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[H2K]My second stunt video is here!!

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oh, sorry, had something stuck in my throat... what tha... it was a couch!?

lol, i can't tell you how hard it made me laugh when i saw that. Seriously man, did you watch this video after you made it?

Ok i will say right now, if english isn't your first language then i forgive you, but otherwise you really should have noticed that you put COUCH where you ment to say COUGH. Thats a HUGE mistake.

Big improvement from your first video, but you still need to do a lot of work. Next time spend WAY more time on stunts. Most people who release good videos spend well over a month working on stunts and almost a week working on editing.

I will say you have better camera agles then most of the new people i have seen :)

Keep up the good progress, just hope you spend more time on the next one 8)

*COUCH* damn this couch just won't go away...

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OMFG! that's nice typo. English is not my native language, so that explains..

about the "editting for over a week". i don't have the professional tools that these guys have, and i *DID* spent almost a week on it. just because i wanted you all to forget my 1st vid. so see this as a kind of replacement for the 1st one..

thanx for complimenting me on the angles.. i was quite satisfied with that too.. :)

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nobody noticed my cool H2K chaozz T-shirt i was wearing in the vids. maybe thats because you're almost unable to read it in all that fast paced action, our just because the t-shirt if freakin' hard to read, even when i don't move. :P

probably the last reason.. 8)

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only its stilll nothing

it's still nothing? come on dude.. lighten up for gods sake.

don't just shit on it. tell me whats wrong... pff..

Well stunts are still bad, and the editing also nuthing special. but i said u make inprovement so that positive isn't it?

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Actually, first his 2nd video, them are pretty good stunts. And the stunts he did I have seen in some more 'professional' videos. Just, not all of his stunts were exactly amazing. Alot were good. Could of been better, and better editing... but over all good.

The question i ask you is, what stunt videos have you watched and how many? Obviously not many and not the right ones

The video is better then his first, and its not bad for a beginner, but to tell him that it is good is just straight up lieing to him.

I think you need to check your nose Schark, looks like you got some brown stuff on it :twisted:

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The question i ask you is, what stunt videos have you watched and how many? Obviously not many and not the right ones

The video is better then his first, and its not bad for a beginner, but to tell him that it is good is just straight up lieing to him.

I think you need to check your nose Schark, looks like you got some brown stuff on it :twisted:

this keeps getting better and better (or worse in your case). you g*ddamn talk about me in 3rd person, like i am a patient, some retard.. djeez man, if someone gives me a complement, don't go complaining.. that is so lame.

let me do what you just did:

hey guys, please give bloodymess some extra attention. he probably didn't get breast-fead as a baby. he probably hates dutch people too. i don't hate him for it. so please, you do not either.

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The question i ask you is, what stunt videos have you watched and how many? Obviously not many and not the right ones

The video is better then his first, and its not bad for a beginner, but to tell him that it is good is just straight up lieing to him.

I think you need to check your nose Schark, looks like you got some brown stuff on it :twisted:

this keeps getting better and better (or worse in your case). you g*ddamn talk about me in 3rd person, like i am a patient, some :o.. djeez man, if someone gives me a complement, don't go complaining.. that is so lame.

let me do what you just did:

hey guys, please give bloodymess some extra attention. he probably didn't get breast-fead as a baby. he probably hates dutch people too. i don't hate him for it. so please, you do not either.

LoL dude he's being honest with u man!

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