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People need to spell correctly!


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I saw a topic with the name of : "help me plz , i am a nub" or something like that. By the topic title alone you can see that the one that posted this is:

1. to lazy to use the search function

2. a unbelievable idiot , that thinks he is to cool to read the First Time User Guide

3. looking for an awnser to a question that is awnsered 10 times before him

4. some dude with the lowest POSSIBLE education int he world.

Why am I telling you guys this? because I am from The Netherlands , I have never learned anything fromt he English lessons on my school , and the only typo's I sometimes make are those that when I forget to use spacebar. And if I can type correctly , everone can , so please : DO SO!

I would NEVER , EVER use a word like : plz , thx , spr , suxxxxxx , or anything like that. Only people that just got a mobile use that kind of noob language when they can use normall english. Oh , anoter example: PWNED , arggg! So , attention NOOBS: PLEASE , read your posts after typing and before clicking the "Submit" button. Thank you!


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ok, np, ffs frm now on ill use proper lang. its V. important that we all type prolly. and im NOT jmwy. omg i just realised how many post need editing. i tink we shud all go and pwn them all. plz listen to us all.

ALSO: alwaysremembertouseurspacebar,otherwiseitisjsutnoobish.alwayscheckthatyouhavepresseditproperly,tomakeurpostsperfect

thx every1, dont talk n00bish, or it suxxxx

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yes. but you do use the word 'noob' which is a 'noob' word whatsoever. :wink:

and now on to the topic: all of those words were made not by noobs, but by 'profecional gamer', or mostly people who played counterstrike for more then a year. those gamers and the noobs which have just 'borrowed' those words,

started using them excesively throughout chats, where speed isnt needed at all (unlike counterstrike, that you need a certain typing speed for not getting killed), just for the hell of it! they didnt care at all if people understood them or didnt, and so the noob language was born.

now mostly noobs, or people who are ingame (them 'pro gamers'), or even people who use noob language to concept a funny conversetion over some chat, use it. thats the internet language. you can do nothing against it. you just have to face up to it, and learn it, for the good and the bad. im not telling anybody, and never encauraging people to use it excesivly, (well, because its just plain dumb) but knowing it is a must nowadays.

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Y r u postin' this shyte? :wink: (lol massive anoyment)

Okay seriously. I'm also from the Netherlands and most people I talk to aren't even aware of that. I hardly make any typo and can also get quite frustrated when I see people scr*w up sentences so badly that it becomes unreadable. :P In my humble opinion I speak English rather good and I fully learnt this myself. Forget (high)school, because English-class sucks big time. :roll: Playing videogames is still the best way to keep your foreign-languages in top-shape. :P

However when a person types non-understandable stuff I just try to read the question and give an answer as good or as bad as possible. Just try to ignore these 'un-educated' persons and stick to your own rules and laws. :wink:

Happy typing. 8)

[EDIT:] Ow and I too speak the 'n00b-language' as I've played Counter-Strike for 2 years. 8) Though I do not use it on forums. Thats just plain stupid. Ghehe...

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  • 2 weeks later...


i know u learned it all your selth with those movies u watched but me i am 2 stupid to spell right or else i would i dont go out and make spelling mistakes on pourpus its just i cant spel simple as that

now if u have a problem with that then dont read my posts or topics its simple as that


I know you learned it all your self with those movies you watched, but I am too stupid to spell right, or else I wouldn't go out and make spelling mistakes on purpose. It's just that I can't spell, simple as that.

Now if you have a problem with that, then don't read my posts or topics. It's simple as that.

Now people can read your post :P

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Problem is , we HAVE to read your posts , kind of. We want to know what you try to tell us , we may be interested in the contents of the posts you , uhhhhh , post.

ANd I didn't learned to write proper English from movies , I learned it from TV series with subtitles.


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