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Project Dolphin


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Hey everyone,

I've wanted you to know that I've made a MTA team on the Project Dolphin website. Everyone that doesn't know what Project Dolphin is here it goes: Project Dolphin counts how many keystrokes you make and sends them to a server. You can be ranked in the Top 10 and you can join Teams.

You must Register on the site and download the Client to participate...

...Please don't Cheat...


http://www.project-dolphin.nl - Project Dolphin Website (English Site)

http://www.project-dolphin.nl/register.php - Register Page

http://www.project-dolphin.nl/team.php?tid=3285 - MTA Team Site

Everyone is open to join.. Every country...

So Join now !!!

- Alex3305 -

Edited by Guest
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i dont really like the idea of a program logging my keystrokes - and that is too easily fooled, just make a proggy that presses a letter into a notepad thing 1million times hell, just go to some multinational corp office and install it on all of those (they win =)

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If you press two characters after each other it won't count..


"aaaaaaaaaa" won't count but "apapapapapap" will count ;)

:D But We will Win !!! :D

So make a super-duper key typer thingy that types apapapapap :P

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VB. Ahahah ;) VB = Very Bad :)

I have been with P:D since the original, and I am on the new .nl... team nForcersHQ (only member... noone else ever joined, so I have been thinking of switching), dont know my total keycount, its probably around 2mil or so. I am never at home to type...

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