The windows 98 patch makes the client ignore run time error but only up on connecting to the server. RTE126 happens after the data has been send. This does not affect game play in any way.
When u start MTA in GTA3 u see the credits rolling. This has been designed as a waiting screen. Somehow pppl who connect to a server don't receive a game header. Here is where the send game request button come's in. All it does is send this header. It does not affect gameplay at all (lucky us) this was a problem we did not see during testing but lucky for us there was an easy solution. When u press the button you just resend the request. All that happens ingame is that ppl see the mage "Multitheftauto has begun"
The guys on the rooftop have a health of over 900 if i'm not mistaking. When they teleport to become a player the health level stays stuck on the same level, but the health for the player is only 100 so once ur health drops below 800 you are dead.
Damage to cars isn't visible, but it is there. Therefore in most cases (except for the glitches) you will not see a car on fire. If your car is upside down, u can be sure it is on fire. Stay in it and you will land on the rooftop again.