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=TR= The Revolution has begun


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for preorder yes...

for full its gonna be 40/50 but theres no monthly fee like other mmos

and there will be expansions released that will be priced 30 or so every 6 months or so along with free content etc.

they have a rather unique update system, u dont need to restart for them to add content, its delivered on the fly while ur in the game

last night (the night the beta ended) during the last 5 mins they started making people into giants, making midgets, last month they made a massive dragon invasion on the towns to slaughter everyone (and that they did), one dragon appeared, and began multiplying.

and on top of that you can quit anytime u want without penalty. missions usually take 30mins/1hour so if u want to group with live teamates its going to be frowned on if u suddenly quit, but i beat a lot of them during the beta with just 3 chars

this game so owns every other mmo on the market.. to be fair i havent played wow, but i couldnt imagine it being better then this, theres just no way

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well theres obviously something wrong with my computer... or i dunno wtf is up

i footraced against 2 people today and lost in a strait line... i was running slower both with the frame limiter off (and getting 120 fps), and with the framelimiter on (and getting 30 fps)...

amazing to me...

for the record im running on a 3.2, 1gb ddr400, ati radeon x800... and the only thing different was our pings which mine was 100 and thiers were around 50...


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Updating INI ... INI Updated.

Game Version Set

Server Map: Vice City

Server Game Mode: Regular (Deathmatch)

=TR=S3xyB has joined the game.

{FKU}Quig: :o

[KFC]R33DH4M: cmon man, why do i have to tell you

[KFC]R33DH4M: ?

=TR=S3xyB: oh and r33d

[KFC]R33DH4M: that would be giving it away

=TR=S3xyB: listen close

[KFC]R33DH4M: eat a poo?

{FKU}Quig: i'm just wonderin thats all

Paul has joined the game.

[KFC]R33DH4M: what you want sexyb?

=TR=S3xyB: [21:36] i mean the sync is absolute [21:36] so even if you had a ping of 2000 it'd get there eventually

[KFC]R33DH4M: more from me to prove you wrong again>?

=TR=S3xyB: u hear that? ping doesnt do jack shit for ur running speed. thats strait from a dev

=TR=S3xyB: try listening next time

[KFC]R33DH4M: sync and ping he's saying

[KFC]R33DH4M: no

[KFC]R33DH4M: you listen

[KFC]R33DH4M: you 100% wrong

=TR=S3xyB: [21:36] i mean the sync is absolute [21:36] so even if you had a ping of 2000 it'd get there eventually

=TR=S3xyB: what more do u want

[KFC]R33DH4M: lol

[KFC]R33DH4M: whatever

[KFC]R33DH4M: i don't care

{FKU}Quig: utalkin about ur little race B?

[KFC]R33DH4M: its both anyway

[KFC]R33DH4M: just shhh

[KFC]R33DH4M: stfu

[KFC]R33DH4M: don't care about it

{FKU}Quig: :o

[KFC]R33DH4M: my specs are too much worse then yours

=TR=S3xyB: yes quig

=TR=S3xyB: and r33d

=TR=S3xyB: [21:36] i mean the sync is absolute [21:36] so even if you had a ping of 2000 it'd get there eventually

[KFC]R33DH4M: so it wouldn't matter

=TR=S3xyB: nuf said, ur wrong about ping learn ur lesson and get over it

[KFC]R33DH4M: the ping is still faster there yours

{FKU}Quig: eventually is the key word there

[KFC]R33DH4M: and specs aren't too much lower then yours

[KFC]R33DH4M: so wouldn't matter

=TR=S3xyB: wow

=TR=S3xyB: u really are stupid

Weather Changed: Sun

[KFC]R33DH4M: hahah dumbass you don't know shit

=TR=S3xyB: [21:36] i mean the sync is absolute [21:36] so even if you had a ping of 2000 it'd get there eventually

=TR=S3xyB: read that closely

[KFC]R33DH4M: he says it's absolute

=TR=S3xyB: yes it is

PEPITO killed [KFC]R33DH4M. (Stubby Shotgun)

[KFC]R33DH4M: dosn't mean all of it

=TR=S3xyB: sync is absolute no matter what the ping

chocks drowned.

[KFC]R33DH4M: ey


=TR=S3xyB: ping doesnt affect your game, it affects sync and sync only

[KFC]R33DH4M: alright

=TR=S3xyB: now stop acting like u kno everything oh wannabe smart one

[KFC]R33DH4M: it's done i don't care i was proved wrong somewhat who gives a shit

[KFC]R33DH4M: stfu

{FKU}Quig: lol

=TR=S3xyB: good boy

verminose has joined the game.

