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  1. Hello, Effective immediately it's no longer possible to: - Report players to AC team - Appeal any global bans Please do not attempt to report players to MTA staff team, or appeal any bans. A) If you need to report a player, please contact admins on the server they are playing on. Server admins should pay the amount of attention that staff in other multiplayer games (with hosted servers) typically pay, and owners should be mindful of script security and scripted anti-cheat solutions to fill in some cracks that started to be created over the past few years, and continue to do so as a result of lowered manpower within the MTA AC team. B) Appealing bans is no longer needed as permanent bans have been removed last month, and any of the handful of cases not covered aren't meant to ever be appealed, without exception. Temporary bans were never meant to be appealed, although some staff member's intepretation of that (while redirecting users) has varied - if you got a temporary ban, wait for it to expire and surely you got a feeling of what not to do/not to run next time while MTA is opened, to avoid getting banned again. AC team is actively monitoring the reliability & integrity of standard detections that may lead to temporary bans, that's one of the things its manpower still allows it to do, so you can see why we're confident to go this route - any leakage of appeals in places they don't belong/users contacting MTA about their bans anyways, our experience has learned is 99.9% users that know why they got banned but won't accept it and are persistent.. as before, all such inquiries won't lead anywhere, but especially now we said "No appeals anymore" there will be zero interaction and certain behaviors may also lead to removal from the respective platforms where inquiries are made in a persistent or disruptive fashion. We don't want to come across as rude, but there was simply too much spam and people not accepting no for an answer. Finally, regarding cheaters - the level of sophistication that our AC has reached due to years of playing a cat mouse game with cheaters, is a hugely raised border for cheats to be made and will continue to do so (as methods that were used in the past were patched as per the spoilered text in this topic, so they can't be re-used). However, with the loss of dedicated AC developers within AC team, comes that we can no longer keep up as before, this situation has existed for the past 2 years so as of this post nothing is abruptly changing, it's just the point of admitting we won't be tryharding as much as in the past to be known as totally cheater-free game, a reputation we held for long. If you look around in the gaming industry, you'll see that we held up pretty well in comparison, but the cheating industry (due to toxicity demand) has also hardened, and after 20 years we are low on manpower which is fully understandable. We will continue to bring AC improvements and get rid of emerging cheats and cheaters, but at our own pace, without external pressure or too high community expectations, from now on everything is on a best-effort basis and the point is that there may be periods during which we can't make any waves due to manpower constricts. You can see that this topic intends to lower your expectations and respect the amount of free time we (as volunteers) are able to invest, and get off our backs for things being different compared to some years ago. We're also OK to restrict ban appeals and player reports so we can delegate all of the manpower that's left on our new strategy, breaking cheats (patching them) and just preventing them from working to begin with, instead of permanently banning cheat users and having to deal with them "regretting" in ban appeals. We are also OK to restrict reporting cheaters as our focus shifts to breaking the cheats, and to get the required information to break one, we have our own methods and channels so much that we don't need any sort of reports. Due to the state of anticheat and heuristics, we always have a good picture of abnormalities and what cheats are doing, so the main limiting factor is manpower to get to work with what we have & know. Enjoy the game, and remember that player desires make the market for servers - so if you see too many cheaters, ask server owners to invest their time in training server admins to be on the lookout for cheaters and ban them, script protection/alert systems, and after all, have some peace of mind because cheating in MTA will always be a raised border and still won't be as common as in directly competing projects. // Note: using the bug bounty program for security bugs remains possible, end user security will always be among MTA team's top priorities. The program has been frozen for cheats, though, and documentation will soon reflect that.
