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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/17 in all areas

  1. No, 100 000€ is the correct amount. If you don't want to pay this small fee, you're welcome to read this page: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/How_you_can_help
    4 points
  2. They placed a discount for the entire month, so by June 1st you can get it for 50,000$.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. You need to pay 50,000$ and you're in.
    2 points
  5. Hello I would like to propose an idea. My idea is that MTA's full source code gets documented on Wiki. It might be a hard job to document everything, but there's no rush, it could go little by little until someday the whole source code is explained on wiki. Also there could be an introduction page where is explained how to compile mta by yourself, and how to do your first function, and so on (Similar how scripting introduction page explains Lua scripting) The reason why I'm proposing this idea is because contributing to MTA's codebase seems a bit too hard, and not very explained in my opinion, especially for the newer people who'd like to contribute. Simply put, even by reading source code itself, sometimes we don't know what something does even if it's commented in the code. I think that by achieving this idea we could get people into easier understanding how everything works and how to contribute since everything would be explained on Wiki. This would equal more pull requests,bigger and faster progress, and perhaps some more developers in mta team haha. P.S Writing everything on Wiki might take a long time, but throughout say a year I think it could be fully documented (It wouldn't be just 1 guy writing wiki pages, anyone who knows the functions and how they operate could help out by writing a wiki page, hell I'd even help out make the pages, a dev would just need to explain to me how a function works and I'd make the page if they don't have time do so) Thank you for reading, please tell me what you think of this
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Well I'm using fetchRemote in four scripts. all four of them are being used constantly. In a login panel, radio script, avatars system and a bot So once the server reaches around 5 players (Now all three scripts are probably being used) the fetchRemote function starts to have a huge delay. the more it is being used the more this delay becomes bigger. And it is not like in seconds. sometimes you have to wait a good minute or even more for you request to be proceed
    1 point
  8. I did not pay attention so I'm sorry .. ! @#_iMr.[E]coo
    1 point
  9. ترا هذا الي قصدته انا وزاحف لكن مشكلتك ماركزت بالكلام
    1 point
  10. local aGroup = { 'Console' , 'HeahAdmin' } local komutkontrol = {} function antikomutspam() for _ , group in ipairs ( aGroup ) do if ( isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ), aclGetGroup ( group ) ) ) then return end end if (not komutkontrol[source]) then komutkontrol[source] = 1 elseif (komutkontrol[source] == 5) then outputChatBox("#ff0000" ..getPlayerName(source).. " سبام ممنوع! ",root,0,0,0,true) kickPlayer(source,"Sopt Spam !!") else komutkontrol[source] = komutkontrol[source] + 1 end end addEventHandler("onPlayerCommand", root, antikomutspam) setTimer(function() komutkontrol = {} end, 1000, 0)
    1 point
  11. Yes, it'll work if CT value is goodly a team created in the same resource
    1 point
  12. بالتوفيق لك وانا قرت اني اسوي لكم ازيرا 2018 بكرا تشوفونها جدخ
    1 point
  13. Often when you exit the cinema by door marker, you get a red box in top of screen saying You dont have permission to do this or smth, assuming it's trying to stop the video in incorrect way by that as when I re-enter cinema, the old video is still playing while the cinema was emptied. Error seems only to happen when I exit while no one else is in cinema, so the bug was introduced with your recent update that empty cinema meant video auto-stops. Also the bug of video that keeps playing in background when you're somewhere else in SA, long gone from cinema (you know because audio keeps playing only) is still present
    1 point
  14. I must say I +1 this, on SA-MP there are a :~ ton of popular trucking servers and I personally believe there would be on MTA:SA (which would possibly transfer even more people from SA-MP to MTA:SA) as well with even better features but the main issue is that a trucking server would not really work on MTA:SA that well mainly cause of the terrible trailer sync.
    1 point
  15. If you go to Liberty City and this what happens: http://imgur.com/a/69LJO http://imgur.com/a/DCunp http://imgur.com/a/0Ikem http://imgur.com/a/be7hr http://imgur.com/LVvLSqw http://imgur.com/a/8MB2G 1 Room is Invisible, some of Objects are not Invisible.
