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Should be tonight or Tommorow.

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Well, they said it themselves (mods, devs)

MTA0.3b was to be released within the next 7 days, well this was announced tuesday May 20th. Tonight is the 26th.

Just wondering if the MTA crew is still on schedule with the release of 0.3b?

Good work btw MTA crew. :D

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Well, they said it themselves (mods, devs)

MTA0.3b was to be released within the next 7 days, well this was announced tuesday May 20th. Tonight is the 26th.

Just wondering if the MTA crew is still on schedule with the release of 0.3b?

Good work btw MTA crew. :D

i hope so
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um, yes we will get all shitty. everyone is waiting on this "within 7 days" and if you can't come through we'll be off to find someone else to do the dirty work.

based on your video, it looks perfectly acceptable for release. everyone knows it is alpha (version 0.3) so if it has bugs - boo hoo. we will get over it. just give us SOMETHING to play with to make us happy.

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um, yes we will get all shitty. everyone is waiting on this "within 7 days" and if you can't come through we'll be off to find someone else to do the dirty work.

based on your video, it looks perfectly acceptable for release. everyone knows it is alpha (version 0.3) so if it has bugs - boo hoo. we will get over it. just give us SOMETHING to play with to make us happy.

You can't get over a bug that doesn't allow you to play. Bugs make no one happy

I hope they release it very soon! The past month or so as gone extremely slow. Thanks!

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We hope to release it within 7 days.

Read the bold word there people, HOPE! This doesn't mean it will be released within 7 days (from the 20th May) but that the MTA Team hope to release it within 7 days (from the 20th May).

All of these are guesstimates.

The above quotes mean there is no schedule release date.

Please dont get all shitty if 0.3b is not released on time :twisted:

I hope everyone doesn't go shitty or its going to be havoc on the forums, another forum lock down will happen or even worse!

So please don't go shitty :)

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Really guys.. give IJsVogel Kent and Blokker some slack.. they will release it when it's ready, their most probably cleaning it up for the release so it's in a neat little package.. give them some time..

Anyways.. you cant expect them to work on MTA 12 hours a day.. and VC came out.. i know afew of you's have been playing it.. let them have time to play it too... yeah...

Thats all i have to say.. :twisted:

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its alot better then over at GGM. its like a ghost town over there and ya don't know even if there is gonna be another version. be happy that they are giving us any info on what they are doin and thankful when they release it when its done. they can take their time, i mean there are some sweet games that just came out so make yourself busy. peace.

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well I got this really neat game call Rise of Nations that just came out on the 20th. its a RTS that is kinda like sim city. of coarse the ones you listed :P (been seenin some of what my buddy been doin in enter the matrix and it looks phat as hell!) Breed that is comming out looks kinda neat. I've got a whole bunch of games that i still have to play like Mafia, the Renegade campaign, Yuri's Revenge Campaigns, Freedom Force, and... well as you can see the list will go on and shows how much i like jumping from game to game(though VC on PS2 did hold my attention for about 3 months straight. man I love that game! :P ). but anyway, I got afew games that I can play that have the basic idea of what I want to do in GTAMTA(like HL, UT, UT2003, ESF, Renegade, Opera) so that is why i'm in no rush for them to get this done. wish that they would have taken the extra time to have been able to incorperate a few game modes. thats just my opinion.

Edited by Guest
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Hey guys! Don't get shitty if it isn't released tomorrow. This is why MTA team doesen't want to give any release dates and every release date asking topic will be locked. So now when they tell us something you go nuts :lol: .

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that is why i'm in no rush for them to get this done. wish that they would have taken the extra month to have been able to incorperate atleast a few game modes. thats just my opinion.

one thing at a time. are you going try and get them to incorporate a "Matrix world" in it next? they are working on 0.3 ... 0.3. they can add things into 0.4. they need to keep on track for 0.3 and not add 100 million things in. progressively building up to your "Matrix world" is a lot better than "we want everything in this thing now!"

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Yep Im kinda anoyed aswell... Actucaly im not, ive already uninstalles GTA3 about 2 months ago. Don't get me wrong, I will install it again when 0.3 comes out. It would of been nice to be able to release it today but what did you expect? I hope it gets released in the next month.

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all you lamerz out there stfu and behave yourselves :evil: ... itz not like your going to die if it gets delayed a few days, months or years even :x ... if i ticked off some you, then meet me online at RTCW:ET Demo and letz frag the hell out of each other :twisted: ...

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obviously vegetto you didn't read everything that i wrote cause i said that i was willing to wait how ever long for the FEW mods that they ORIGANIALY wanted to put in the game (like TDM, DM, and CTW) but cause babies cant wait the extra time we just gonna get a free mode or whatever( they said that there is gonna be no game modes :( ) all I really wanted for game modes was the team deathmatch, deathmath, CTW, and possibly that Speed mode (seems interesting) so don't be hate'in dawg. I'm just gonna sit back and watch all the Dragonball GT that I been downloading till MTA comes out.

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Release it with small bugs but release it!!!! i cant play ggm(my pc crashes) and MTA 0.2 is bullshitt. i want to get a working multiplayermod for GTA3 and maybe later GTA:VC ONLY!

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weres the mod?


oh well i guess u guys are doin more shit to it unless your planning on releasing it late but if u dont i dont care cause i already made my own and its better then .3b but i only give it out to my friends that live in my town well i didnt really make it i told a friend a bunch of shi and he made it for me and he just gave it to me a week later a week later people thats not long at all and u can passenger people and shoot out the car when your a passenger and everything else .3b can do but anyway im not here to talk about that im just here to say that if u dont release somthin good soon thats just wrong and u shouldn't do that alright so choo

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