<=^.^= Reason: Idle for more then 30 minsed. Register your nickname today! For more information type "/msg help".>

=^.^= has been kicked from the game.

snot has been kicke

=TR=S3xyB: now stop talking

ramona has joined the game.

[KFC]R33DH4M: you're such a retard man

=^.^= has joined the game.

verminose timed out.

verminose has joined the game.

* Admin slaps =TR=S3xyB

{FKU}Quig: k

<'=^.^=' logged in as a member.>

iRuN has joined the game.

=TR=S3xyB: hi admin -_-

[KFC]R33DH4M: you had to be a little fagboy and go ask the developer

=TR=Sub0 has joined the game.

<'=TR=Sub0' logged in as a member.>

=TR=Sub0: sup

[KFC]R33DH4M: it's just the fucking gamae

=TR=S3xyB: becuz i kno when im right

[FKU]Jani: IJs then

[KFC]R33DH4M: i don't give a shit how it plays dumbass

=TR=S3xyB: iv almost got a degree in computers, i think id kno what ping is. gg

[FKU]Jani: omg

{FKU}Quig: want me to raise my ping to urs?

[KFC]R33DH4M: good for you

[KFC]R33DH4M: noone cars

Weather Changed: Sun

[KFC]R33DH4M: *cares

[KFC]R33DH4M: stfu

=TR=S3xyB: now if ur done being an asshole lets talk

=TR=S3xyB: is ur frame limiter on or off

{FKU}Quig: off

[KFC]R33DH4M: about what, you being a damn pussy who can't play fair?

[FKU]Jani: ping = time it takes packet to bounce off server and return to your computer (in miliseconds)

[KFC]R33DH4M: ...of

[KFC]R33DH4M: off

=TR=Sub0: :/

{FKU}Quig: ok what are we doing?

=TR=S3xyB: sub0

=TR=S3xyB: countdown to 0

=TR=S3xyB: on 0 run in a strait line

{FKU}Quig: wait start at the line

=TR=S3xyB: start counting

=TR=Sub0 killed PEPITO. (Stubby Shotgun)

[FKU]Jani: quig

{FKU}Quig: up

[KFC]R33DH4M: man you're pretty dumb sexyb going through all that shit just to be a little fagboy

=TR=S3xyB: sub0 count to 0

{FKU}Quig: B up more

afr(()) has joined the game.

[KFC]R33DH4M: tand prove something that is complelty retarded about a game

=TR=Sub0: whut?

[FKU]Jani: quig

{FKU}Quig: good

=TR=S3xyB: count rom 3 to 0 sub

[FKU]Jani: !count



PEPITO has left the game.

afr(()): jani you r ghetto

=TR=Sub0: where'd everyone go?

[FKU]Jani: afro you r noob

=TR=S3xyB: see what i mean quig

=TR=S3xyB: everyones runnin faster then me, wierd

{FKU}Quig: now want me to raise my ping to urs

[KFC]R33DH4M: you still talking about the running sexyb?

verminose: fuck you americans

=TR=S3xyB: r33d

[KFC]R33DH4M: you still haven't learned?

[FKU]Jani: lol

=TR=S3xyB: do me a favor

Weather Changed: Sun


[KFC]R33DH4M: dumb fucking idiot

[FKU]Jani: dude

{FKU}Quig: B?

[FKU]Jani: im not american

[KFC]R33DH4M: we already tested this

[KFC]R33DH4M: and you still don't learn

afr(()): QUIG PWNS ALL

=TR=S3xyB: wow

[KFC]R33DH4M: you are hopeless

{FKU}Quig: thats right

=TR=S3xyB: u really are ignornat

[KFC]R33DH4M: hahah dumb dumb guy


=TR=S3xyB: i got a developer to confirm what i already knew and ur still trying to tell me im wrong

{FKU}Quig: ok hold on i'll turn on kazaa

=TR=S3xyB: just stfu

afr(()): lol

[KFC]R33DH4M: didn't we already test with the other kfc that you were proved wrong?

[KFC]R33DH4M: and that you were just slower

=TR=S3xyB: im trying to fix the problem u fuck

=TR=S3xyB: now S-T-F-U

afr(()): lol

[KFC]R33DH4M: because you either needed to restart the game or you ping was slow to the server ping?

=TR=S3xyB: wow.. ur still on ping

=TR=Sub0: /

[KFC]R33DH4M: just stfu man

=TR=S3xyB: read this closely

[FKU]Jani: !ping

<[FKU]Jani your ping is 94. Average 166. Max Ping Allowed 300. Admin Immunity Level: 1.>

=TR=S3xyB: [21:36] i mean the sync is absolute [21:36] so even if you had a ping of 2000 it'd get there eventually]

afr(()): lol

=TR=S3xyB: read that


[KFC]R33DH4M: man i don't wanna here you're little pussy ass whine anymore

Paul died. (Explosion)

[KFC]R33DH4M: just stfu

afr(()): lmao

=TR=S3xyB: so wtf are u gonna do about it

=TR=S3xyB: u cant do shit

=TR=S3xyB: now shut up fag

{FKU}Quig: :o

[KFC]R33DH4M: i can keep proving you wrong and make you look like a retard even more?

