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[K]rispy [D]onuts - People gotta eat!

Guest tehmaster

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Welcome to the [K]rispy [D]onuts Gang thread. We are not about killing. But... Here is what we ARE about:

We have 2 donut shop's in the city. The Northpoint Mall (the StarBucks coffee one in there) and the donut shop next to Cherry Popper. We also do pizza delievery's, and we have a pizza shop. But that is not yet open.

We are recruiting body guards, Employees, and that is about it. Employee's get paid 5.50$ USD an hour (According to how much you work, your money per hour will raise). Employee's also get free donuts & coffee. We also need donut delivery men (Didn't know what else to call it :P)

Our goal is to bring you the finest donuts in vice city. And pizza, and coffee...

if you do not have anything good to say in this thread, please DO NOT reply at all.

If you are interested in the [KD] - please reply here, or Private Message me.

This gang is not a joke!

** The Current Prices of Donuts and Coffee And pizza NOTE, THESE PRICES CAN CHANGE AT ANY TIME!**

Pizza: 7 dollars

Coffee: 2 dollars

Donuts: 3 dollars

Note, cops get 1 dollar off on all of this.

:arrow: People gotta eat!

These donuts and pizza is the best IN vice city. Ever!

-[KD]SgtDonut :)

Edited by Guest
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This gang is not a joke!

** The Current Prices of Donuts and Coffee And pizza NOTE, THESE PRICES CAN CHANGE AT ANY TIME!**

Pizza: 7 dollars

Coffee: 2 dollars

Donuts: 3 dollars

Or for all of these combined: 13 dollars

For coffee AND donuts combined: 5 dollars.

Those prices are a joke.

(P)izza = $7

©offee = $2

(D)oughnuts = $3

P + C + D = $7 + $2 + $3 = $12

So why would I want to get all three combined and pay $13, when they are cheaper when bought separately?

And coffee and doughnuts together already cost $5 ($2 + $3). Your customers are just going to be confused and will think you're trying to cheat them.

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Wow, prices are a bit steep, no? Then again, I've never been to a Starbuck's (Robin's Donuts & Tim Horton's all the way, yeah!)

Anyway, it's nice to actually see a RP clan, should be more of them. MTA is so... dynamic, it's cool to see people branching out beyond the gunning and stunting aspects.

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Starbucks has pizza?

The prices don't seem expensive to me.

$7 for a pizza is pretty good...

no, starbucks doesn't have pizza.. I mean't the pizza shop somewhere in vice city. I think it's at the pink arrow on the map, but there is 2 pizza shops in the city.

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