well, try it But don't use local inside the loop.
  10. Bonsai

    2 Questions

    Instead of outputting it directly, you could just add the player names to a string and output it after that loop.
  11. Ah I see, so this is more useful for e.g. multigamemode servers with custom downloaders etc.?
  12. And another guy who didn't learn anything. Good job!
  13. function onPlayerTargeted ( theObject, thePlayer ) Where you got that from? Its wrong. Always read the wiki.
  14. Seems you are the only one you don't have to be sad about.
  15. What did you try so far, if anything?
  16. The destroyElement line is still wrong. Ask the Wiki
  17. I think you screwed up on ending functions. function createPartyBlip ( thePlayer, commandName ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition (thePlayer) if ( thePlayer ) then theBlip = createBlip( x, y, z, 49, 0, 0, 0, 255) setElementData( thePlayer, "tempdata.party", theBlip ) setElementData( thePlayer, "tempdata.patee", true ) if ( theBlip ) then outputChatBox("Marker created successfully", thePlayer) else outputChatBox("Failed to create a marker", thePlayer) end end end addCommandHandler( "party", createPartyBlip ) function removePartyBlip (thePlayer) if ( getElementData(thePlayer, "tempdata.patee", true ) ) then destroyElement(getElementData(thePlayer,"tempdata.party", theBlip)) outputChatBox("Blip has been removed", thePlayer ) setElementData( thePlayer, "tempdata.patee", false ) end end addCommandHandler( "partyremove", removePartyBlip )
  18. You don't need to do e.g. local abcd = setElementData. Just use setElementData since you don't check the result anyway. Also, I'm not sure but setElementData and getElementData probably require a boolean value (true/false) instead of 1 and 0. About the destroying, only 1 argument allowed. destroyElement(element) And you only need one anyway.
  19. No up. Read what IIYAMA said.
  20. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/fixdb
  21. This problem isn't really MTA exclusive. Google should deliver much faster and much better results.
  22. Ahhh, I thought he is describing a problem but its what he wants to have
  23. ... You are supposed to check that INSIDE the plant function!
  24. Its a miracle he actually found this scripting section.
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