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Everything posted by Bonsai

  1. Selling scripts that you "collected" can get you in such a hugh trouble, its not worth it. I would delete this as fast as possible before some of the owners see this.
  2. Are those Peds and the players in the same dimension?
  3. guiGridListGetSelectedItem This function returns the row/column of the selected item. After that you just use guiGridListGetItemText. As you can see you need the row and column index there. If you only have one column this would be 1. The row is the one returned by the first function. Thats it basically.
  4. It would be bad if some writes the full script. You would copy and paste and come back tomorrow with another question. In this case I guess you have to trigger a server event that calls a function and in that function you trigger a client event for all clients. Check the wiki, there are some examples.
  5. You can't compare it that way. You have to compare them one after the other. if x == 1 and y == 2 then
  6. Yeah, I didn't see that if the first time. If its clientside every client is doing this function on his own, and since it usee the random function, every player might get a different result. So, just make the marker serverside and attach some ID or something, so on clientside you can check if the marker that was hit is the one here.
  7. It might be because you switch the data every 1 second. (setTimer(setData,1000,0)) Try setTimer(setData,1000,1) . EDIT: Nevermind. Is that clientside? If so it would be different for every player.
  8. I don't know, it always worked for me. I included at least 1 map per mode so you can see the system e.g. the keyword, i think its modern-mapname. If a map is named like that it should appear and work fine. Refresh and/or restart might be needed.
  9. It doesn't support editing username so your nickname equals your username. Also forced registration and login makes a lot things easier if you don't have to check if someone is logged in. Sane people wouldn't just throw some unknown resource on their server to test it. Kinda very stupid. There is something called local server, "buddy". But you are right, you can't turn of the script by console, if you had checked the log while screwing things up you had been able to see what you did wrong easily.
  10. It's summer! Get outside!
  11. It's some kind of representation of elements.
  12. As its supposed to be. Now use getResourceName on that userdata.
  13. Math. Image has a certain size, gta world is 3000x3000 units as far as I remember, so you can calculate it.
  14. Yeah I know, there is a lot of cool stuff still to be added and fixed, but I think its not worth it anymore. Therefore I put it here so everyone who wants can use and modify/improve it the way he needs it.
  15. Bonsai

    3D Rectangle

    Most likely it does show up but there is something wrong so it doesn't appear as you expect, e.g. wrong position, too small etc.
  16. I don't think so, but its easy to write your own function. You could cut the last character of a string and add it to a new one. string.gsub or something, I'm not sure, might be useful. EDIT: Or try string.reverse(s), just found that.
  17. Alright, now I get it. So you need to use triggerClientEvent on the chosen player in that server function, since you want this to happen to a certain player. Clientside just needs a function called by an event that is triggered by your server function. function PickVPlayer() setTimer(setElementHealth, 10000, 0, localPlayer, getElementHealth(localPlayer)-10) end addEvent("vplayer", true) addEventHandler("vplayer", root, PickVPlayer) This would only happen for the chosen player. EDIT: Actually you don't even need a clientside I guess.
  18. You shouldn't do such things onClientRender, since its for supposed to be for drawing things and this usage might make players lag. Try to use onClientPlayerWeaponFire and check for the interior there.
  19. Well sorry, I don't understand this. Server picks a player, and then this player gets slapped "by server"? Or do you want all players do be able to slap the chosen player? How is this helpful?
  20. Bonsai

    Help Please,

    You are doing a script? But to solve your problem just check the admin resource and see how the search is done there.
  21. What this has to do with exports? If I understood this right, you want to trigger a server/client event. But still, it looks kinda wierd, First of all you used triggerServerEvent wrong. There is no "sendTo" argument, since its send to the server. Actually this should output an error so you should have seen this on yourself. But I guess you want to trigger a client event anyway since your virus player is chosen on server. At client you don't need to check if its the localPlayer, at least if you use sendTo argument correctly.
  22. Whats MTA SE? Make sure its the right format. Compare a working meta to this one. UTF.. something might be wrong. At least I remember this problem from old MTA Race.
  23. Yeah, I don't think he is that stupid since he also made a topic in scripting section. It just looks a little bit weird like why was a new account necessary to post this.
  24. Bonsai

    1.4 Beta Release

    It appears that MTA is kinda dead, at least everything related to development. It would be nice if the remaining team could focus on some final version that has as many bugs fixed and as many planned feautures included as possible. I think this is a better solution than waiting for new versions forever, talking about that ridiculous roadmap.
  25. If you do it by dx functions, there is some postGUI argument. So you can decide if it hides the chat or not.
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