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MTA Unofficial Gang Community

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Go there to visit and disucss with the MTAVC Gang Community.

We have information for scripts, servers, and every gang that would like to have an area for just them to disucss things regarding gang wars, members, and any events. If you are banned from this forum or know someone that is banned from this forum and would like to speak openly to the MTAVC Gang community, you are welcome to visit [removed].

[removed] is a non-profit organization dedicated to giving, you, the MTA player to discuss openly and protect your right of the First Admendment. This right applies to you because the host resides in the United States, where this wonderful Admendment exists. This gives you the ability to visit [removed] and discuss openly.

Thank you,

[removed] - MTAVC Gang Community


Founder and Host of [removed]

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So...this is just a giant flame board? An anti-MTA community? Oh, wait, it's just a haven for a bunch of whiny 12-year-olds.

Edit: Just checked out your board. Even though most of the people are quite pathetic, I have seen much worse. All people seem to do on your board is whine. Really, man, don't use the First Amendment as an excuse to cuss continuously like some wannabe kid; that's definately not the idea behind that Amendment.

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If you are goiing to link to your MTA related forum, please ensure its moderated propperly, otherwise this topic will go. We're not allowing links to forums which have topics on such as "ANYONE GOT A WORKING CS SOURCE CD KEY??" and posts like "MTA team a fucking nazi's..". Its clearly not up to us to moderate your forum, but it is up to use to moderate this forum, and warez is against the rules here (and it should be there).


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  eAi said:
If you are goiing to link to your MTA related forum, please ensure its moderated propperly, otherwise this topic will go. We're not allowing links to forums which have topics on such as "ANYONE GOT A WORKING CS SOURCE CD KEY??" and posts like "MTA team a :o nazi's..". Its clearly not up to us to moderate your forum, but it is up to use to moderate this forum, and warez is against the rules here (and it should be there).


Thank you for pointing out that topic, it is strictly a violation and that person has been warned numerous times. Thank you for pointing that out, otherwise on my end I have to deal with the hosting company. Anyway I don't want it to seem like we are a secondary MTA board, just for general disucssion for the MTAVC Gangs Community to disucss openly what they want. We keep the flaming to a minimum but do allow it somewhat to not keep so much restriction on the users. '


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  eAi said:
We're not allowing links to forums which have topics on such as "ANYONE GOT A WORKING CS SOURCE CD KEY??" and posts like "MTA team a :o nazi's..". Its clearly not up to us to moderate your forum, but it is up to use to moderate this forum, and warez is against the rules here (and it should be there).


I agree that warez talk should not be there, that's been dealt with, but what business is it of yours if someone says anything about the MTA team in this other forum? If you have a problem with what someone has said there, take it up on there.

This person is expressing (albeit in exagerrated terms) a commonly held sentiment that the MTA team consistently and frivolously abuse their powers by editing/deleting posts with no reason given. This was one of the reasons the forums were set up in the first place and removing those links is just another sign that they are right.

Also you directly linked the post you were talking about. Don't you find that a little strange - they are not to post links to a forum with that comment on, but it's okay for you to post a direct link to the comment?

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I'm not sure why we should allow people to advertise sites on here that allow libelous comments. Say what you like about us, but if you want to link your site from our site, we expect it to be of the same standard we aspire to on these forums.

Personally, appart from removing the URL in the original post here, I've never edited anyones post (appart from correcting spellings). I also didn't realise it was an issue that there was over editing. I'm not sure why this makes us "nazis". We're all for free speech, but as a team we dedicate a huge ammount of time to the production of MTA (I work on it pretty much full time), without any compensation an we find such a comment offensive.


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  eAi said:
Personally, appart from removing the URL in the original post here, I've never edited anyones post (appart from correcting spellings). I also didn't realise it was an issue that there was over editing. I'm not sure why this makes us "nazis". We're all for free speech, but as a team we dedicate a huge ammount of time to the production of MTA (I work on it pretty much full time), without any compensation an we find such a comment offensive.

I also find this comment offensive and I certainly don't think it's true, but just because it offends us doesn't mean we should suppress it. Try defending yourself rather than trying to control everything.

I'm sure there's a fair number of 'libelous' comments on these fora, but because this applies to you, you take it up.


The MTA Gangs Forum is not being used for what it was intended - for gangs to talk to one another. It's just another BLASTA as far as I'm concerned, only worse. Lots of people calling each other names and saying they're better than everyone else. Maybe it's just a place for people (young teenagers?) to vent their anger or frustration - it's better than taking it out on the misfit at school (I was that misfit). Whatever it is, I predict that people will lose interest in it soon enough without anyone's help.

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In what way is that statement offensive? I disagree, I think that comments that are offensive should be removed, whoever they're offensive to (within reason). The same applies in the real world, if someone writes an offensive letter to a newspaper, you don't publish it.

If you see any other libelous comments on these forums, please pm me or another moderator and we'll see that its removed.


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