<547>montana Posted September 18, 2004 Share Posted September 18, 2004 SOI-Horus said: Damn I hate these messages that start with the sentence "I don't have time to read all 24 pages so...". Then they suggest things like CTF, tag or manhunt. Jeez, I read all the f*cking pages before posting anything. Luckily some people have brains. isnt ctf.......this? NosGoth said: Counter Theft Auto Link to comment
orappa Posted September 18, 2004 Share Posted September 18, 2004 Quote Expand SOI-Horus said: Damn I hate these messages that start with the sentence "I don't have time to read all 24 pages so...". Then they suggest things like CTF, tag or manhunt. Jeez, I read all the f*cking pages before posting anything. Luckily some people have brains. isnt ctf.......this? NosGoth said: Counter Theft Auto No, he meant he hates it when people say obvious stuff like CTF and Team Deathmatch. Modes based on this but not identical (i.e. where the person has actually given it some thought) are ok, such as Counter Theft Auto. Link to comment
<547>montana Posted September 18, 2004 Share Posted September 18, 2004 i was jes wonderin thnx Link to comment
NosGoth Posted September 18, 2004 Share Posted September 18, 2004 That hanger-bombing idea is very good. But as stated before this idea is a very raw-reflection of what Counter Theft Auto really could be. (And hopefully will be ). So any idea's/adjustments and or replacements are more then welcome. I believe this idea has a pretty high succesion-point and I hope that we actually may play this addon/mod some day. Link to comment
NosGoth Posted September 20, 2004 Share Posted September 20, 2004 I do hope some scripter will actually make this addon. I think it would be really cool to play a Counter Strike like mode in Vice City. Link to comment
SOI-Horus Posted September 21, 2004 Share Posted September 21, 2004 NosGoth said: I think it would be really cool to play a Counter Strike like mode in Vice City. I agree with you but the modder should concentrate on one thing - teamplay. I've played CS for about 2-3 years (both on LAN and online) and noticed that teamplay isn't supported in that game. Of course you can make tactics and attack plans when you play with your friends but online it's impossible. People just hunt frags and play lone wolves. That's why I got bored to the game. Suggestion: The number of robbers standing in the airport hangar would increase the speed of bomb plant. This would encourage players to work in team. I don't want that NosGoth's suggested mode will turn into a frag hunt too. Link to comment
Guest Posted September 21, 2004 Share Posted September 21, 2004 Hi! I m Italian, sorry for my "basic" English, anyway I d like to submit my idea : I d like to develop the ideas of N8walker wowser JonChappell Aphid happyrock and other guys: the idea of a Total Realistic Gang War could be very revolutionnary ( maybe too ambitious? ) because it would not be only action, but also strategy: There could be 3 sort of characters: 1) member of a gang 2) member of the police 3) Independent people Gangs should win territories and earn money, with these activities: prostitution,manufacture of drugs and deal, buying buildings, attack of banks etc, the leaders of the gangs and of the police should be human player, and the CPU could make automatic actions like going to sellers in order to "protect them" like mafia does, manufacture of drugs in an industrial warehouse etc Every gang have a HQ where it could talk ( with a CHAT ) about business etc. Every gang have an accountant, his task is to say to the other members what to do to earn more money. The accountant is the only member of the gang who can buy buildings, discotheques, and sell. The boss of the gang would have more money than the others and he s the only who takes important decision ( accept a member of an other gang etc...), it is very difficult to kill him cause some "cpu players" protect him all the time. Every gang is specialized in a business ( italian mafia <=> extortion , latinos <=> drugs etc...) The task of the police is to catch criminals, and to put them in a jail, human player could be in an immense jail in real time for some "human hours", in jail your task is to survive! you can talk with other human prisonners, and even play with cards or chess ( a little flash animation could make that ) you can t chat whit the members of your gang when you are on jail.If you are the boss of a gang, it s bad for business to stay there. The police is more powerful than gangs of course, and it can sometimes be corrupted! When there is a crime in the city, the police is inform about that on a radar, it could take the decision of doing nothing if there is corruption. Every time a gang decide to "create" a cpu player in order to protect the HQ or to make automatic action or other things, it will cost something every hour, so nobody could create too much cpu players and buy to much guns or buildings etc...So there will never be too much domination. The police could even create cpu player ( there is a budget to do this and this budget depends of efficacity of the police : number of criminals put on jail etc ) The independent people make business alone and don t have a HQ, but have a room in buildings where they could sleep in order to have more energy if they lost it in a battle,they are not on a radar, so nobody could kill them when they recover their energy, gangs could give a mission to an independent ( kill a member of a gang, hit a prostitute in order to have regularly money from her ), the price of the transaction have to be negociate in a chat interface ( example : do you accept 500$ to do this job for the Irish Clan YES/NO? ) IMPORTANT: on the radar you can see ONLY the members of your gang, not the others, the purpose of the game is to emulate what happen in the real life between gangs and police, and not to destroy all you see.Only the police when a crime is commited can see on a radar where the gang is and only for some minutes. Every time a member of a gang or an independent make an action, it is written on a statistic board, so a gang could determine which independent is the best guy for making a job, and some Experience points EP, will be win if the job is make. When a player got a lot of EP he could be the boss of the gang, or of the police!The boss of the police is the only who got the power to "create" cpu police player. FInally this mod is action ( make war to other gangs like gta standard ) and also strategy ( make money, talk to other gangs to make business together, corruption with the police etc ) Of course there couldn t be too much players who plays together. when a player is tired, he can save his status ( money, Expererience points , Life points, statistic board ) and leave the game, the other players don tt see him on the game until he decide to reconnect. So This kind of game has to be played during days or weeks. I know it s very very ambitious but I hope this could be realisable in the future in LAN if it is not possible on internet,I am ready to learn C++ every day and every night to do this! I would really appreciate if you guys told me what do you think about this project. Thanks Link to comment
