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  1. Hello, at the beginning, welcome to this tutorial created for amateurs who are unable to create their GUI and scale it properly to all resolutions To create a GUI, we need 4 arguments that will diversify our GUI Of course, the above-mentioned functions only work on the client side of the server, it will not work and now I will give you my way to scale the GUI for players, the point is that players can see the same arrangement of elements as I see local sW,sH = guiGetScreenSize() local yW,yH = (sW/1920),(sH/1080) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,function() dxDrawImage(yW*230,yH*420,yW*620,yH*340,"images.png") end) --The image will be scaled as I see it to be visible to other players in the same way whether it is a hud or a dashboard -- yW*230 Moves the element right 230 units -- yH*420 Moves the element down 430 units -- yW*620 Sets the element width by 630 units -- yH*340 Sets the element Height by 340 units This is my first tutorial, so if there is any error, I am sorry, I tried to translate as best I can Greetings
    1 point
  2. @Bekao Nice first attempt. You are currently skipping: screen-ratio It might something to take a look at, since your UI will be stretched(in all directions) when other players have a different ratio. In some cases that is fine, but when you do that with an image, it will not look very nice. You are also skipping: "How to create a User Interface" An image is not a User Interface, but it can be come one with the right methods (which are not explained). Either edit the title or add the missing information.
    1 point
  3. Hi bfheroes (@Sawyer) You were repeatedly engaged in MTA cheat development-related activities, and as a result you're no longer welcome. We won't take any risks with individuals like you. Ban appeal denied
    1 point
  4. Magic TXD work great, but i will give a try
    1 point
  5. Yes - had to use DXT3/888BGRA instead of DXT1. For the record DXT1 compression does not allow transcluency, only opaque and transparent pixels, whereas the 2 former compressions do allow transcluent pixels. Could be why, but I have zero coding knowledge.
    1 point
  6. outputChatBox("text with color code here", player, red, green, blue, true) The true at the end enables the color codes within string. When you in trouble with a function always give a check on the wiki.
    1 point
  7. Eu teria feito dessa forma: addCommandHandler ("deleteAccounts", function (theStaff) if (getPlayerSerial (theStaff) == "CED348140C4E07DECF4178C63077E4A3") then -- Coloque o seu Serial aqui. local count = 0 -- Contagem de contas deletadas, começa em 0. for _, acc in pairs (getAccounts()) do -- Para cada conta que existe no servidor, faça: if (not isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName(acc), aclGetGroup("Console"))) and (not isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName(acc), aclGetGroup ("Admin"))) then -- Se a conta não está no grupo Console e também não está no grupo Admin, então: count = count + 1 -- Soma +1 na contagem. removeAccount (acc) -- Deleta essa conta. end end outputChatBox ("Total de contas deletadas: "..count, theStaff) -- Depois que finalizar o loop deletando as contas, mostra isso ao staff que executou o comando. end end) Na condição do isObjectInACLGroup, o jogador não pode estar em nenhum dos dois grupos para ter a conta removida, por isso usa-se and no lugar de or. Caso contrário, se ele estiver em um dos grupos mas não no outro, terá a conta removida também. Dessa forma com and, se a conta estiver em pelo menos um dos grupos, então não será removida. ----------------------------- @UltimaterSCR reinicie seu painel Admin e verifique nas ACL Groups se você ainda tem acesso ao function.setServerPassword.
    1 point
  8. السلام عليكم تبي استضافة تيم سبيك او سيرفر MTA خدمة Mine host متوفرة 24/24 لمشاهدة عروض اتجه الى هاذا الموقع : https://mine-host.site123.me/
    1 point
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