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Everything posted by Blokker_1999

  1. our officialm channel is located #gta3mta on quakenet
  2. they started a closed beta test on the 21st, but i think they found a lot of problems.
  3. The problem isn't with R*, it is the local and international law. U guys say it is simple : set up donations, but e.g. in Belgium every donation above €25 can be deducted from taxes. Q1 : how thas that work, and how about ppl from other countries. Which bank account should be used and does it have to be on the name of an organisation or not? U say it is easy, it is not!
  4. Most ppl don't understand blue screens, it is better and more easy for them if the pc just restarts
  5. we are looking into the legal side of it
  6. we prolly won't change it for 0.3. But it is a good start for the next version
  7. i'm gonna be the first to release a 0.3 movie
  8. hardware error. in stead of giving the bluescreen of death, win2000 ans XP restart automaticly
  9. i keep on building. I started a DED shell system so u don't have to look at the dosbox to c what's happening check it out : http://www.multitheftauto.com/images/dedgui2.jpg
  10. Someone released an MTA 0.3b look-a-like. It is 100% fake it looks real, but it isn't beleive me. Why not? *The text in the text areas for ip and nick should be centered *u can't connect to the servers that are displayed in ASE *IJs asked me to build an about box, haven't started yet, been busy on something else *there is a send butten in the chat area, we didn't build it, just return will do like in IRC *Between the chatbox and the line u can write, it chould be black *The buttons are in the wrong style i do have to say, who ever did this was very fast. The design was released this afternoon on our forum as the new design for MTA0.3b
  11. This is what mta 0.3b will prolly look like. We removed a lot from the previous one because wo use dedicated servers from now on. I'm also working on a ded. server config utility which will look something like: This is not final, i'm still working on it It will still change something
  12. Now that we have a dedicated server, we needed a new GUI. our creative minds came up with this:
  13. We can not set up a donation system due to legal issues
  14. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/0 ... ad&tid=127
  15. We can not give u the mod because it doesn't excist yet. We have a testversion with lots of bgs and u wont want that
  16. that would be nice, but very difficult i think
  17. tnx for all the gr8 response. It's my first movie ever . once i receive a testversion which allows us to play over the net, i'll make a new movie
  18. A made a small movie which shows our actors that we are going to use. These actors will be the other online players! So we do work guys download it here (and if u can mirror, be my guest ) http://users.pandora.be/mta/mta0.3binprogress2.avi Mirror thanks to RISO: Hosted @ http://www.chrisbitz.com/ http://www.chrisbitz.com/stuff/mta0.3binprogress2.avi Mirror thanks to Delphino Hosted @ http://www.gamechexx.net/ http://www.gamechexx.net/downloads/mta0 ... gress2.avi
  19. yeah come on jeeze what the hell and Mr.Bill, your the most AWSOMEMEST GUY!! EVER!! I love ya (its not deleted.. so hahahahaha)
  20. delete this and i'll delete u ! my opinion : the best gaming platform is the pc because of the high res, gr8 colors and fast/upgradable processor and other components
  21. u don't need the savegame. if u start in portland it is easy to find. it is near the firehouse/gasstation or id u still don't know it, the garage where the fastest car in portland can be found
  22. if there are no further problems with the mod, it's gonna be out before the end of the month. We hope we can get the dedicated server to work as well
  23. actually, 0.1 was a modified version of the GTA3 admin console
  24. cable, Max speed i encountered = 1.11MB/s avarage of about 700kb/s on good servers
  25. the message is about yet another MP mod which is 9/10 a hoax
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