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  MrBump said:
As I said elsewhere:
Then there are decisions to be made relating to balance, again due to VC not being created with multiplayer in mind the weapons have a vast differential in Damage per second and theres differing opinions in the team. I feel its best to leave the weapons standard and build the game design around it, others feel its best to tweak the damages, ranges and rate of fire to suit a pre-decided game style. Both have pros and cons and yet again the magic of Beta is we can try both in different versions then decide later which is better.

The same applies to GTA3

yes however....there are very few weapons in GTAIII to begin with, tell that to the foolish tweakers :evil:

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  Boss said:
Well, flamethrowers are supposed to cause damage on the adversary.. :roll: . Considering the lag in this version and how crashes can make you lose your money, I'd say it should only be buyable but for 2500 instead of 3000..

I think it should be way more, i can work up that money within a minute of going ingame...

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hmm i like the whole work-with-what-you-got idea, but then again it was never meant to be multiplayer, so if GTA has been changed for multiplayer I dont see why the weapons shouldnt be (if necessary). The balancing is fairly good at the moment, theres just some issues with certain weapons (gta3 and vc). Pretty much all the ones deathb listed on the last page.

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I believe that you can do just about whatever you want as long as you don't overdo one portion (shotguns, for instance).

And with carkilling, I watch my radar and do the jump if a car gets near. I think that most people know to jump, but when they don't and they die and get pissed and say "n00b carkiller," they are actually mad at THEMSELVES for not jumping or dodging it.

It's kind of like when you trip on a sidewalk that's a bit higher than the previous block of concrete. You get pissed off because YOU weren't paying attention and you stare back at the sidewalk like you aren't at fault.

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  d8cam said:
I believe that you can do just about whatever you want as long as you don't overdo one portion (shotguns, for instance).

And with carkilling, I watch my radar and do the jump if a car gets near. I think that most people know to jump, but when they don't and they die and get pissed and say "n00b carkiller," they are actually mad at THEMSELVES for not jumping or dodging it.

It's kind of like when you trip on a sidewalk that's a bit higher than the previous block of concrete. You get pissed off because YOU weren't paying attention and you stare back at the sidewalk like you aren't at fault.

yeah, but when you're fighting with someone, you don't watch the radar you know

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  d8cam said:
And with carkilling, I watch my radar and do the jump if a car gets near. I think that most people know to jump, but when they don't and they die and get pissed and say "n00b carkiller," they are actually mad at THEMSELVES for not jumping or dodging it..

Oye... The "Watch your back" argument for carkilling...

*** EDITED: Because apparently some people think the MTA community is too stupid / lazy to read a logical argument. Happy? ***

What you're offering is a lame excuse for poor gameplay. Bear in mind, I don't mind the occasional car kill, it's the chronic ones that really burn my ass. But anyway... Get back on Topic.. This article is about Flamethrowers and game balance ;)

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:arrow: Back to the topic.

Flamethrowers are ok to use as long as you don't abuse it. Try using other weapons too (Including me and shotgun users). People should be encouraged to use long range first and then short range. Maybe a solution to the strong flamethrower can be resolved.

1. Make the distance shorter - Same damage just shorter range.

2. Lower the damage to about 35 hp - People will have 3 chances to run away and attack than 2.

3. Talidan's idea - this IMO is the best solution. Remove it from spawning with it and just make it ammunation or mission available only. Same if they put the M16in the game. This should be a must for 0.5.1

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  Loendal said:
  d8cam said:
And with carkilling, I watch my radar and do the jump if a car gets near. I think that most people know to jump, but when they don't and they die and get pissed and say "n00b carkiller," they are actually mad at THEMSELVES for not jumping or dodging it..

Oye... The "Watch your back" argument for carkilling...

Ok.. Tell ya what.. I'll cruise up on you and your fight at 100 MPH from behind, where you won't hear any sound and then we'll see if you can dodge.. You don't have a CHANCE to dodge at speeds like that. Add into it the laggy "jumps" that happen when someone is going by driving a car, you probably will die even if you do manage to get lucky and get a jump in.

Don't tell me to "watch my radar" and "look behind you" because I do, and do it pretty well, but when you have a car on top of you before you even SEE it's on the radar, doesn't help a whole lot. Your argument is a loose and unproven theory, whereas my response has been proven over and over again. You can't always TELL when there's a car noob bearing down on you, and if you DO get a half a second to tell, you're dead before you can react.

