<VMP>Sobeit Posted May 25, 2004 Share Posted May 25, 2004 u just want new ones? wow u must be awefully bored Link to comment
Oli Posted May 25, 2004 Share Posted May 25, 2004 i tried to find a tutorial once upon a time... but never found anything useful.. so id just look at some scripts, manhunt, gang war, and ones u find here, and figure out which bit does what.. thats what i eneded up doing. Link to comment
Quig Posted May 25, 2004 Share Posted May 25, 2004 cool ya thats what i've been doing and i've figured out the basics but i still got alot of learning to do Link to comment
[RT]kooper Posted May 25, 2004 Share Posted May 25, 2004 im doin exactly the same thing but im lucky to have had alot of help from other ppl Link to comment
Oli Posted May 25, 2004 Share Posted May 25, 2004 well im quite good at it now, if any of u need help then just ask me on pm or msn or whatever, im always happy to help. Link to comment
[RT]kooper Posted May 25, 2004 Share Posted May 25, 2004 thanks man always happy to help with and hits you want to collect on your sites aswell lol Link to comment
Cube Posted May 25, 2004 Share Posted May 25, 2004 HI all, i from poland and i have problem. Beacause I want write script "high ping kick", max ping 300, but i want this have in scripts.mrc. I don't know where i must have this: /set %max 300. Can you help me ? Link to comment
[RT]kooper Posted May 27, 2004 Share Posted May 27, 2004 hi all just wondering if anyone knew of any irc addons that detect a key word (eg !admin) then play a wav or mp3 file so i can run it in conjunction with the mta/irc flood script and wen ppl are shouting admin while im doing something i know about it Link to comment
Oli Posted May 27, 2004 Share Posted May 27, 2004 Cube: just do it in the irc window... /set %max 300 use that with the ping kicker on this thread. Kooper: yes i know of a way u can do that but it would require you to have winamp open all the time. Link to comment
Vincent Posted May 27, 2004 Share Posted May 27, 2004 Hi is there somebody who can tell me some more about a timeban script? I don't know where to start Link to comment
Harry Posted May 27, 2004 Share Posted May 27, 2004 You first have to decide where you're going to store the ban data, and in what way. A (mySQL) database would be the best, but i'm thinking of using a ini file, because not everybody has a mysql server available. i'll try to finish it soon Link to comment
Aeron Posted May 27, 2004 Share Posted May 27, 2004 Hi is there somebody who can tell me some more about a timeban script? I don't know where to start alias mta.timeban { !.timer 1 $3 mta.unban $1 $mta.ip($1,$2) mta.ban $1 $2 } Use the command mta.timeban 1 Note: Dont close MTA:mA when there are still time bans are running. Link to comment
Cube Posted May 27, 2004 Share Posted May 27, 2004 OLI not working, have you this script in the scripts.mrc, write me this here ?? Link to comment
Si|ent Posted May 27, 2004 Author Share Posted May 27, 2004 oli said, Kooper: yes i know of a way u can do that but it would require you to have winamp open all the time. Actually provided your mp3 player, be it winamp or another, is the default for playing mp3 you can simply use: /run c:\path to mp3\mp3name.mp3 So a quick and easy way would be to put the following in your MTAMA scripts.mrc in the mta.txt section; } if (!admin isin $3-) { mta.say $1 The admin has been alerted. /run c:\mp3\shout.mp3 } (Don't forget to use elseif if you have checks above it already) ps. Is it just me or is our 'code' colourscheme really hard to read? Link to comment
tbot Posted May 27, 2004 Share Posted May 27, 2004 Actually provided your mp3 player, be it winamp or another, is the default for playing mp3 you can simply use: /run c:\path to mp3\mp3name.mp3 mIRC even provides it's own sound playing function: /splay c:\path to mp3\mp3name.mp3 Link to comment
Oli Posted May 27, 2004 Share Posted May 27, 2004 lol ok, i didnt know about that command. Yeah bump, this code clolour scheme is crap maybe u should use a different theme, or u could just change the colour manually in the forum admin cp although i think its the same colour thats used for "moderators" so they wuold change colour too Link to comment
Aeron Posted May 28, 2004 Share Posted May 28, 2004 mIRC even provides it's own sound playing function: /splay c:\path to mp3\mp3name.mp3 Dont forget "-p" for MP3's !splay -p "c:\path to mp3\mp3name.mp3" Quotes are needed because 'c:\path' isn't a mp3 file! The '!' prefix makes the command faster and not processing as a alias Link to comment
tbot Posted May 28, 2004 Share Posted May 28, 2004 Dont forget "-p" for MP3's ... Quotes are needed because 'c:\path' isn't a mp3 file! The '!' prefix makes the command faster and not processing as a alias Both the -p and the quotes are not needed (try it ) Link to comment
