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Jurno Comp?

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Hey guys... cmon? Where's the jorno comp gone?

U mean there were only 2 entries so the whole thing was canned? Don't one of us win by default?

c'mon. I want to say I won something (unless the other guy one of course)

No one has to know how many people entered.


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  slothman said:
heh, the whole thing looked like a "write us fanmail competition" asking a member of the community to write a review is like asking a religious fanatic to write an unbiased article about jesus.

What if the fanatic was a budist?

(to think I logged on to type it too. Please laugh anyway.)

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It's not a case of what we would prefer. Its a game review not an indepth report on insider dealing. Most reviews will rave about a game if the reviewer liked it. Or criticise it heavily if they did not. Neither stance is unbiased as it is the reviewers opinion therefore WILL be biased. And as the majority of people reading these forums are already fans (not to mention the hardcore few who will bother to write a review) it is doubly likely to be biased.

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  MrBump said:
This is a friendly competition giving you a chance to flex your creative and journalistic skills, (or show that you in fact have none!).

What I'd like is player reviews of MTA:VC, in any style you like. Imagine you are writing freelance for a review magazine or website. Screenshots arent necessary but if you do use them then please post only thumbnails into the thread, (you may of course link those smaller images to full size ones if you so wish.)

Content is up to you, but perhaps a little history, first impressions, the community and future plans could be mentioned as well as the gameplay experience itself of course.

Post entries in this thread.

: Please note this is a friendly competition, there are no prizes, (Although I may be persuaded to give you a special forum title if your work is outstanding). Submitted reviews become the property of the MTA team and may be used by us in the future for advertising or contact emails, although we have no current plans to do so :

Happy writing.

So nothing "begging" and nothing saying "and we will pay you" in fact it says "content is up to you" and "there are NO prizes".

Glad we cleared that up. :P

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  MrBump said:
It's not a case of what we would prefer. Its a game review not an indepth report on insider dealing. Most reviews will rave about a game if the reviewer liked it. Or criticise it heavily if they did not. Neither stance is unbiased as it is the reviewers opinion therefore WILL be biased. And as the majority of people reading these forums are already fans (not to mention the hardcore few who will bother to write a review) it is doubly likely to be biased.

Excuse me? Are you saying any reviewer's opinion will definitely be biased one way or another? No such thing as sincerity, fairness and capacity for objective evaluation I guess, huh? IMO that's kind of a biased opinion in its own right there...

Meh anyway, IMO you're underestimating the ppl here greatly if you consider them incapable of objectively judging MTA (whether you'd call them fans or otherwise). Even more so, those that have stayed here the longest and played MTA the most, I think would be the most reliable to sit down and tell ppl what is really good and what is not about this mod.

That's that I think and BTW, as christos pointed out, it wasn't supposed to be a kind of fan-mail style thing.

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