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Progress (04/10/2003 @ 16:40 CET) by MTA Team


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  • MTA Team

It has been a bit silent about progress and plans we have. Well let’s bring you guys up to speed:

Since the team has grown again we can work on more and more things at the same time.


We are working on different things for our VC version. Not only are we implementing new ideas for 0.3 we are also trying to remove some big bugs out of 0.2 so that if necessary we can release a patched version. What are we working on for future versions? Well off course we want to get the animations in. But it is very complex and will take time. Also better anti-cheat methods and improved netcode.


We are working on a new GTA3 version, version number 0.4. This version will probably go to the level of gameplay we see in MTA:VC 0.2 .

MTA 0.1 :

No decision has been made by the team if and/or how we should integrate both clients. Binding them together would off course mean that the release will depend on the state of both clients.

GameSpy :

A lot of people have been asking to support GameSpy. But what most people don’t understand is that GameSpy is a commercial product and that they protect their product as much as possible. MTA has proven to be a big asset to the multiplayer community and we have had contact with GameSpy. We will support GameSpy in future versions. We hope from the next version onwards.

Website :

Our webmaster is building on a new lay-out for this site. This in co-op with the rest of the team to develop a site that is easy to navigate and yet without making big changes.

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I really think that MTA:VC 0.3 should have Multi-Maps in!! I mean so we can choose one of the few maps we can have in VC so that each game we play could be in a different place. That would rocks!!

And for MTA 0.1, well, I'm not sure if that's a must cause, why whould we have both GTA3 and VC versions at the same time? One for VC and another one for GTA3 like it is right now seems great to me....

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  Iam A. Spammer said:
Where would u get the multi-maps from?

Well, before there were a team named Multiplicity making different maps of VC for MTA:VC but I jusyt learned that they stopped working on VC to make a Half-Life 2 mod instead :(. Well, they could try to get another team to make maps for them or I think that Multiplicity has finished some maps before they stopped working on VC. Well, MTA could use these maps....

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  |Y|aNi}{ said:
  Iam A. Spammer said:
Where would u get the multi-maps from?

Well, before there were a team named Multiplicity making different maps of VC for MTA:VC but I jusyt learned that they stopped working on VC to make a Half-Life 2 mod instead :(. Well, they could try to get another team to make maps for them or I think that Multiplicity has finished some maps before they stopped working on VC. Well, MTA could use these maps....

They never finished the castle thing did they?

But as it is right now there are AFAIK no avaible VC-maps, so it prolly can't be in 0.3! :D

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hmm I don't think that the main concentration should be on making new features. There are so many bugs in 0.2 that should be fixed. Many people still cant play 0.2 but 0.1 works fine.

Maps: New maps, sounds like much work...really much work. I also don't think that a new map will make players more happy. I like the vice city map. It would be better if this map is beeing changed, that you can enter more shops, have more cars, ...

Sorry for my bad english

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  Ultrasick said:
hmm I don't think that the main concentration should be on making new features. There are so many bugs in 0.2 that should be fixed.

I agree with Ultrasick and RobZGod as well. If all the game crashing, cheating and animations bugs were fixed then I could play this ALL day long :) . But until then I can only wait and dream.

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