=TR=S3xyB: [21:36] i mean the sync is absolute [21:36] so even if you had a ping of 2000 it'd get there eventually

* afr(()) enjoys watching sexyb get into a fight with every1 that participates in mta

=TR=S3xyB: whos proven wrong r33d?

=TR=S3xyB: exactly, owned

=TR=S3xyB: [21:36] i mean the sync is absolute [21:36] so even if you had a ping of 2000 it'd get there eventually

[KFC]R33DH4M: good man that's great

[KFC]R33DH4M: i don't give a shit

=TR=Sub0 killed iRuN. (Stubby Shotgun)

N1te has joined the game.

=TR=S3xyB: ur still trying to tell me its my ping, thats amazing to me

JohnnyMo has joined the game.

<'N1te' logged in as a member.>

afr(()): hey quig:D

{FKU}Quig: dododododododod

[FKU]Jani: gary

[KFC]R33DH4M: listen i don't give shit, you can't keep talking out your pussy,


{FKU}Quig: yes my son

[FKU]Jani: gary

=TR=S3xyB: i dont wanna hear ur fag ass

=TR=S3xyB: yes jani

[FKU]Jani: hold down the RSHIFT button while running.

[KFC]R33DH4M: i'm not the one talking to you

[KFC]R33DH4M: you just won't stfu about the running speed

=TR=S3xyB: i hold down left shift becuz i reasigned the key

[FKU]Jani: fair enough

=TR=Sub0: right shift isnt smart

afr(()): hey heres a idea press alt+f4

afr(()): cheats


{FKU}Quig: :o

[FKU]Jani: um

Paul has left the game.

[KFC]R33DH4M: and you keep asking me, but why,, but why? like a little fag bitchboy

[FKU]Jani: rofl

=TR=S3xyB: do us all a favor and press f9

Paul has joined the game.

[FKU]Jani: ^pwned

afr(()): ummm r33d said that first lol

{FKU}Quig: lol

=TR=Sub0: !in

{FKU}Quig: ur mom

[FKU]Jani: do us all a favour and press ALT+F4

afr(()): quig has no daddy

=TR=Sub0: :/

=TR=S3xyB: or better yet press the nice circle on your tower

afr(()): :o

[FKU]Jani: lolz

=TR=Sub0: im not doing anything u can stop

[sM]DJGTA has joined the game.

[KFC]R33DH4M: man are you still talking?

chocks has left the game.

=TR=S3xyB: or even better yet take a hammer and strike your computer really hard

[KFC]R33DH4M: don't you have a life?

{FKU}Quig drowned.

=TR=S3xyB: me talking proves i have no life?

{FKU}Quig: w00t

=TR=Sub0: lol

=TR=S3xyB: wow

afr(()): ^^^

[KFC]R33DH4M: stfu man you're a damb little annoying cunt

[FKU]Jani: hammerstrike source lolz

afr(()): LMAo

afr(()): HAHAHA

{FKU}Quig: lol

=TR=S3xyB: r33d

afr(()): I LUV THIS r33D guy

=TR=S3xyB: il give u a piece of advice

[KFC]R33DH4M: that dosn't wanna stfu and be proved wrong

[FKU]Jani: rofl

[KFC]R33DH4M: little bitch man

afr(()): yo dont sweat sexyb

=TR=S3xyB: r33d

=TR=S3xyB: how about this r33d

[sM]DJGTA has left the game.

[KFC]R33DH4M: ey dude

{FKU}Quig: colliding egos

=TR=S3xyB: u wanna call me a fag and whatnot?


=TR=S3xyB: lets settle it ingame

=TR=S3xyB: no glitches alowed

[FKU]Jani: 0_)

[FKU]Jani: o_O

{FKU}Quig: lol

iRuN has been kicked from the game.

Weather Changed: Sun

afr(()): then sexyb leave :D

[KFC]R33DH4M: lol i've already owned you too much for today

{FKU}Quig: i gotta see this

[KFC]R33DH4M: i think i'm done

[FKU]Jani: ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

=TR=S3xyB: that includes ur lil running glitch u have to use to kill people

=TR=S3xyB: so bring it

N1te timed out.

afr(()): lmao

=TR=Sub0 killed JohnnyMo. (Stubby Shotgun)

=TR=S3xyB: lets see how well u do when ur not running and shooting bitch

[KFC]R33DH4M: you need to rest from me kicking your ass so much

* [FKU]Jani keeps log to post on MTA forums

[KFC]R33DH4M: i'm done

[KFC]R33DH4M: lata

[KFC]R33DH4M has left the game.

