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Counter Strike can suck it


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I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I just wanted to say I'm done with CS, DoD, or any of those other racist online shooters. I'm sick of a community with racist bastards in every server, who would never say such shit in real life.

I've been called a "nig" for the last time in a DoD server yesterday by some dorky white kid. I got a mic n bitched him n 2 others to silence in a matter of seconds. Thats the first time a game has pushed me to think of commiting violence.

So I'm to say I'm done with all that shit, and I'm sticking to MTA all the way.

Here are my reasons:

1) After 4 months of playing, maybe on a couple instances have I seen a somewhat derogatory comment, and it wasn't even aimed toward me. He turned out 2 be a n00b that couldn't aim anyway.

2) At least 75% of the males that play this game actually do have balls. (Pretty good compared to the 0.1% of CS and DoD)

3) The one girl I saw that plays this game, whupped my ass. :shock: This destroyed my bias that girls couldn't handle the frustration of the targeting system.

4) Even though MTA has its good share of annoying n00bs that call me a cheater cuz they can't aim, telling them why they couldn't kill me beats

constantly bitching racist assholes tellin me I'm related to monkeys.

5) It has more bugs than CS...but its still 5x the fun even with less players.

I got some of my friends to get this mod, at least the patient ones. More will join once 0.4 is out.

Probably the biggest reason why you see less offensive comments on MTA is because everyone's having so much damn fun, they don't have time. :)

In closing, I just wanna say I got MTA team's back 100% and it'll be awhile before I'm done playing this.

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Yeah, I don't play Counter-Strike because a) it's unforgiving b) lamers like you mentioned c) there are too many people to have a proper community like MTA does

Also, if someone had said that I was related to a monkey, I would have spouted Darwin at them, stating that apparently we're all related to monkeys (well, apes anyway).

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Yeah, I don't play Counter-Strike because a) it's unforgiving b) lamers like you mentioned c) there are too many people to have a proper community like MTA does

Also, if someone had said that I was related to a monkey, I would have spouted Darwin at them, stating that apparently we're all related to monkeys (well, apes anyway).

well that's because you are a nerd j/k

sorry couldn't resist... :lol:

Yeah they suck

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this is an issue that depends on the people... not the game itself. altho the community itself in this game has a habbit of weeding out racists ;)

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i wouldnt say that the gta community is much better but i never played CS so i dont know

but heres a tip, play tribes 2! 95% of all players are friendly and loyal, maybe also because the communication is based on voice chat with commands like vgcr=you rock! or vgcs=awesome shot! vgcg=good game.....the community is great, everybody is helpful and there isnt any clan bitching and ive never seen a cheater, never ever :shock:

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yes, the last few pa strips have been like that, and other webcomics which i wont mention cause i dont have links to those strips

the tribes community i agree is actually damn amazing, seems to be full of very good players who arent fucktards (from what i hear)

lets hope mta can emulate that

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Weird, I play alot of CS and actually I've never seen any bad form of racism on the servers I've played on.

Though I never play on US servers.. usually European ones (and my own LAME-CS server). I guess this racism is (still) a US thing, which is bad.. but sticking with MTA == good :D

Edited by Guest
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been thinking of getting into cs.

racism doesn't really affect me, i just am not racist myself. bitching them out is pretty much dropping to there level and feeding them for doing it. just ignore.

but, c'mon, everyone's laughed at a racist joke before? lighten up.

but i guess i'll find out soon enough when i get CS.

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I've hated counter strike since the day it was created, I used to hang out in thier channel in irc for awhile, but the game was really stolen off teh glory of Rainbow 6, if itw asn't for R6 there never would have been CS.

The guys that created it were cool guys when they started . . just anothe rbunch of mod makers with an unoriginal idea, but a new idea for the Half Life engine, eventually, through time and popularity, they became complete fucking assholes . . ooo we have Valve helping us now . . well big fucking deal, they screwed TFC and the rest of the HL modding community while CS got help with a new engine and were able to continue CS to be a big seller. Honestly if everyone knew the whole story behind that game, they wouldn't spend another second playing it.

Shame when small people get semi big and become complete fucking asses and have nothing more to do with the community other than peddling thier used ideas and shit.

I hope the MTA team stays true to all of us, what I haev seen in my short time here I think they will :wink:

Screw CS and screw HL, I hope Valve goe sthe way of Enron

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I hope the MTA team stays true to all of us, what I haev seen in my short time here I think they will

We will stay true till death :D

for the most part myself (and I assume the rest of the team) take pride in our connection to the community.

And the only idiots you'll find on MTA are the cheaters i've found...

I guess there is a correllation between stupidity and low morality


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There is this Internet cafe in town which some friends invited me to one day. I didn't really want to come because I had a good PC and internet connection at home, but my friends insisted. I played TFC and a little UT2003, and in the middle of a game, an employee came over and told us that a group of people were coming in who had reserved the computers, implying that we had to get the fuck out. I was bored, so I decided to call it quits. I got up and just as I reached the dining area, I saw this mass of whiny kids come in and begin to play Counter-Strike. These were some of the stupidest kids I had ever seen; these were the morons who could not spell or type a single sentence without using some kind of acronym, the 'OMGWTFLOL!!1111!" kids as I like to call them. Some of the amazing phrases I heard were "Stop cheatin' you fuckin' cunt!" and "You cheatin' homo!" (No offense, just telling it like it is). Let it be known that I live in Tennessee, the heart of the Great American South, the Bible capital of the universe. I think you follow me. There is no word to describe how much they sucked at the game. So what's the real lesson in all this? Yup, I don't know either.

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been thinking of getting into cs.

racism doesn't really affect me, i just am not racist myself. bitching them out is pretty much dropping to there level and feeding them for doing it. just ignore.

but, c'mon, everyone's laughed at a racist joke before? lighten up.

but i guess i'll find out soon enough when i get CS.

racist jokes can be funny when you're directly talkin to the group of friends and EVERYONE gets picked on. But the racists in CS is not for "fun."

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Military games are means for the government to get people to think war is fun, and then join the military...

(If you don't buy it, take a look at all the NEW Action games for PC... So many desert combat type games.. *Sigh*)

Personally, I avoid any sort of OBVIOUS military game. For example, all these new BattleField rips, and I think there's one for the Xbox now... I can't remember what it's called, but they advertise it all the time on E! now.


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America's army is a free game offered by........ you guessed it, america's amry.

The idea of that game was to make you familiar to how training goes in the army ,jus like a real soldier you have to go tru shooting training and all that ( i can tell more without lieing sincee the :o game doesnt go past that for me)

And no you might think its free so that woud mean its crappy , its a very good game acctually and it being free makes it even better

And yes your right at some point in saying army games is to make people think war is fun.

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