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then you need to talk to the clan ur playing oli. im leaving the withdrawals open for 24 more hours, after that il post saturdays matches. all gangs plan on being here at 8pm gmt time

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O.K. VCA withdraw because of all the squabbling and arguments that have spilled onto the forum, and the problems with the rules not being totally clear... Oh wait! VCA never entered in the first place for fear of the above happening.

hehe sorry, can never resist a told you so ;P

[go VCK + KFC!]

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the rules that were broken were clear ;P besides, someone had to take initiative and get this whole thing started, and so far for the most part it has gone very smooth, and we have had alot of fun. beat that ;P :)

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wtf - vs ulk

ulk - vs wtf

fbi - vs lr

lr - vs fbi

vck - vs kfc

kfc - vs vck

vces - vs sm

sm - vs vces

fmj - off week

- special notes -

411 - im pulling them out, as i dont think theyre even a clan anymore, lemme know if im wrong

kfc vs ulk is off this week for 2 reasons.

1. its gonna be the biggest match of the tourny, so im gonna save it ;P

2. the schedule got changed when fmj went on the off week

sm hasnt given any notice of them pulling out, so i scheduled them in just in case

im on a very slow connection right now, so il compile a table of games played etc in about 2 hours or so when i get home, shouldnt make a diff for now anyways

if we can get fmjs, kfc, and disasters, and vces servers then that should give us the ability to play all matches at 8pm gmt as planned. let me know if any of these are unavailable or u wish to help out by providing a server :)

- special notes on rules -

-ANYTHING goes as far as weapons, including choppers. if you want guns only then play a diff game.

-NO weapons pick up during the first 2 rounds, or anytime before go.

-NO respawning UNTIL THE ROUND IS OVER. if you die sit at the spawn screen. any respawns will have the following consenquence:

if your team WINS the round then its a round redo, if they lose then its still a loss.there are no exceptions to this rule, nor is there a "you do it so many times your disqualified" type of scenario unless it becomes clear theyre doing it on purpose (3 or so spawns)

- there is no definate rule on health pick ups right now. if you wish to allow them then talk to the other team, otherwise running out of the base is a NO!

- if your only waiting on ONE PERSON then its a GO GO GO. you cant wait for everyone as by the time that person gets there someone else will have crashed etc etc.

- the only thing that can force an instant loss right now is cheating. any other rule violations result in a round redo if the violating team wins, and a loss if the other team wins.

- you guys can change these rules during your game as a HONOR ONLY BASIS. THESE are the rules that are going to be enforced. not some other rule u agree to during the match

- its a MINIMUM of 1, with a MAXIMUM of 7. all players must be there at the start of the first round, late comers not accepted after the first round. if they enter during the 1st round they must sit out til round 2

that seems to take care of all the technicalities. lets have some good games everyone

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It doesn't matter - just choose a base and stick with it, as you'll be using it in the defense round. Some people don't like places that have to load an interior though (I don't know why), so you may need to ask the opposing gang if they're fine with that.

I see WTF has taken up Kaufman Cabs; that's okay to use in matches. ;)

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