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People need to spell correctly!


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actually, i can't understand 50% of your posts =/

well u seem to come up with a anser 4 all of them

i always ask other peeps to translate them to proper english for me

well u must care so much of what i have to say that u translate it

btw thats compleat bull u dont get it translated cause i have talked to you meny times on irc no way u translate it so dont talk bulle

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obviously someone NEVER heard of sarcasm (look it up in a dictionary, as you're probably too stupid to understand what it is)

u took a couple of days 2 come up with that 1

sarcasam dose not exist on internet with out the tags

1. i don't always check the forum, i have athing called LIVE

2. if it only exoists on the inet with tags, then you're a mega nerd

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I saw a topic with the name of : "help me plz , i am a nub" or something like that. By the topic title alone you can see that the one that posted this is:

1. to lazy to use the search function

2. a unbelievable idiot , that thinks he is to cool to read the First Time User Guide

3. looking for an awnser to a question that is awnsered 10 times before him

4. some dude with the lowest POSSIBLE education int he world.

Why am I telling you guys this? because I am from The Netherlands , I have never learned anything fromt he English lessons on my school , and the only typo's I sometimes make are those that when I forget to use spacebar. And if I can type correctly , everone can , so please : DO SO!

I would NEVER , EVER use a word like : plz , thx , spr , suxxxxxx , or anything like that. Only people that just got a mobile use that kind of noob language when they can use normall english. Oh , anoter example: PWNED , arggg! So , attention NOOBS: PLEASE , read your posts after typing and before clicking the "Submit" button. Thank you!


Talk about spelling correctly. You mispelled bout 4 to 6 words

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