=TR=S3xyB: thank god

{FKU}Quig: lol

afr(()): hahaha

[FKU]Jani: lmao

afr(()): PWNT

[FKU]Jani: hes so owned

=TR=S3xyB: aye

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  SexyB said:
as for speedgear i should try asking ron for his sometime..

You can ask for my 'sometime' anytime you want, although in future call it what it is.....

10 Pulsing Inches of Glistening Man Weapon.(Caps are compulsory) :wink:

your european so i wont give u an english lesson... but i did call it what it is (speedgear)..

as for your 10 incher... sounds like you added on an extra 8 inches... and the fact you want a man to touch your lil penis is disturbing...

what would ur wife think.. il ask her tonight :wink:

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  [FKU] Jani said:
rofl its not cheating, its exploiting a glitch, like that glitch where you can run and throw nades

funny thing was, djdc came into the server and threatened to ban someone who was doing the run with nade glitch (my net timed out b4 i could see the result), but r33d was there teaming with him and he was ignoring that... laugh

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I have a bunch of fraps of r33dh4m walking and shooting like that btw, I thought it was kind of interesting. I tried to replicate that whole idea like it was just like the nade glitch. I failed in that attempt a few times. Maybe someone should inform me of this glitch so I can document it and not consider r33dh4m a cheater. I can't say I've ever seen anyone, not even Utopia who considers himself some sort of glitch god, do this kind of walking and shooting. The only people I have seen it from are obviously cheaters.


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  =TR=B14D3Y_ said:
There was some run and shot mod you could "run and shot" at the same time saw someone use it in 0.3 and 0.4 but search google now cant find something called that but he might of get a new version to his comp that works in 0.4.1 who knows :?

i know what you're talking about, you can mod your files to run and shoot with any weapon, including, mp5, m4, m60, shotguns, miniguns, rocketlaunchers, blah blah blah. doesn't take a genious. But my point from before, is, he doesn't use none of that shit. Tactics that will remain in the vault. :wink:

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  chRoNic said:
  =TR=B14D3Y_ said:
There was some run and shot mod you could "run and shot" at the same time saw someone use it in 0.3 and 0.4 but search google now cant find something called that but he might of get a new version to his comp that works in 0.4.1 who knows :?

i know what you're talking about, you can mod your files to run and shoot with any weapon, including, mp5, m4, m60, shotguns, miniguns, rocketlaunchers, blah blah blah. doesn't take a genious. But my point from before, is, he doesn't use none of that shit. Tactics that will remain in the vault. :wink:

tactics? u mean glitches im sure

funny how for all kungs talk about how things should be fair you guys exploit every glitch known (and unknown.. laugh) to mankind and try to get them "accepted"

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yeh, we all know that kfcs tactics rely on a pile of bs like cracked clients, hacked servers etc.. we have all seen the untouchable utopia, the sliding reedham, etc. i always ask my self WHY does kfc RUIN MTA. altho u guys manage one of the most popular servers, the rules, or rather the lack of them make it a perfect place for all kind of lamers...

think about this: lets say 5noobs a day visit your server. total noobs who have never played mta b4. they get in game, and they try to have some fun. unfortunately, they crush either on a nadespamming whore or on a crouch glitcher, they get raped without even having a chance to fight back. so the next thing they do is google the internet in search of hax... heh, if thats kungs vision of heplping mta, then God save us :?

whats worse, are the crackhead admins who either dont pay attention to ppl calling cheaters, or just feel free to kick anyone they dislike... i v been avoiding the partyserver with a wide curve since a long time.

i dont know why am i typing this, none of you will even probably read it, but i just feel the need to express how deceiving and lame in overall kfc is.. now no hard feelings about that, but you guys SPOIL this game. make up the conclusions yourself. somehow we managed to play gangwars without glitching, wasnt that fun? but then again, without the glitches there was no way you could pwn us so... back to good old kfc, pffff


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i dunno about the cracked clients and hacked server stuff... but i do kno that kfc has always relied on glitches :roll:

kung tries to say hes helping to bring new people to mta... what noob is going to stick around when his b!tches are constantly glitching in the partyserver and then kicking people/bitching them out when theyre called cheaters...

it truly is a shame to see mta degrade like it is... but i guess its only to be expected in a game that has as many glitches as this one to see people who will do anything they can to win to try and get them accepted

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