Have you not noticed that the range of the radar is SHRUNK when you're on foot? The faster you go, the wider the radar scan range. If I'm on foot, I have about 10 - 20 feet of radar space. How fast does one move 10 feet (Because that's the radius of the edge of your radar to your exact location) when going 100 MPH? You move 146.667 feet per second, so you're in and out of my radar range within less then a second. Let's be generous and say you're moving at 50 MPH, and I have 150 feet diameter on my radar? You're still in and out of my radar within about 2 seconds. (Moving 73.333 feet per second) I'm well aware that these measurements are not exact in GTA, but you get the point I'm trying to make here..

And let's not forget the ones who stop after you jump and then back up. If you jump again, they simply accel past and lather rinse repeat. You can try to take their car, and sometimes it works, but it's not reliable due to lag and the partial ability to bounce you away from the door by turning the car... Then there's GTA III's annoying habit of having you run right AT the car sometimes if you get knocked down in this fashion, not always aware you're not in control of your character until it's too late and your flattened.

Don't come off with a lame argument and not expect it to be refuted ;)

What you're offering is a lame excuse for poor gameplay. Bear in mind, I don't mind the occasional car kill, it's the chronic ones that really burn my ass. But anyway... Get back on Topic.. This article is about Flamethrowers and game balance ;)

--- Loendal "I love numbers, don't you?" of the VCA

for those of you who dont want to read all that, here's a summery:

  super-long post translator said:
"blah blah blah, I can't dodge cars and don't beleive other people can, blah blah blah."
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haha sloth

Well put loen, id not really considered the radar distance issue before, i can usually tell if a car killer is approaching (tho im not sure how after your post, ~I think probably becasue I look around rather than looking at the radar) and can get out of the way. Best thing is to fight away from the main road. Preferably where a car has difficulty getting

n.b There are many more areas that fit the above in SSV than in Portland

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in previous mta versions the ship and chinatown were popular car-free spots. Block the ramp going to the ship and yer good to go. but now that the ammunation is gone from the boat, It's been deserted.

My favorite fight area in portland is the building with the glass in front. Carkillers cant zoom in there at 100mph so you have a warning, as well as the fact that i love smashing opponents through windows :twisted:

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Are anyone complaining in Partyserver and banning/kicking? I will talk to them, because the flamer is very very easy to dodge. *cough* jump *cough*... so the admins KICKING/BANNING are very poor in mind and can't take a killing nor do they even have a sense of dodging it instead they just run around stupidly. I'am sorry if it was Partyserver doing this, it needs to be stopped.

Edit: And if you can't dodge a car, practice. MTA has edited the files and put in this nifty little thing, it makes you jump higher!! Also, R* implanted a little look back button to see if a car is coming.

Edited by Guest
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  [KFC]-ScharK said:
Are anyone complaining in Partyserver and banning/kicking? I will talk to them, because the flamer is very very easy to dodge. *cough* jump *cough*... so the admins KICKING/BANNING are very poor in mind and can't take a killing nor do they even have a sense of dodging it instead they just run around stupidly. I'am sorry if it was Partyserver doing this, it needs to be stopped.

Yes, there are complainers on Partyserver, some even among the KFC members, but like I said, I'm not pointing finger or going to name names. Noone has kicked or banned for the Flamer that I'm aware of, though. Apriciate the concern, however :)

I'm not allowed to comment on the unquoted part of your response, so I'll stop here

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  Loendal said:
  [KFC]-ScharK said:
Are anyone complaining in Partyserver and banning/kicking? I will talk to them, because the flamer is very very easy to dodge. *cough* jump *cough*... so the admins KICKING/BANNING are very poor in mind and can't take a killing nor do they even have a sense of dodging it instead they just run around stupidly. I'am sorry if it was Partyserver doing this, it needs to be stopped.

Yes, there are complainers on Partyserver, some even among the KFC members, but like I said, I'm not pointing finger or going to name names. Noone has kicked or banned for the Flamer that I'm aware of, though. Apriciate the concern, however :)

I'm not allowed to comment on the unquoted part of your response, so I'll stop here

Alright, thank you. I'll keep an watch on them. Though I wish Nutz would come on and update the /MOTD on the MTA Client. I'd even write it out for him, KFC Members and MTA Players need to be aware of what is right and what is wrong. And they need to learn how to not complain.

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Oh complaining, yes, well.. I'm getting more and more used to it, as I can't seem to avoid it.

I suppose I've got my gripes too, but in the past month I've been told to "Play nice or I'll rob your bank dry" and "I'm a h4x0r and I'm going to trash your ISP" on an RPG server. I've been ordered to not use a flamethrower on threat of ban or kick, I've been called a noob repeatedly, I've been quadruple teamed because I dared to fight instead of just roll over and let folks go on their way (same RPG server)...

I think I'm through trying to be a good guy... Perhaps I should brush up on my car noobing, flame using, glitch abusing and poor typing so I can fit in with the rest of the population.....

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