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I found a way to do multiple scripts:


Signals are simple way of triggering signal events in multiple scripts at the same time.

/signal [-n] [parameters]

The signal command allows you to trigger signal events in all scripts that listen for signals.

By default the signal is triggered after all current scripts have finished executing. You can however use -n to make the script trigger immediately.

on *:SIGNAL:name:command

The on signal event triggers if a script has used the /signal command to send a signal to all scripts.

The signal name can contain wildcards.

The $signal identifier returns the signal name that caused the signal event to trigger.

The $1- identifier returns the parameters that were specified in the /signal command.

Note: The script that called /signal is triggered first, and then all other scripts are triggered.

I found it in the mIRC help file after i read a bug report about it on http://www.mirc.com .

I gonna apply it on MTA:mA

This means you can have the same event in 2 scripts



on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
 echo This event gets triggerd on the previous 'alias mta.command'


on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
 echo This event also
on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
 echo However this one NOT because it only triggers the FIRST one.

Things to do to get scripts working in 3.17:

1. Change all the 'alias mta.* {' into 'on *:SIGNAL:mta.*:{'

2. Wait :P

3. Done !

Tell me what ya think

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I already knew that! been doing that since september! :!:

Anyways if you want to have the "on *:signal:mta.* {" support on 3.16 without waiting for 3.17 add this into your script:

alias mta.action .signal mta.action $1-

alias mta.admin .signal mta.admin $1-

alias mta.admin.action .signal mta.admin.action $1-

alias mta.admin.pm .signal mta.admin.pm $1-

alias mta.command .signal mta.command $1-

alias mta.connect .signal mta.connect $1-

alias mta.disconnect .signal mta.disconnect $1-

alias mta.enter .signal mta.enter $1-

alias mta.event .signal mta.event $1-

alias mta.exit .signal mta.exit $1-

alias mta.fire .signal mta.fire $1-

alias mta.join .signal mta.join $1-

alias mta.kill .signal mta.kill $1-

alias mta.part .signal mta.part $1-

alias mta.pm .signal mta.pm $1-

alias mta.spawn .signal mta.spawn $1-

alias mta.start .signal mta.start $1-

alias mta.text .signal mta.text $1-

alias mta.quit .signal mta.quit $1-

There! Instant Signal support :P

Edited by Guest
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I am having serious problems with 3.17 unfortunately!

* /1: not connected to server (line 2, bjack2.mrc)

it says this but however my $1 is in all commands that it is neccessary for.

Sometimes the script works

sometimes it shows an error

I think MIRC thinks that it is not connected because it is not physically connected to a chatroom perhaps if sumone cud code a MTA:MA that allows MIRC to connect to a server via the connect button used for accessing chatrooms!

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