Quig Posted May 29, 2004 Share Posted May 29, 2004 i have a problem with two script's i'm tryin to test can someone see if they can find an error if ($3 == !votekick) { if (%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == $null) { if ($ini($+(".$scriptdir,$1,.ini,"),ID $+ $4)) { set %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $4 set %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $null mta.say $1 Votekick "!vote" if u want that $mta.name($1,$4) shall be kicked.[ $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2) votes needed] [30 sec] .timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1 30 mta.vote $1 } else mta.say $1 Give up an exisiting ID-number: "!votekick <#ID"> } else mta.say $1 Another votekick is running: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) } if (($3 == !vote) && (%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] != $null)) { if ($2 !isin %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) { %vote.voters [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $2 mta.say $1 $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ $1 ] ],32 votes for $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) if ($numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [$1 ] ],32 >= $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2)) { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $! ] ],32 votes ur out! mta.kick $1 %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] unset %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] .timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] off } } else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) You have already voted } } alais mta.vote { mta.say $1 Vote kick cancelled: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) unset %vote.nick. [ $+ $1 ] ] unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] } ok i got the votekick to work but i need to know how to set the pecentage of votes needed to kick someone alias checkpings { set %temp.i 0 while (%temp.i < 26) { set %temp.ping $mta.ping(1, %temp.i) if ( (%temp.ping > 1000) || (%temp.ping < 0) ) { halt } if (%temp.ping != $null) { inc %loop. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] 1 if (%loop. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] > 12) { set %loop. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] 1 } set %ping. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] $+ . $+ [ %loop. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] ] ] %temp.ping if (%ping. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] $+ . $+ ] 12 != $null) { set %temp.j 1 set %temp.average 0 while (%temp.j <= 12) { inc %temp.average %ping. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] $+ . $+ [ %temp.j ] ] inc %temp.j 1 } set %temp.average $calc(%temp.average / 12) set %average. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] %temp.average if (%temp.average >= %max) { /mta.say 1 Kicking $mta.name(1, %temp.i) for having average ping over %max /mta.kick 1 %temp.i } } } inc %temp.i 1 } unset %temp.* } alias mta.start { timerping 0 10 checkpings } alias mta.join { unset %ping. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ ] * set %loop [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 0 } Link to comment
Aeron Posted May 29, 2004 Share Posted May 29, 2004 i have a problem with two script's i'm tryin to test can someone see if they can find an errorok i got the votekick to work but i need to know how to set the pecentage of votes needed to kick someone if ($3 == !votekick) { %vote.percentage = 50 if (%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == $null) { if ($ini($+(".$scriptdir,$1,.ini,"),ID $+ $4)) { set %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $4 set %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $null mta.say $1 Votekick "!vote" if u want that $mta.name($1,$4) shall be kicked.[ $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2) votes needed] [30 sec] .timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1 30 mta.vote $1 } else mta.say $1 Give up an exisiting ID-number: "!votekick <#ID"> } else mta.say $1 Another votekick is running: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) } if (($3 == !vote) && (%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] != $null)) { if ($2 !isin %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) { %vote.voters [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $2 mta.say $1 $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ $1 ] ],32 votes for $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) if ($calc($numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [$1 ] ],32) / $mta.players($1) *100) >= %vote.percentage) { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $! ] ],32 votes ur out! mta.kick $1 %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] unset %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] .timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] off } } else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) You