    2 points
  2. Welcome to The Fade2Black Communtiy soon Hello everyone, I'm Shady(Eren) I want to introduce you a new game mode,In this game mode, the GTA:SA map was completely removed and we made a new map instead. Before I talk about the features of the server, I would like to explain our purpose. I got support from many people before making these systems and thanks to their help I got a good system so I have to thank them. As F2B managers, we are growing our staff. What is DayZ: it is a survival game mode, you can find loot in front of houses or in front of ruins and loot them,When you improve yourself, you can fight with other players or zombies and survive,You have to create your own team, your own group, because DayZ is a very difficult game... Contributors : Burak2346 Arfelious Nebla Server features : Airdrop : (Once you have Road Flare loot, use the loot and it will airdrop to your area) BaseBuild : (you should get a lot of loot and you can make a few objects) Craft : (You can make weapons with unnecessary loot and strengthen yourself.) Levels : (When you kill players or zombies you will gain experience points, then your Level will increase. You will have different loot for each Level) Shop : (You can buy a new market panel a lot of loot and gift it to your friends.) NPC : (There are NPCs in designated areas, when you go to these NPCs, they will give you tasks and you will earn gifts in return.) For more information, you can join our Discord page. : Discord https://discord.gg/DeK2yS44PM As the Fade2Black team, I would like to share the images of the new maps with you,After the server is active, we will share in-server screenshots... Server Mods ready : %98 Server Map ready : %100 Server tested : %50
    1 point
  3. mod_downloader is a system that allows your players to control which replacement mods (skins, vehicles, objects/weapons) they want to download and use: Highly customizable Translatable Robust Optimized Up to date The following features are available: Resource settings to control everything Minimalistic CEGUI panel Alternative DGS panel (optional) Permissions system (per mod and to use the GUI) Teleportation system with GUI (example/demo) This resource is intended for servers that want to give players the choice of which server replacement mods they can use (e.g. Freeroam/RPG/Drift/Racing servers). It supports model files encrypted with NandoCrypt so no-one can steal your mods. GitHub Repo (Download): https://github.com/Fernando-A-Rocha/mta-mod-downloader#readme (Documentation here) Screenshots: https://github.com/Fernando-A-Rocha/mta-mod-downloader#screenshots Community Page (Download): https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=18799 For support/questions please access my main thread: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/139644-rel-nandos-resources/ I hope you enjoy!
    1 point
  4. New v1.1.0 release! Full changelog here. It features the ability to have all mods in a category be grouped so they can be only activated/deactivated together + GUI updates + demo TP script update.
    1 point
  5. Maybe this has something to do with non-power-of-2 dimensions? If so, then 16x16 or 32x32 would give a better result than 20x20. I don't see an obvious reason why it would be like that, since if it can properly load the data coming from a file, it should be able to load the same data coming from a string. But it all depends on what's happening inside dxCreateTexture. I guess there might be some indirection involved, like drawing the texture to a buffer and then reading it to produce the final texture, which could degrade the quality for non-power-of-2 textures.
    1 point
  6. To take away some confusion, understand that the changes being announced here are mostly focussed on cutting out the 'community front' of AC team operations, so that we can optimize limited manpower and rebalance expectations for our users to accept there will be periods we can't make waves, if you were able to move yourself into our perspective on how people always want everything solved, fixed, sorted out immediately on their whim, and how persistent they are in that (and in most cases bring something misconceived/invalid, after which they can't even be convinced otherwise or that would take from our time disproportionally), you'd be straight out scared and quickly stressed out. OP was clarified by adding in this segment 1 day after the topic was made: We will continue to bring AC improvements and get rid of emerging cheats and cheaters, but at our own pace, without external pressure or too high community expectations, from now on everything is on a best-effort basis and the point is that there may be periods during which we can't make any waves due to manpower constricts. You can see that this topic intends to lower your expectations and respect the amount of free time we (as volunteers) are able to invest, and get off our backs for things being different compared to some years ago. We're also OK to restrict ban appeals and player reports so we can delegate all of the manpower that's left on our new strategy, breaking cheats (patching them) and just preventing them from working to begin with, instead of permanently banning cheat users and having to deal with them "regretting" in ban appeals. We are also OK to restrict reporting cheaters as our focus shifts to breaking the cheats, and to get the required information to break one, we have our own methods and channels so much that we don't need any sort of reports. Due to the state of anticheat and heuristics, we always have a good picture of abnormalities and what cheats are doing, so the main limiting factor is manpower to get to work with what we have & know. After all, cheating on MTA will not be left alone, and AC team will disrupt it and raise the border even more whenever manpower allows it to do so. Cheaters should realize that their fun may come to an end at any unexpected moment, and that if they're too used to being able to cheat, they will be very upset to have to adapt to playing normally for as long it takes the cheat devs to catch back up to us again.
    1 point
  7. Olá, seja bem vindo! Movi seu tópico para a seção em Português do fórum, lembre-se de sempre escrever em Inglês ao postar fora desta seção.
    1 point
  8. Substitua essa linha: if isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then Por essa: if getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) then
    1 point
  9. local coef = 0.01 function test(weapon, ammo, ammoInClip, hitX, hitY, hitZ, hitElement, startX, startY, startZ) if source ~= localPlayer then return end setCameraTarget(hitX, hitY, hitZ + coef) local rot = 360- getPedCameraRotation(localPlayer) setPedCameraRotation ( localPlayer, rot + 0.5 ) end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", root, test) Try this, its not neat, there is some math to do but its a start
    1 point
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