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Best Comand Contest!


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This is a contest to see who really can make the best Comands I've seen lots of cool stuff now it is time for you comand makers to show them off.


#1 You don't need to show the comand but you need to have proof it works.

#2 If you just have a idea, Make your post reply topic Idea.

#3 If you have more than one you can put as much as you want!

#4 Be as creative as possible !

If you want to ask any thing plz feel free! :P



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The ULK server has some pretty sweet "Commands"...

You ought to talk to Dross... I think he should win - (Assuming he writes the scripts)

Uhh well i just had a surpirse when i entered the ulk server i gopt banned why ????? Well plz telll me whY !!!!!!!!!
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ok here's one ull like:

[FMJ]Oli: !aliases [fmj]oli

or perhaps this:

[FMJ]Oli: !banned buster

or maybe this one:

[FMJ]Oli: !song

<[FMJ]Oli is currently listening to: Elison - Forwards. Song Length: 3:16>

ive got loads more ill put these 3 up for now and see if anyone comes out with some better ones. If u want proof then either ask me for the scripts or come to fmj.game-host.org:2000 and ill show u

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Do i win if i say:

MTA:mA !!

Host-resolving & Wildcard-host-ban

* BaDKiller joins. (82.51.173.xx)
* BaDKiller's host: hostxx-xxx.pool8251.interbusiness.it

* BaDKiller kicked. (82.51.173.xx)

Full Winamp link

Aeron: !wa find sonic 1

Admin powers joke

PM sent: 678

Disconnected: You have been kicked. (Delay = 10 sec)

Nick-change detector

* Not_Aeron joins.

Clone kicker & kick counter

* Aeron joins.

* Aeron kicked.
<1568th idiot to get kicked>

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i did a host ban thing but i found it to not be too reliable, so ive just got it as a subnet warning now.

lets see what others shall i post...

[FMJ]Oli: !suspects

<2 part banned IP matches: Momnoop(TIGERMAN) biggtaboy(Tw@dle)>

<3 part banned IP matches: Momnoop(TIGERMAN)>


[FMJ]Oli: !lagging 50


[FMJ]Oli: !remove [FMJ]chode

<[FMJ]Oli: Would you like do permantely remove Admin: [FMJ]Chode? >

[FMJ]Oli: !no

<[FMJ]Oli temporarily removed [FMJ]Chode from Admin.>

and finally for now...

RM*Richard* has joined the game.

lol how long can we go???

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i did a host ban thing but i found it to not be too reliable, so ive just got it as a subnet warning now.

In the host there is also a sort of "account" id of the person if you ban that then no other peeps get banend

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The ULK server has some pretty sweet "Commands"...

You ought to talk to Dross... I think he should win - (Assuming he writes the scripts)

Uhh well i just had a surpirse when i entered the ulk server i gopt banned why ????? Well plz telll me whY !!!!!!!!!
Hmm... it puzzles me too. :lol:

Yeah, Dross is a good scripter. He just recently made a !1on1 script which has proved to be very useful. =)

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[FMJ]Oli: !suspects

<2 part banned IP matches: Momnoop(TIGERMAN) biggtaboy(Tw@dle)>

<3 part banned IP matches: Momnoop(TIGERMAN)>

I like that one.

I'm surprised noone has mentioned !stats yet, by far my favorite, but the one above seems nice too.

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hmm, ive got a 1on1 "challenge" script but it allows other ppl to fight with them aswell, just reports when they kill the other one and what the score is atm, until they end it, and i have a record of all the chanllenges ever made. :)

ive got a new one too...

[FMJ]Oli: !revoke [fmj]oli

<[FMJ]Oli: Votekick privileges removed by [FMJ]Oli>

[FMJ]Oli: !votekick 0

<[FMJ]Oli: Votekick privileges were removed by [FMJ]Oli>

[FMJ]Oli: !unrevoke [fmj]oli

<[FMJ]Oli: Votekick privileges reobtained.>

only admins can revoke :)

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