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Everything posted by Bonsai

  1. Hmmm. function abc(playerWhoUsedTheCommand, CommandName, arguments...) end addCommandHandler("abc", abc)
  2. What is theVehicle anyway? Its the player who used the command, if you use a command Handler.
  3. Bonsai

    Convert number

    Actually floor, as the names says already, rounds down. Ceil, again as the name says, rounds up.
  4. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/AddPedClothes
  5. I would say, you should hit the wiki to check how a command Handler works + which arguments getElementRotation needs.
  6. You didn't even manage to detect a colshape hit Keep in mind you can't unload a script file that easy, except with restarting the resource.
  7. isChatVisible has become a function in 1.4 That wiki example is kinda outdated now.
  8. Use "if peds <= 90", since it might never be at exactly 90.
  9. Bonsai

    MTA 1.4

    Even though I haven't noticed anything like this, maybe its related to the /restart command. Try to use /stop and then /start it again.
  10. Visible for whole resource: ddd = true Visible for script file only: local ddd = true (unless its inside of a function, if statement etc.) Basically, "local" makes a variable be only visible and therefore existing within the scope it was defined in.
  11. Oh well yeah, the colshape that you are creating gotta have that name. Else you could also use root and check if source == your colshape in that function.
  12. To both of you, the wiki is a powerful tool. That script doesn't check for the element type. It doesn't check if "occupied" is false or actually a car. Also I don't get the need of this "no-damage" thing. addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", colshape, function(hitElement) if not hitElement then return end if getElementType(hitElement) == "player" then hitElement = getPedOccupiedVehicle(hitElement) elseif getElementType(hitElement) ~= "vehicle" then return end end setElementVelocity(hitElement, 0, 0, 0) --maybe? Not sure what you want, try it out. Not sure if working with peds either. end ) Not tested.
  13. Haven't expierened that kinda problem. Didn't focus much on modern maps anyway, so maybe there is a problem with loading them. But ff not even the map I incluced works, then you screwed something up. Else, you may fix it
  14. Bonsai

    Mega9 Scripts

    Wow, actually someone who is not selling stolen scripts! Thats new!
  15. Put some debug message like "outputChatBox(getElementType(hitElement)) to see how far it actually gets. Also, that one output is done to root Element, guess its supposed to be for hitElement only
  16. Why do you even suggest things if you have obviously no idea.
  17. Indeed. Turned out the problem was server-side/client-side commands.
  18. Hey there, it seems that I cannot use executeCommandHandler to execute a command that was added by a different resource, is that true? I want to make my custom chatbox work with commands, but only commands added by that resource work. Is there some other way to do so? Bonsai EDIT: Nevermind, I found the problem. It does work
  19. This 800x600 discussion is interesting. For some reason, there are many players out there using this resolution. Even for an older game as GTA SA thats just too low. So, if people still using this in 2014, its totally their fault if that affects them in a negative way.
  20. Bonsai


    Maybe some more information, debug log etc.? You can't just throw your stuff at us and wait until someone fixes it.
  21. Bonsai


    Why not? There is no easier way to find out how things work.
  22. Well I guess some time outs aren't that special for MTA.
  23. Put some debug message, to see if you actually reach the line where it changes the visibility.
  24. Bonsai


    Afaik, there are resources for this already. So why create your own, especially because its more like you let others create it for you
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