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Lightbulb 0.1 prerelease (Multi-purpose Administration tool)


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This topic has been temporarily MOVED. This is due to the contentious nature of the program. Once the team has made a decision on the software in question, the topic will either be reinstated or deleted (depending on the decision). Do not take this personally (tbot), we just want whats best for the community.


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  eAi said:
This topic has been temporarily MOVED. This is due to the contentious nature of the program. Once the team has made a decision on the software in question, the topic will either be reinstated or deleted (depending on the decision). Do not take this personally (tbot), we just want whats best for the community.


I can quote from a mail of ijsvogel that I already have permission of the team to release it:

  IJsvogel, mail 02/05/2004 said:

Ik heb nog even erover gesproken, en het is in principe ok als je je

addon released, mits je de source gesloten houdt en deze dus niet

verspreidt, omdat we niet willen dat de admin netcode op deze manier (te

gemakkelijk) uitlekt, en mits het goed beveiligd is tegen abusing (van

servers) natuurlijk. Ik ben eventueel bereid deze addon toe te voegen

aan de download directory, en natuurlijk mag je een forum topic openen

op het forum.

Which translates to:

"I've discussed it, and it's ok to release your addon, under the condition that you keep the source closed and don't spread it, because we don't want the admin netcode to leak in this way (too easy), and under the condition that the addon is well protected against abuse (of servers) of course. I'm possibly ready to add this addon to the download directory, and of course you can open a forum topic on the forum."

You can check this with IJsvogel and I suggest you reinstate the topic afterwards.

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I have seen the tool in action on TBOT's server and on harry's server and i must say that it works properly, so I really think this tool should be released for all those linux-servers out there who can't use MTAMA because of incompability with their system.

congrats with the tool tbot.

btw: I'm not an admin who used this tool, but as a player on these servers, I must say that it is very userfriendly without causing any lag on the server and with a nice stats-script.

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You can take a look at it in action at (the server isn't really busy atm as I don't list it in ASE due to recent attacks), check the docu mentation (Modules section) for the commands at player level you can use. The real power is in the admin commands though, but for that I'd have to be there to demonstrate it, and I'm not very much around as I'm quite busy.

You might also look in Oli's or Harry's server (Don't known IP's, and Harry's server is not up atm. They received the latest version for testing purposes and it seems to perform quite well), and ask there.

The third option is to run it yourself after the original topic is reinstated.

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lol, notice my 207th place at the list :P

these statistics can also be viewed at the link I gave before to haryy's server. but the list with current players doesn't work because the server isn't online atm. So, there are some nice features in this program.

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  tbot said:
You might also look in Oli's or Harry's server (Don't known IP's, and Harry's server is not up atm. They received the latest version for testing purposes and it seems to perform quite well), and ask there.

The FMJ server isn't running Lightbulb at the moment, but only because Oli is away for a week or two.

What I've seen of it has blown me away - really good job to both of you ;).

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Let's be a bit patient for eAi to find out that there is permission for this program. In the mean time I don't want to knock anyones head, it is publically available, but I won't give you the link here (wait for the original topic to be put back)...

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  • 3 weeks later...

eAi moved my original topic because he thought there was no permission for it. Now with the release of MTA 0.4 moving it back will become quite useless, as the program doesn't work with it.

Of course we will try to make it compatible with 0.4, but this might take some time.

For people who are still interested in seeing what it was, and how it worked with MTA 0.3:

Check http://holyfluid.student.utwente.nl/lightbulb/. You can download the binaries and view the (INCOMPLETE!) documentation there. Note that we don't give any support nor warranties.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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