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MTA 0.4.5

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I quote myself from a previous topic:

Changes to GTA3:

* New map - Shoreside Vale

* Synced skins

* Character classes

* Bug fixes

Changes to VC:

* Stunt mode changes (hinted at)

* Bug fixes

These are the only changes we know about so far. The team haven't revealed the rest, but I'd assume that they'd make some VC improvements as one of the criticisms aimed at 0.4 was that there weren't enough VC changes.

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before there come misunderstandings:

they said they TRY to fix MOST of the crashes, they didn't promis fixing them all

there has been said by bump a while ago that shoreside would use the classes system, and portland would stick to the old system

ofcourse, it may have been changed, i don't know, i'm just posting this to avoid dissapoitment

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ok as long as it doesnt crash like near enough every time i spawn etc

I think most (if not all) of the common crashes will be fixed because it stands to reason that they have the most data from the Error Reporter for these particular crashes.

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