    1 point
  16. Tente isto (não testei): function closeDoor(player,colshape) local data = DoorsTable[colshape] if data == nil then return end if getElementData(data["door"],"object.moved") == "moved" then if moveObject(data["door"],2000,data.pos.x,data.pos.y,data.pos.z,0,0,-90) then outputChatBox("Porta fechada com sucesso") end setElementRotation(data["door"],data.rot.x,data.rot.y,data.rot.z - -90) -- checar isso -- ^ A rotação já é definida em moveObject, e menos com menos vai ser uma adição na rotZ setElementData(data["door"],"object.moved","notmoved") end end function toggleDoorOpen(player, key, keyState, colshape) if not isElementWithinColShape( player, colshape ) then return end; --[[ A bind só vai funcionar se tiver dentro do colshape, se quiser desativar só remover essa linha ]] local data = DoorsTable[colshape] if data == nil then return end local rx,ry,rz=getElementRotation(data["door"]) -- se não for usar isso pode remover local doorState = getElementData(data["door"], "object.moved") if doorState and doorState == "moved" and (getElementData(player,"gang") == data["camp"] or data.camp == "false" or not data["camp"]) then closeDoor( player, colshape ) outputChatBox("fechando") return end if doorState and doorState == "notmoved" and (getElementData(player,"gang") == data["camp"] or data.camp == "false" or not data["camp"]) then moveObject(data["door"],2000,data.pos.x,data.pos.y,data.pos.z,0,0,90) setElementData(data["door"],"object.moved","moved") outputChatBox("abrindo porta") end end function bind(hitPlayer, matchingDimension) if getElementType(hitPlayer) == "player" then if type(getElementData( DoorsTable[source]["door"], "object.moved" )) ~= "string" then setElementData( DoorsTable[source]["door"], "object.moved", "notmoved" ) end if isKeyBound( hitPlayer, ",", "down", toggleDoorOpen ) ~= true then bindKey(hitPlayer, ",", "down", toggleDoorOpen, source) end outputChatBox("onColShapeHit add bind") end end addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", resourceRoot, bind) Preste atenção nos comentários que deixei no código.
    1 point
  17. The script is my own, and you was right, it was a cancelevent - But is was called in my interior script, I have no idea why I had placed it at the first place. Might have been a test to see some other function Thanks for the help, Im quite sure I never would had thought about a simple cancelevent
    1 point
  18. من أين جائت هذه الكلمة
    1 point
  19. Un proiect interesant, îți urez succes.
    1 point
  20. بأذن الله نطمح نكون من اكبر الاستضافات , وبالتوفيق للجميع
    1 point
  21. Good to hear that there is already pretty enough documentation to get started. I've checked the source code for a bit, and found out like I thought that there are lots of files e.g related to animations, but you can't really guess which one does what just from looking at names, you need to take a look on the code as well to get more into it. It would be cool though if at least some important files which are big or are constantly used if they at least could be documented on Wiki since there are thousands of files back there. If someone did a little youtube series on coding for MTA that might even be easier than writing all those Wiki pages haha. Definitely. Youtube came to my mind as I was writing this post, it might be even easier to do than create/code all those Wiki images. Some dev(s) when they get time could record at least basic stuff, how to compile, how to make your own Lua function in C++, and so on, it doesn't need to go into huge detail or series, but at least the basics, if the dev who records the videos wants to make more videos that's even better since people will more easily understand how stuff works. This youtube idea is like when you want to learn a new language and you start watching tutorials on that language, basically like that. I know my idea might be or sound exhausting but I just think that if this idea was partially or fully did one day, that in the future it would help out people who would like to contribute to MTA, and that is what I would like to see, more contributors, even I would like to learn how to contribute but it's a bit hard to start as I mentioned earlier Thank you for replying to my topic, if you want to say anything more related to this topic, feel free to do so as I'm interested what you guys back at MTA Team think of this
    1 point
  22. ماشاء الله تبارك الله اسسسستمر ع وضعكمم ذهه وحدكم شهر شهرين نشوفكم بين الاسستضضافات الكبيرةة بالتوفيق ............ #
    1 point
  23. لا , قالي الصاحب انه اشتراه من cloud ways بحوالي 200 ريال ,
    1 point
  24. You could have googled that by yourself and you would find out the answer in just a few minutes without the need to create a topic and having to wait for 17 hours for someone to reply to it
    1 point
  25. January update is finally here, read all about it in our forum post: https://forum.99stack.com/d/81-new-plans-and-locations-available News summary 14 new VPS configurations available in 12 new locations New data centers available in Canada, Singapore, India IPv6 and private networking is now free 50% off on dedicated DDoS protection All prices are now viewed as hourly
    1 point
  26. ValidateURL This function validates the URL هذه الوظيفة تقوم بالتحقق من صحة الرابط Code function ValidateURL(s) return s:match("[A-Za-z0-9%.%%%+%-]+://[A-Za-z0-9%.%%%+%-]+%.[A-Za-z0-9%.%%%+%-]+%.%w%w%w?%w?") end Example : print(ValidateURL("https://www.google.com")) Returns : Returns url string if url correct, nil if invalid url were passed.
    1 point
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