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POLL : Weapons of the Hunter helicopter , ENABLE or DISABLE


Do you want the hunters weapons to be activated???  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want the hunters weapons to be activated???

    • YES , enable all weapons
    • NO , disable them all
    • only the machine gun
    • only the rockets

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What an reply . I think that they should remove the hunter , and place an police elicopter or so till (if ever) the weapons work , and then put the hunter back . I also would like to see it if the driveby's are enabled .


1. most of the time you have to fight for it

2. it's very hard to controll (atleast for me)

3. well , 5 times hit with an shotgun , and it is on fire.

and , wouldnt it be nice if there was another hunter , like , on the malibu or something , so you would have air dogfights , JIPEEE.

Xanni W.

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Here's one. I've not read all the way through this here thread, so I'm not quite sure if anybody's said it already. But nevertheless, here I go.

Keep it with Unlimited Ammo, keep it with the Gun, keep it with the Rockets. But dont keep it available all the time. Could go with global messages, something like this: "The Hunter is now available at Hyman helipad" or "The Hunter has been destroyed" or "The Hunter has vanished" -- and most importantly -- "%nickname% now has the Hunter!"

You could either make it by intervals, or have it triggered in - preferably from a trigger-widget somewhere not near the Hunter's current spawn-point so that everyone will vie to get it when available.

Trigger points spawn one at a time at a set of known points. That way everyone will know where to expect them generally, but never sure which one will be active at that time.

Once triggered to appear, the actual Hunter can spawn anywhere there's a free helipad.

Once the Hunter is destroyed, it does not respawn but a new trigger point does.

Quite possibly I'm not thinkin with all my gears right now, so if this idea sucks - I apologize. If ya like it... then send me money. Or just implement it. Whichever is cheaper. =p

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I like what Xucas said, about pasanger fire, the hunter doesnt have one, but i think it would be cool if a passanger could fire a weapon in the vcpd heli that should be slow and limited but work on other player's

personally i dont think the hunter weapons should ever be able to harm players/cars there just to powerfull now dog fights, as i mentioned way above would be an awesome feature, meaning the weapons should only work on other hunter's

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I'm going to add to this,

The hunter is a vehicle of destruction, meaning you use it to blow things up. Now Some of Vice Citys streets are very narrow meaning you have an opportunity for a potential Game Mode here.

Now for the Hunter to be enabled in deathmatch then the players must have some form of weapon to defend against it. So only Limited Ammo In Deathmatch Situations.

The Game Mode I had in mind was to set up one person in the hunter and he must track down the fugitives. Sounds easy? But Don't forget the ammount of narrow streets in Vice City. And once you lose the hunter you must track them down on foot or by car/bike. Not forgetting there is about 5 other fugitives.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like the sound of 'The Fugitives', they could make it a class CopsVRobbers mode.

Equal teams of cops and robbers (Or maybe more cops, more like real life that way).

Cops start at a police station (duh!). On the roof is a hunter, maybe a VCPD also. On the ground, many Police cars, a couple of cheetahs, white Freeways and S.W.A.T vans.

Robbers start near the sailor spawn docks, with a large black truck, some PCJs, maybe a black maverick. Just some nice cars and a large transport one.

Robbers must get to bank, find the 'money' and my ideas are either:

a) Robber holding the money must survive for a set time


b) Robber with money must get to 'hideout'.

Like? :P

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the hunter is allready weak

1*steering sucks


3*doesnt lift off fast , elevating goes slowly

4*rockets sometimes damge yourself if to close

5*lag prevents machinegun from correct aiming


Ok i put a number in front off them makes it easier ,

1*Depends on the pilot.

2*Doesnt have to be a disadvantage,depends how you look at it.

3*Same as #1 depends on the pilot (except lift off)

4*Well dont be dumb enought to shoot at something to close with it.

5*only one that is true.

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If they DO enable the weapons, I'd hope for a weakened hunter, along with a weakened MG... no rockets.

well then what's the point? the rockets are what make the hunter special (i dont use the minigun much, if at all). w/o rockets, i say just take the thing outta the game entirely, and add another maverick or somthing. Vote YES on propos....er, to enable ALL weapons! at full capacity!

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I agree totaly. Well , currently 58 precent want all weapons. GTA VC is built with the hunter in there by rockstar . So it is beatable. 10 shots with the machine gun of the mexican at MTA and its BOOOOM and 15 shoots with the sailors machinegun . THe advantage is that its fast. If they could add an passenger seat it would be great to.

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This is obviously a hot topic... I voted yes, I do think the weapons on the Hunter should be enabled... and I would support the limited ammo as long as it could be replenished... even if that meant the player in the Hunter had to land somewhere and wait for X seconds til it was re-armed. I'm not in favour of slowing down the fire rate, or making it less deadly. You can still take it down with a well placed rocket... and there's plenty of avenues, alleyways and what not to hide yourself in. The Hunter isn't super easy to control, and in a fast car, I'm sure you'd be able to avoid it until you can find somewhere to hop out and fire a rocket or two. The weapons should also be enabled for the VCPD helicopter; same principle of limited ammo (but obviously not a rediculously low amount) and having to land and re-arm.

Anyway I don't mean to ramble... though one other thing, giving the server admin the option of turning weapons on/off for the Hunter (and presumably the VCPD chopper too) is a very good suggestion.

[edit]: I also think having more than one Hunter on the map would be great adding to the action, and especially in particular game modes or missions (or whatever the MTA developers put in)

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