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New GameModes for 0.4???

Guest Kdoggg710

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Apart from CTW or CTC, Speed, Liberty City Survivor and Deathmatch(Team or Everyone 4 Themselves) What else are possibly coming out in 0.4. I know that this might not be able to be answered but any info about new modes would be appreciated.

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A revolving chaos tag mode and a greed based mode are also in consideration.

:?::?: Ok if you don't mind I've searched the forums for these two ideas but none of them are explained. Can you please copy and paste or write yourself a synopsis of what there 2 modes include? Thank you for your time and effort. :?::?:


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I really appreciate your responses. It's funny I saw that forum article about "revolving chaos" while searching figuring that it was something else but thanks a lot. I love you guys and all of your great work.

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i want to see gang missions.


team1 attacks a object team2 defends it

-=BACK alley BRAWLS=-

both teams meet in a narrow alley like in Chinatown


Team1 has to drive there car to the exstraction point

Team2 has to stop the car/cars from ariving(kind of like salvatores called a meeting)

-=Roof Top Rumble=-

All out Rumble on the Rooftop of the building in portland harbor Last man left on the roof wins(no weapons)

Last but not least no idea if this is posible

-=The Big Iowa Surf=-

Every one starts ontop of the train in portland

Team1 is in the back of the train Team2 is in the front Everything goes if you fall of you automaticly die

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-=The Big Iowa Surf=-

Every one starts ontop of the train in portland

Team1 is in the back of the train Team2 is in the front Everything goes if you fall of you automaticly die

This one sounds great to me ... as for the roof top mayhem thing, with some organization you can pull it off yourselves :wink:

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is .4 gonna be for vc ? or gta3 again?.  

heres suggestions. i want them on a good mod for gta. so anyone can grab em.

i try to think these up with existing gta things in mind to not make them impossible.

races. with a mapped out course

deathmatches, restricted to one section of islands for different maps.

i like the arrows theres no way to tell everyone apart from the pedestrians.

ideass.. good ones. arr

defend base. vc would be good for this. object is to :?: would make a very fun game.

ctf. make a flag. or even a briefcase, go grab it, come back. maybe a

car insted, thatd be hard to get back. have to make it indestructible, until someone captured it.

kill the pilot. a pilot must make it through checkpoints, if he gets shot

down, before he makes it through the checkpoints team loses. other

players can have helicopters. everyone spawns near a shooting

copter, or a rocket launcher. there tons of planes in vc. make em

all apaches. and if the plane gets shot down, the package drops

other team tries to complete course. grab the package on foot get

in chopter, complete course from begginning.

same idea from above, with a car. or truck.

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hmm - shooting down dodos is too easy ;-) - sounds like a vip variation :roll:

.4 will not be for vc cause nothing has been planned for it ;-P

We can cut islands off etc, so thats easy.

CTF with a briefcase has already been mentioned :cry:

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cool idea 8)


1 vs. all

1 man has cheetah, and the rest of the people in the server are cops and they have to stop the cheetah in the fastest time possible. (Cheetah driver rotates every round)

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1 vs all

One man is sniper and everyone has to hunt him down with uzis.


Every man for himself

Pretty much explains itself.... (no weps)


Team vs Team

1 man on defending team is president and has a convoy of fbi cars protecting his car. Attacking team in patriots have to take down presidents car (no weps)


Everyman for himself/Team vs Team

Baseball bats only :)

Just some cool ideas....

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  • 5 weeks later...

ok dis is what id like to see, itd be actual GTA3 gameplay wit pedestrians and traffic and cops, but da object is dat u race to find a mission, then da first one to find a mission is da mission everyone has to do, and then u race to finish da mission first, and u get points for each mission passed, see it would be sweet cuz ud be rollin around and all of a sudden lets say someone got da mission to pick up da hoe from da police station, so u speed to da police station but da other guy alrdy grabbed her, so u booked it after him/her smashed their car, pull da guy out, and then try ta make it to da club while other players are tryin ta ram u off da road, u see what im sayin?

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A mode where the safest and most respectful driver wins. Stop at traffic lights, drive at a safe and practical speed, and heed for pedestrians. If you hit another player, you need to exchange insurance information. The rules of the road are there for your safety, after all.

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