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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. You need to make a ban appeal on the forum of the server you got banned from. Edit: If it's a global MTA ban, then I guess you'll have to wait the 12 days.
  2. What do you mean? how do you want to get them? with a script? if so, then that's not possible.
  3. https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ils&id=202
  4. I'm not sure if I understand, what is the real problem? you don't have the LOD model of the building you removed or it's not removing it?
  5. The community is in no way connected to any of the servers.
  6. triggerClientEvent("otworzgui",pl) There's your problem, you need to specify the "sendTo" argument before the event name, like this: triggerClientEvent ( pl, "otworzgui", pl )
  7. I guess that your triggerClientEvent is being triggered to everyone, rather than the player who just logged. If you don't post the code, we can't help you.
  8. Castillo


    You mean that both getElementModel and getElementHealth are returning the wrong values?
  9. Yes, the community seems to be temporarily down, just wait until it gets sorted out.
  10. outputDebugString(resultado[1].nombre) Ahi esta tu problema, solo estas enviando al debug el primer resultado. Cambialo por: outputDebugString ( tostring ( v.nombre ) )
  11. Use the event: onPlayerJoin And the function: getPlayerName
  12. How exactly is this: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ils&id=109 resource different to yours on how it works? the only difference I can see is that it has more bomb trigger choices, but the mechanism is pretty much the same.
  13. Isn't this quite useless? since with the new browser functions being added to MTA 1.5, we'll be able to play videos like you are doing here.
  14. Eso es porque el primer argumento de "onPlayerWasted" es la cantidad de municion. Cambia esta linea: function ( attacker ) A esta: function ( _, attacker )
  15. Y los errores cuales son...?
  16. Try using google once in a while. You aren't even telling us which programming language is your program made on.
  17. Do you even listen to yourself? you claim to be a experienced programmer, yet, you are unable to use MySQL/SQL/XML/whatever.
  18. Quit the offtopic, will you? And yes, it it's totally possible to make a gridlist without lag.
  19. What do you mean by that? because it makes absolutely no sense in my head.
  20. Having a timer for each player is a terrible idea, worst if it's server-side, timers are terrible when it comes to performance. If I were you, I would use a single timer to update everyone's online time.
  21. It's a window, why would it have a gridlist and/or a scrollbar?
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