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boat functionality

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uhh, is it needed to make passenger slots on boats? cant ppl just stand on boats w/o sliding off like in sp? :|

have you tried car surfing mta? lag or no lag, you slide off pretty easy. now add the constant rocking and up down movement over the waves, how long do you think you could las that way?

good to hear mta is on top of it though 8)

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uhh, is it needed to make passenger slots on boats? cant ppl just stand on boats w/o sliding off like in sp? :|

have you tried car surfing mta? lag or no lag, you slide off pretty easy. now add the constant rocking and up down movement over the waves, how long do you think you could las that way?

well even tho u r sliding (which u obviously aren't 8) ) u can go into the boat with the cockpit on it and just stay inside, there u wud be safe :)

but even better would to be able to stand in the front of the boat and shoot after helis or other boats that may be attacking, like an anti ground/air gun.

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uhh, is it needed to make passenger slots on boats? cant ppl just stand on boats w/o sliding off like in sp? :|

have you tried car surfing mta? lag or no lag, you slide off pretty easy. now add the constant rocking and up down movement over the waves, how long do you think you could las that way?

good to hear mta is on top of it though 8)

Due to the substantially improved methods we employ in blue, your game will now run much smoother and faster, with vehicles and players moving almost as smoothly as you'd expect in single player

boats are different than cars, on water you just have to stand on a col and you dont slide off on a car you slide off pretty soon or you die...

no matter how closed you make the col of a car (example flatbed) you cannot cary a player in the back it will stop your car, same goes for vehicles, for example you cant make a heli with a container and trown in a pcj and fly off, all you can do is lift up in a vertical direction (if it didnt slide off till then)

however, boats!=cars, someone would have to test it in mta first, who knows, maybe it works..

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if you stood on a boat, even is single player, you will slide around, just like you slide around on most cars. I have tried this (man it's hard to get onto a moving boat with a copter)

as a test, drive really fast on a speedboat then press enter and walk around while its moving, half the time you can get knocked around.

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from the looks of it, 56k people will be able to play it without even straining their modems.

There are simple physical laws that tell us modem users have larger round-trip-times. This in turn causes behaviour (especially in client side games like MTA) which we would recognize as lag.

You can have genial algorithms, but you can't change the physics of the connection, and thus 56k users will always experience lag.

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yeah mostly you fall off as it is... we will look into something eAi has written "glueing code" in the past...

we will either put that in, or release some source code so you can add support for it in your addons.. we haven't come to a conclusion yet..


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yeah mostly you fall off as it is... we will look into something eAi has written "glueing code" in the past...

we will either put that in, or release some source code so you can add support for it in your addons.. we haven't come to a conclusion yet..


well it will be pretty sad if u can't have passengers on board that cant use their guns, & move freely around the little space thats on the boat. I imagine that this "glueing" thing will maybe be like being a passenger on a car, where u have no interaction at all :(

but hey! gd thing is that we're indeed getting boats, and surely it'll be fun to slam into eachother at full speed 8)

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actually. what people mean when they say "glueing" is tha a person stands on top of a vehicle and can turn and shoot freely, but they cannot walk around or slide around. in the older thread the people talked about it being bound to crouching or another key. it would be nice to get into first person mode while doing it, but third person would work fine too.

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