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MTAMA Scripting


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This is wot i have for mta.part

on *:SIGNAL:mta.part:{
 if ($readini(bjack.ini,adminlist,$mta.name($1,$2)) != $null) {
   writeini bjack.ini onlineadmin current $remtok($readini(bjack.ini,onlineadmins,current),$mta.name($1,$2),1,46)	
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) has logged off as admin!
 else { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) has left the game!

it wont work summat wrong wit the $remtok

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This is wot i have for mta.part

on *:SIGNAL:mta.part:{
 if ($readini(bjack.ini,adminlist,$mta.name($1,$2)) != $null) {
   writeini bjack.ini onlineadmin current $remtok($readini(bjack.ini,onlineadmins,current),$mta.name($1,$2),1,46)	
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) has logged off as admin!
 else { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) has left the game!

it wont work summat wrong wit the $remtok


on *:SIGNAL:mta.part:{
 if ($readini(bjack.ini,adminlist,$mta.name($1,$2)) != $null) {
   writeini bjack.ini onlineadmin current $remtok($readini(bjack.ini,onlineadmin,current),$mta.name($1,$2),1,46)	
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) has logged off as admin!
 else { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) has left the game!

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if ($3 == !warned) {
   unset %warned
   set %countwarned 0
   while (%countwarned < 26 ) {
     if ($mta.name($1,%countwarned) != Unknown) && (if ($readini( "MTAwarn.ini", main, $mta.name( $1, %countwarned ) ) ) {
       if (%warned == $null) {
         %warned = $mta.name($1, %countwarned) ( $+ if ($readini( "MTAwarn.ini", main, $mta.name( $1, %countwarned ) ) ) {
       else {
         %warned = %warned $+ , $mta.name($1, %countwarned) ( $+ if ($readini( "MTAwarn.ini", main, $mta.name( $1, %countwarned ) ) ) {
     %countwarned = %countwarned + 1
   if ( %warned == $null ) {
     mta.say $1 No people warned in this server.
   else {
     mta.say $1 Warned people: %warned
   unset %warned
   unset %countwarned

why is this dont work ??

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MIRC says this writeini has incorrect parameters can sum 1 correct this

writeini bjack.ini onlineadmin current $remtok($readini(bjack.ini,onlineadmin,current),$mta.name($1,$2),1,46)  

%current = $remtok($readini(bjack.ini,onlineadmin,current),$mta.name($1,$2),1,32)  
if (%current != $null) {
 writeini bjack.ini MTA onlineadmin current
else {
 remini bjack.ini MTA onlineadmin current

This use create bjack.ini structured like:


onlineadmin = a b c d e

something = else

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Harry can you fix this ?

if ($3 == !warned) {
   unset %warned
   set %countwarned 0
   while (%countwarned < 26 ) {
     if ($mta.name($1,%countwarned) != Unknown) && (if ($readini( "MTAwarn.ini", main, $mta.name( $1, %countwarned ) ) ) {
       if (%warned == $null) {
         %warned = $mta.name($1, %countwarned) ( $+ if ($readini( "MTAwarn.ini", main, $mta.name( $1, %countwarned ) ) ) {
       else {
         %warned = %warned $+ , $mta.name($1, %countwarned) ( $+ if ($readini( "MTAwarn.ini", main, $mta.name( $1, %countwarned ) ) ) {
     %countwarned = %countwarned + 1
   if ( %warned == $null ) {
     mta.say $1 No people warned in this server.
   else {
     mta.say $1 Warned people: %warned
   unset %warned
   unset %countwarned

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if $3 == !warned {
 var %a = 0,%b
 while %a < $mta.maxplayers($1) {
   if $ini($mta.dir $+ $1.ini,ID $+ %a) && $readini(MTAwarn.ini,main,$mta.name($1,%a)) {
     if %b == $null { %b = $mta.name($1,%a) }
     else { %b = %b $+ , $mta.name($1,%a) }
   !inc %a
 mta.say $1 $iif(%b == $null,No people warned in this server.,Warned people: %b)

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;!timeban Script - Edited! 

alias mta.start { 
 .timerunban 0 10 mta.timeunban 
alias mta.text { 
 if ($readini($scriptdir $+ $1.ini,ID $+ $2,op)) { 
   if ($3 == !timeban) { 
     if ($4 != $null) { 
       if ($5 != $null) { 
         if ($6 != $null) { 
           if ($mta.name($1,$4) == unknown) { 
             mta.say $1 Error! ID $4 don't exist! 
           else { 
             if ($6 == sec || $6 == min || $6 == hour || $6 == day || $6 == week) { 
               mta.timeban $1- 
             else { 
               mta.say $1 Error of synthesis, use: !timeban  value (sec,min,hour,day or week). 
         else { 
           mta.say $1 Error of synthesis, use: !timeban  value (sec,min,hour,day or week). 
       else { 
         mta.say $1 Error of synthesis, use: !timeban  value (sec,min,hour,day or week). 
     else { 
       mta.say $1 Error of synthesis, use: !timeban  value (sec,min,hour,day or week). 
alias mta.timeban { 
 %id = $4 
 %ip = $mta.ip($1, %id) 
 %currenttime = $ctime 

 if (%id == -1) { 
 %factor_text = $6 
 if (%factor_text == sec) { 
   %factor = 1 
 elseif (%factor_text == min) { 
   %factor = 60 
 elseif (%factor_text == hour) { 
   %factor = 3600 
 elseif (%factor_text == day) { 
   %factor = 86400 
 elseif (%factor_text == week) { 
   %factor = 604800 

