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stuff we do NOT want in the next release


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I was looking, but there was no thread with stuff we don't want.

So here it is, the one and only we don't want this in the next mta!


I don't want an ingame menu (if it willcome), i hear people asking for it, but i simply think that it isn't needed. I prefer a client because it's much easier to use (atleast i think)

And i also don't want gayspy support (if it will come), cause ase is much better, gayspy is gay, ase isn't

And the last thing i don't want is all characters to choose, maybe it is usefull for everyones personal skin, but i think that it will lag on this core (i can't talk about 0.4core) if 26players have a different skin, if the 0.4 core will be more stable than this core, then i don't have any problems with it offcourse


so place your not-wanted list here :)

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Hmm, yea. I don't think an ingame menu would be good. It might be, but if it turns out like GtaT's ingame menu, then no.

We also don't want tanks in because they can tap you and you blow up, it'd be too fuckign crazy. Maybe a game mode could have a tank battle or soemthing. But not for regular DM.

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Sorry mad boy but i have to dissagree with you on all points :)

First i hope that the in game menu would be somethign in one of the future releases since i think it would make easier to make it so you cant alt-tab out of game,i according to me there are also some cheats that you have to first run then alt ab and do , so this will prevent (minimize ) this.

Gamespy support will be another server browsing program that will have mta in its list , this doesnt mean it will repleace it,so you can/could still use ASE if you want , you are not obbliged to use Gamespy.

I would love to have more skins to choose from , makes it more "personal" you can then choose a character you are comfortable/like with and not being forced to choose one simply cause there arent enough choices, and i doubt it woud make the game lag more, i dont see why it woud :?

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I would love to have more skins to choose from , makes it more "personal" you can then choose a character you are comfortable/like with and not being forced to choose one simply cause there arent enough choices, and i doubt it woud make the game lag more, i dont see why it woud :?

i was talking about the current core, cause it allready has skin problems, i don't want to know what would happen with so much skins :P

like i said, for the new core, it would be ok

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about the skins

i believe that mad boy is refering to the fact that skins in mta are already a bit "laggy."

as in the reason that robbers apear as mexes etc. the skins arent loading right. i believe that that affects nothing but the skin, i dont think it will cause it to lag anymore.

another theory that i have as far as what mad boy is thinking is that everytime a player enters the game it loads his model. if it had to load a different skin for each player which is possible it could cause it to lag. but im not sure if it works that way

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I want them to take away unlimted run.

Now I know 99% of you will not like this but I see it as so poeple won't beable to just run away after losing 2 health adding more to the game. This would work only of course if they could add more cars in so what ever. so you could not bitch about I have to walk 3 miles to the nearest car.

Or maybe just a smaller map would do it. ohh well I know it won't happen so what ever.

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well i would like an ingame menu coz i just think it adds to the feeling a bit more to the game and it makes it a bit more less "technical" looks a bit more "easier" to n00bs and all!

just my 2 cents! :D

Yep, I agree. And even the non-n00bs don't want to make life too difficult. I really disliked the run game, alt+tab, start game method of playing GTA 3: MTA.

And yeah, Gamespy support will provide yet another way of starting the game. I know some people prefer its user-friendliness to ASE's. And has the team considered setting up a public master?

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don't mees upthis thread, it's a thread with stuff we don't want to see :P

Things you don't want are usually related to things you do want. For example, I don't want cheaters / lamers, so therefore I do want better anti-cheat features.

You didn't want lots of skins because of lag problems. Therefore, you wanted better skin synchronisation.

You have to think positively :)

That's why there haven't been any other non-feature lists like this.

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ok stuff i dont want lets see... i dont want lag and all the usuall crap (duh :P) i dont want mta turning into adware/spyware, i dont want the spas and the flamethrower in it (and deffenatly not the minigun/rocketlouncher/other superweapon), i dont want rain in the stuntmode(at all, because you cant get good shots with drops on your screen), i dont want no dumb laming cheaters, i dont want any retarded n00bs that dont read the manual... yes i know that n00bs will allways exist...

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I want them to take away unlimted run.

Now I know 99% of you will not like this but I see it as so poeple won't beable to just run away after losing 2 health adding more to the game.

well, i gotta say im part of that 99% :D . even if it were disabled, ppl(including me) wud just use the infinite run trick - keep taping shift - so it wud be pointless

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i dont want the spas and the flamethrower in it (and deffenatly not the minigun/rocketlouncher/other superweapon)

I think he's right the super weapons are just a pain in the ass but the worst ones are the spaz and the flamethower it just makes it too easy and ruins the game a bit



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When looking at pedestrians, which I can see a lot of you want to be play as, pedestrian models are not playable in-game; if you recall back to GTA3 the character cheat that would change your player model would allow you to spawn as pedestrians, whereas in GTA:VC you could only spawn as one of Tommy's character models. This means that in the future you should see a lot more playable characters in the GTA3 version of MTA rather then the Vice City version. Vice City contains roughly 81 playable models, although two sets of those models are identical, S_KEEP and SAM being one of those pairs. Another character that is unsupported, but can be played in Vice City, is the LAWYER model, not the IG version. When spawned as LAWYER your model is greatly deformed, which can be humerous at times.