have already voted } } alias mta.vote { mta.say $1 Vote kick cancelled: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) unset %vote.nick. [ $+ $1 ] ] unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] } 'alais mta.vote {' 'alias mta.vote {' 'if ($numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32 >= $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2)) {' 'if ($numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) >= $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2)) {' 'if ($numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) >= $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2)) {' 'if ($calc($numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [$1 ] ],32) / $mta.players($1) *100) >= %vote.percentage) {' '%vote.percentage = 50' added Link to comment
Cube Posted May 29, 2004 Share Posted May 29, 2004 HI all, not working me 3 scripts. Can you help me ? 1. I have this /set %life. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $ctime } in scripts.mrc in mta.join and this not working and all scripts in mta.text not working. WHY ? 2. I have this if ($mta.kills($1,$3) == 10) mta.say $1 No,no koles o imieniu $mta.name($1,$3) uwalil juz 10 frajerow ! if ($mta.kills($1,$3) == 20) mta.say $1 No,no koles o imieniu $mta.name($1,$3) uwalil juz 20 frajerow, uwazajcie na niego ! if ($mta.kills($1,$3) == 30) mta.say $1 No,no koles o imieniu $mta.name($1,$3) uwalil juz 30 frajerow, oj oj naginajcie od niego ! } in mta.kill and this not working , why ? 3. I have this alias checkpings { set %temp.i 0 while ( %temp.i < 26 ) { set %temp.ping $mta.ping(1, %temp.i) if ( ( %temp.ping > 1000 ) || ( %temp.ping < 0 ) ) { halt } if ( %temp.ping != $null ) { inc %loop. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] 1 if ( %loop. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] > 12 ) { set %loop. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] 1 } set %ping. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] $+ . $+ [ %loop. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] ] ] %temp.ping if ( %ping. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] $+ . $+ ] 12 != $null ) { set %temp.j 1 set %temp.average 0 while ( %temp.j <= 12 ) { inc %temp.average %ping. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] $+ . $+ [ %temp.j ] ] inc %temp.j 1 } set %temp.average $calc( %temp.average / 12 ) set %average. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] %temp.average if ( %temp.average >= %max ) { /mta.say 1 Kicking $mta.name(1, %temp.i) for having average ping over %max /mta.kick 1 %temp.i } } } inc %temp.i 1 } unset %temp.* } alias mta.start { timerping 0 10 checkpings } alias mta.join { unset %ping. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ ] * set %loop. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 0 } in scripts.mrc and this not working. I don't know where i must giv this: /set %max 300 , but i want this have all in scripts.mrc. CAN YOU HELP ME ?? Link to comment
Quig Posted May 29, 2004 Share Posted May 29, 2004 ha stupid mistakes thx aeron and the highping kicker just doesn't react at all i duuno why alias checkpings { set %temp.i 0 while (%temp.i < 26) { set %temp.ping $mta.ping(1, %temp.i) if ( (%temp.ping > 1000) || (%temp.ping < 0) ) { halt } if (%temp.ping != $null) { inc %loop. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] 1 if (%loop. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] > 12) { set %loop. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] 1 } set %ping. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] $+ . $+ [ %loop. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] ] ] %temp.ping if (%ping. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] $+ . $+ ] 12 != $null) { set %temp.j 1 set %temp.average 0 while (%temp.j <= 12) { inc %temp.average %ping. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] $+ . $+ [ %temp.j ] ] inc %temp.j 1 } set %temp.average $calc(%temp.average / 12) set %average. [ $+ [ %temp.i ] ] %temp.average if (%temp.average >= %max) { /mta.say 1 Kicking $mta.name(1, %temp.i) for having average ping over %max /mta.kick 1 %temp.i } } } inc %temp.i 1 } unset %temp.* } alias mta.start { timerping 0 10 checkpings } alias mta.join { unset %ping. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ ] * set %loop [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 0 } and the votekick works good but i was wonder how would i put a timer on it, so if no one votes it would stop itself Link to comment
Aeron Posted May 29, 2004 Share Posted May 29, 2004 ...and the votekick works good but i was wonder how would i put a timer on it, so if no one votes it would stop itself Eeuh if you didn't notice: it already does... And for the ping kicker: it seems it is made for server 1 if you have it on another server it doesn't work Link to comment
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