 %ban_until = $calc(%currenttime + $5 * %factor) 
 mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$4) has been BANned by $mta.name($1,$2) until $asctime(%ban_until) 
 %bans = $readini( "MTAbans.ini", bans, ips) 
 %bans = $addtok(%bans, $longip(%ip), 32) 

 %servers = $readini( "MTAbans.ini", servers, $longip(%ip)) 
 %servers = $addtok(%servers, $1, 32) 

 writeini "MTAbans.ini" bans ips %bans 
 writeini "MTAbans.ini" banduration $longip(%ip) %ban_until 
 writeini "MTAbans.ini" server $longip(%ip) %servers 
 writeini "MTAbans.ini" name $longip(%ip) $mta.name($1,%id) 
 writeini "MTAbans.ini" ip $longip(%ip) $mta.ip($1,%id) 
 mta.ban $1 %id 
alias mta.timeunban { 
 %bans = $readini( "MTAbans.ini", bans, ips) 
 %num_bans = $numtok(%bans, 32) 
 %currenttime = $ctime 
 %counter = 0 

 while (%counter < %num_bans) { 
   if (%num_bans > 1) { 
     %banned = $gettok( %bans , %counter + 1 , 32) 
   else { 
     %banned = %bans 
   if (%banned != $null) { 
     %ban_until = $readini( "MTAbans.ini", banduration, %banned ) 
     if (%ban_until <= %currenttime) { 
       %servers = $readini( "MTAbans.ini", server, %banned) 
       %name = $readini( "MTAbans.ini", name, %banned) 
       %num_servers = $numtok(%servers,32) 
       %counter2 = 0 
       while (%counter2 <= %num_servers) { 
         %server = $gettok( %servers , %counter2 + 1 , 32) 
         mta.say %server  %name has been unBANned ... 
         mta.unban %server $longip(%banned) 
         %counter2 = %counter2 + 1 
       %bans = $remtok(%bans, %banned, 32) 
       %num_bans = $calc(%num_bans - 1) 
       %counter = %counter - 1          
       remini "MTAbans.ini" banduration %banned 
       remini "MTAbans.ini" server %banned 
       remini "MTAbans.ini" name %banned 
       remini "MTAbans.ini" ip %banned 
   %counter = %counter + 1 
 if (%bans != $null) { 
   writeini "MTAbans.ini" bans ips %bans 
 else { 
   remini "MTAbans.ini" bans ips 
alias mta.pm { 
 if ($3- == server secret) { 
   mta.say $1 Admin rights given to $mta.name($1,$2) 
   writeini $+(",$scriptdir,$1.ini") ID $+ $2 op 1 
;Tested with success...

Lol, i do !timeban 0 1 sec i wait 20 sec or longer and i'am unbanned can somone PLEASE fix it ?

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ok this is nothing to do with ur conversation at all but it is a script suggestion.

could u make a DM script? now that does sound stupid, but i'll explain.

there is a 30min time limit. the scoreboard is reset before hand. ppl kill, mtama monitors it like the scoreboard. at the end of the round there is a 'champ', who got the most kills and every1 is slapped to death for the next round, and scores reset. the 'champ' gets a 'champ point' for winning the round. in the next round, the name of the champ is randomly spammed (just to give him sum glory). and after say...2hrs the person with the most 'champ points' wins the...ermm.. the...set? ok so the champ points idea isnt realy needed, but i reckon this will give thecurrent gamemode a much better, and fun effect. ty

bleh nuff quoted

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elseif ($3 == !kick) && (%ismoderator. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] == true || %isadmin. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] == true) {

mta.say $1 $mta.name( $1 , $2 ) has kicked $mta.name( $1 , $4 ) $+ . Reason: $5-

set %kicks $calc($readini("MTAscript.ini",kicks,$mta.name( $1 , $2 )) + 1)

writeini -n "MTAscript.ini" kicks $mta.name( $1 , $2 ) %kicks

echo -a Server $1 : $mta.name( $1 , $2 ) kicked nr. %kicks

mta.kick $1 $4 $5-


can you tell me 1) how i can make this work using wildcards, 2) make it so i cant kick myself, and 3) give me an error if there is an incorrect ID/name used

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$iif($4 isnum,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4)

this will get you the id for the player - using either !kick or !kick

2) Put

if ($iif($4 isnum,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4) != $2)

at the start.


if ($mta.name($1,$iif($4 isnum,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4)) != unknown)

Here's the whole script with the new bits added as my explanations were crap

elseif ($3 == !kick) && (%ismoderator. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] == true || %isadmin. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] == true) { 
 %a = $iif($4 isnum,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4))
 if (%a == $2) mta.msg $1 $2 You cannot kick yourself!
 elseif ($mta.name($1,%a) == unknown) mta.msg $1 $2 Invalid ID/Name
 else {
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) has kicked $mta.name($1,%a) $+ . Reason: $5- 
   set %kicks $calc($readini("MTAscript.ini",kicks,$mta.name($1,$2)) + 1) 
   !writeini -n "MTAscript.ini" kicks $mta.name($1,$2) %kicks 
   echo -a Server $1 $+ : $mta.name($1,$2) kicked nr. %kicks 
   mta.kick $1 %a
 unset %a 

Hope i haven't made any mistakes :P

Edited by Guest
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