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A quick note to gangs


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F**K - i spend about 10 minutes explaining myself on this, then the stupid forum asked me to relogin, and i lost the post =(

im not writing it all again, but in short, those bracketed bits are jokes which are pretty much meant to contradict. The jokes are relevant to regulars

The 50 posts rule is gone so that we can get some activity in here

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  Dealer said:
:!: So because people dont post on the forums they are "noobs" ?? i read these forums everyday, but usually the threads end up stupid and therefore i dont dignify them with a response..... do this make me a noob ??

I have posted maybe 4 times, and yes i have a clan, and if u dont like it u can suck my dick !!

I have started making a homepage for the clan already ....

check it out http://securexit.co.uk :!:

you see, when you DO pst, you post retarded thing and walways with that FUCKING SITE thats why your a n00b here.

and if people DO check the formu but dont post well thats not our fault, the 50- posts rule wess for activity AND the fact that igf peopel with 1 fucking posts start up a gang no one is going to have the slittest clue on who the fuck this guy is and wont join his gang HENCE 50 posts seemed reasonable people know you and maybe theyll join yuor fucking gang THATS WHY THERE WAS THEDAMN RULE YOU PEACE OF SHIT and if I ever, EVER see that url agfain on a fucking post I swear to god its gone and your going to get SUCH a fucking flamming!

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  Mr.Bill said:
you see, when you DO pst, you post retarded thing and walways with that FUCKING SITE thats why your a n00b here.

and if people DO check the formu but dont post well thats not our fault, the 50- posts rule wess for activity AND the fact that igf peopel with 1 fucking posts start up a gang no one is going to have the slittest clue on who the fuck this guy is and wont join his gang HENCE 50 posts seemed reasonable people know you and maybe theyll join yuor fucking gang THATS WHY THERE WAS THEDAMN RULE YOU PEACE OF SHIT and if I ever, EVER see that url agfain on a fucking post I swear to god its gone and your going to get SUCH a fucking flamming!

What a wonderful discussion :roll:

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Well i dunno if 48 hours has passed, But im glad the 50 post rule has gone, And to be honest i dont know why it was there except for the reason of keeping your forum clean, u shud have let people make thier own mistakes. But thanx without all ur abuse i wasnt able to make the clan i have 2day. There are alot more clans playing MTA than u realise, they just do not show themselves on these forums, not making them noobs or experienced players or it doesnt show thier interest in the game but it definetly doesnt mean they are nobody's, i wud say the majority of ppl playin MTA have never posted on this forum. Forums are usually there to help people and to keep people up to date, I have formed clans before and never had to even look at a forum, For people who dont need help and that are happy playing the game why shud they use the forum ? And as for all my posting in the previous messages etc.... i had wot 4 posts when starting the clan ??? nobody knew me , And MrBill Hated me, but looks like it paid off eh ? See our member list Here

and im sure u all know our site............. :twisted:

Time for this Thread to be closed perhaps ???

Bring the 50post rule back im 1 away :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking at the requirements here, I could start up a Street Racers clan without needed to make a website for it?

That would be most conveniant as I don't have the skills to makea dynamic page from scratch and don't have the time to arrange a forum or a sub-section on a clan database site. Is it OK if we run a clan which uses a hack to disable the anti-modified checks? Just that R* handling has irritatingly high levels of grip whilst my Handling Overhaul has realistic levels and is a hell of a lot more callenging because of it.

Well, I'll hold off starting it up for now until I get it a little more sorted in my head...and get an answer about the modified issue. :wink:

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  Ratez said:
the 50 post rules makes people spam more..

As you've demonstrated most aptly there. :roll:

Well, I'm going to make my gang and see how it goes. I won't link to the MTA:VC hack thing from this forum because you guys prolly wouldn't be too happy about that. So they'll have to leech it off each other over MSN instead.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Ratez said:
the 50 post rules makes people spam more..

lol look at blasta, u have to be a good spammer to get into thier gang, so i dont really think it makes a diff :wink:

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...
  SM Gulag said:
Really though what does it matter if you are a forum Newb. That doesn't carry over to the gaming aspect of MTA. I'm just as good as anyone else. Ohh well, you guys can run your forum anyway you want, but don't persecute newb accounts, it's not polite. :cry:


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  ShortsMan said:
  SM Gulag said:
Really though what does it matter if you are a forum Newb. That doesn't carry over to the gaming aspect of MTA. I'm just as good as anyone else. Ohh well, you guys can run your forum anyway you want, but don't persecute newb accounts, it's not polite. :cry:



sheesh, so much 4 a quick note

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