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DDoS (12/11/2003 @ 20:58 CET) by Webmaster


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  • MTA Team

Again an attack. This time on the Wojjie Networks. This has caused the site to be unreachable during a big part of the day Wojjie Networks is doing it's best to keep its systems available for its customers, and they are doing a good job.

I do want to stress that this attack is not directed at mta itself as far as we know.

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id be willing to bet money on it that it wasnt, anyone with a head knows that they are just stalling the website, not stalling mta itself. id be willing to bet that its just some script kiddie sitting behind him computer trying to be a bigshot

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Depending on how good a script kiddie if it originated from a traceable source (original originator) and that origin's IP some how managed to be posted that certain script kiddie might have some problems caused by a large mta user base... *Ahem* If you know what I mean. ;)

I doubt no website would ever stop the mta project. :D

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  • MTA Team

the attack is still going, but the attackers don't have enough bandwith anymore. At it's top they had about 15 systems attacking. Yesterday when the site was available again they were still atacking at 3 mbit. I don't know how much bandwith is still being used at the moment

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As a general note, we do take this sort of situation very seriously and any valid information that can be provided is greatly appreciated.

However, we have taken the appropriate steps against a number of individuals in past and present situations, and we will continue to do so as this sort of attack is illegal.

Thank you to all those whom are here to support MTA. We apprecaite your patience.

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The attackers are just LOSERS !!!

Look it is fun to put down a server but take try it on the big ones then like Lycos or other servers and not Wojjie..

White Hackers are nice and 1337 !!!

Black Hackers SUCK BIG TIME !!!!!!

I've noticed that some ppl misunderstood (the bold part) with black and white I am not a racist but I mentioned that Black Hackers are Evil and White hackers not..


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The attackers are just LOSERS !!!

Look it is fun to put down a server but take try it on the big ones then like Lycos or other servers and not Wojjie..

White Hackers are nice and 1337 !!!

Black Hackers SUCK BIG TIME !!!!!!

I've noticed that some ppl misunderstood (the bold part) with black and white I am not a racist but I mentioned that Black Hackers are Evil and White hackers not..


What's that supposed to mean?

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