As far as player models affecting bandwidth latency, that's just a myth, at least if I'm correct. When a player enters the game a new ID is created for that character, e.g. ID = 16. When this ID is created and the user chooses their player model that model is then statically linked to the ID, thus when a player's location is updated their player model does not have to be. This is the best method because it cuts down on both CPU usage as well as bandwidth. Now as far as MTA goes, I am unaware of what type of method they use, so I very well may be incorrect, if so then please accept my apology.

One thing I definitely wouldn't mind seeing, although this is complex and will most likely take large amounts of time before it is widely implemented, is the use of vehicle turrets, such as in the Phnom Penh 86' mission when the pllayer is mounted to the side of the helicopter with a machine gun. I attempted to work this out in a multiplayer manner, although it is extremely hard because the player becomes part of the vehicle, thus when they fire their weapon you must have the memory addresses of the angles in which they are firing at. There is also another mission when a pedestrian is mounted to the passenger seat of a BF Injection with a machine gun. I also attempted to work this idea out, alas; I found myself baffled with the same problem. Anyway, just a suggestion, and considering the fact that MTA has memory hackers dedicating their time solely to finding addresses I believe it's a feasible idea. Here's a little snippet for those interested:

\\ Mission 13: Phnom Penh 86'
00A5:  11284?? = create_car #MAVERICK at -391! -573! -100!
0229: set_car  11284?? color_to  3?  1?
0224: set_car  11284?? health_to  3000&
00D6: if  0?
8119:   NOT   car  11284?? wrecked
004D: jump_if_false £Label066F77
0227:  11292?? = car  11284?? health
03C4: set_status_text_to  11292??  1? (bar) "COK2_24" \\ Heli Health:
0050: gosub £Label069F51
04E2: $PLAYER_CHAR  1?
0129: $LANCE_VANCE = create_actor  4? #SPECIAL04 in_car  11284?? driverseat
0446: (unknown) $LANCE_VANCE  0? 
04F5: unknown_actor $LANCE_VANCE kiss_player $PLAYER_CHAR on  1?
04A2: heli  11284?? fly_to -375.155! -548.155!  48.266! speed  20?
015F: set_camera_position -386.772! -581.461!  40.134!  0!  0!  0!
0160: point_camera -387.379! -580.692!  40.335!  2?
04DF:  11284??  1?
041E: set_radio_station  3? -1?
0001: wait  500& ms
016A: fade  1? (back)  1000& ms
0001: wait  6000& ms
01EB: set_car_density_to  0!
03DE: set_pedestrians_density_multiplier_to  0!
0169: set_fade_color  1?  1?  1?
043C: unknown_set_game_sounds  0?
016A: fade  0? ()  500& ms
0001: wait  500& ms
00D6: if  0?
00E0:   player $PLAYER_CHAR driving
004D: jump_if_false £Label066FD2
012A: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at -379.2! -536.4!  16.2! and_remove_from_car
00D6: if  0?
8119:   NOT   car  11284?? wrecked
004D: jump_if_false £Label067002
0464: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR into_turret_on_car  11284?? at_car_offset -1.4!  1! -.1! unknown  1? angle  90! with_weapon  32?

Of course this sequence merely defines the creation of the Maverick, the addition of Lance Vance to the driver's seat of the helicopter, the helicopter's health bar, the coordinates for the helicopter to fly to as well as the placement of the player in the helicopter's turret, as well as a few other pieces of code that are fairly self-explanatory.



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I realize that, but I figured it would be just as easy to kill two fish in one pond rather then having to apply my thoughts to another field. Simplicity is the key to ease of use, complexity merely adds problems. If you are truly displeased with this information's current location then I will merely copy the snippet that applies to what I feel needs to be added to the other post, otherwise I believe it's just fine where it is now.

As well, the post that you sent me towards merely leads to an unrealistic idea. There are certain things that are possible, and others that are too complex to truly work in this area of gameplay. Turrets are used by the GTA game engine, thus adding them to the multiplayer aspect is possible and can be applied in the near future, whereas the majority of the information on the post you are referring to is just gamer's erroneous fantasies.



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