I don't "hate" you, but when I see something pathetic as giving feedback to your own resource, then I just can't resist replying.
By the way, no offense right, but your excuse is even more pathetic.
Yes, that should do the job.
By the way, remove "p" from the table, and then change:
local text, _, r, g, b, hex = unpack ( messages [ n ] )
local text, r, g, b, hex = unpack ( messages [ n ] )
You didn't specify to which player the message has to be sent to:
local text, _, r, g, b, hex = unpack ( messages [ n ] )
outputChatBox ( tostring ( text ), source, r, g, b, hex )
By the way, what is "p" in that table?
Well, because that makes no sense, you are trying to destroy numbers...
If what you want is to remove the values from the table, then use table.remove.
Obvio, ya que tenes dos sistemas de guardado de armas, lo unico que tenes que hacer, es quitar uno, te diria que le quites el que tiene el recurso de hospitales.
Supongo que vos ya tenias un script que guardaba las armas del jugador, y este script que descargaste tiene tambien esto, por lo que que hace que las armas se dupliquen.
To check if the player is currently in a vehicle, use isPedInVehicle, and to destroy the previously spawned vehicle, you would need to create a table and store the vehicles there.
Split the cost, if it has a decimal ( a dot ), take the first value of the splitted cost as the money to take, and the second as the coins.
local cost = 3.25
local splittedCost = split ( tostring ( cost ), "." )
if ( splittedCost ) then
outputChatBox ( tostring ( splittedCost [ 1 ] ) )
outputChatBox ( tostring ( splittedCost [ 2 ] ) )