Guest Posted September 21, 2004 Share Posted September 21, 2004 Wanna learn c++ overnight via tutoring lol, imo you wont LEARN c++ unless you go out and buy one of those textbook like books and spend alot more time than a week learning how to program. Knowledge isn't the same thing as experience or intelligence. Link to comment
eAi Posted September 21, 2004 Share Posted September 21, 2004 I think if people are planing on learning c++ for BLUE, it'd be best to wait for the SDK to be released, as C++ is a large language. Althogh it wouldn't harm you to learn c++ "from top to bottom", theres a lot included in many books thats not at all relevant to addon development for MTA. Looking at the SDK for Half-Life might be a good guide to the kind of things you'll need to do, though not neccessarily how you'd do it. eAi Link to comment
Kent747 Posted September 22, 2004 Share Posted September 22, 2004 i think it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the language http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/ if you can get through sections 3 and most of 4 you should be good... anyone who wants a freeware ide for creating win32 C++ apps should check out bloodshed http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html Link to comment
Guest Posted September 30, 2004 Share Posted September 30, 2004 Hi! I'd have few ideas... 1) In stunt mode there should be weapon shops. When you get money from the stunts you could go and buy guns from to shop... 2) 2 teams... 1. team is carring a bomb and the try to plant it in the 2. teams base. 2. team try to prevent 1. team or defuse the bomb (Base would be some building or shometing like constructionyard.) 3) 2 teams... map(or one of the islands) would be split to 2 areas(and several pieces), 1. teams side and 2. teams side. Teams try to conquer pieces of the enemys side. When other team has conquered the whole map they we win. thats all this time Link to comment
SM xenex Posted September 30, 2004 Share Posted September 30, 2004 -balanz- said: 1) In stunt mode there should be weapon shops. When you get money from the stunts you could go and buy guns from to shop... The whole idea of stuntmode the way it is made is to get away from the weapons, back when we played version 0.1 and we tried to stunt or race we would always get lamers that came and started shooting people that their only intention was to stunt,drive race around and had no interest in killing at that moment. So the sollutions were to have people "guard" the racers/stunters , but this wasnt all that fun because the people that were guarding them would either get bored or fire on the stunters/racers by mistake. Or we would have to get in a passworded server and try it there but this also didnt work always since someone would always fire by mistake and then the war broke out because you shot someones tire. Luckily the Team heard peoples cry for help and decided to throw in stuntmode. If you would like to earn your weapons by getting money to buy them i would suggest taking a look at gta3 mta since in that you get money for killing others and the most effective way of getting weapons is by buying them at ammunation,sincec the weapons that are around the map are either very few or hard to get. Hope i helped you realise the reason stunt is made that way. Link to comment
crazy_man Posted October 2, 2004 Share Posted October 2, 2004 "2) 2 teams... 1. team is carring a bomb and the try to plant it in the 2. teams base. 2. team try to prevent 1. team or defuse the bomb (Base would be some building or shometing like constructionyard.)" havent i heard that before hmmmm let me think a while... aha counter strike and the other one eh "3) 2 teams... map(or one of the islands) would be split to 2 areas(and several pieces), 1. teams side and 2. teams side. Teams try to conquer pieces of the enemys side. When other team has conquered the whole map they we win." i am sure i heard this before i know battlefield. is it just me or do ou have these two games ( but ofcourse it would be fun . sorry if i critisite you) p.s my englis is no gouod Link to comment
Guest Posted October 3, 2004 Share Posted October 3, 2004 Turf Wars Gangs try and secure and expand turf points, like Little Haiti, Havana, Starfish and Prawn Island, to a capture a piece of turf the other gang have to kill the owner. Drug Runner One player has to run drugs from one point of the map to an area, the rest are FBI and must stop him. Kingpin One player is the kingpin of Vice City who is situated in the Mansion, along with the kingpin are a gang of other players who must protect their kingpin from a hitsquad who try to raid the mansion. This swaps and changes when the mansion is overtaken. The kingpin will have the Diaz skin, his gang will have the Diaz gang skins and the hitsquad will have the Cuban gang skins. Manhunt The manhunters are fitted with gang skins and are equipped with chainsaws, bats, machetes, shotguns and their gang cars. The player involved must evade the gang and get to a point on the map via a message, radars won't be allowed in this game type. And a full-out Gang war like Beecher described would be great. You have players guarding their turf, and doing drive-bys on each other. Link to comment
Guest Posted October 6, 2004 Share Posted October 6, 2004 Alfa said: KingpinOne player is the kingpin of Vice City who is situated in the Mansion, along with the kingpin are a gang of other players who must protect their kingpin from a hitsquad who try to raid the mansion. This swaps and changes when the mansion is overtaken. The kingpin will have the Diaz skin, his gang will have the Diaz gang skins and the hitsquad will have the Cuban gang skins. Why Cuban gang skins...? I think maybe swat skins would be better Link to comment
Negativeions Posted October 8, 2004 Share Posted October 8, 2004 I have an idea: Why not program the option to change game modes on the fly. This can be done in a couple of ways I guess: 1) The admin could set a game mode to run for say 20 minutes, then it'll automatically change to another game mode. Or he can do it manually. Sort of like in Counterstrike when you change map. Players are warned of a game mode change and then when the time comes players are setup according to game mode chosen. Most likely servers will stick to one mode but at least the option is there for more variety and to possibly accommodate more experieced MTA players. 2) Or have it so that the admin can chose what game modes are available and each game mode is a different location on the map. Say if players want to race they would have to go to the car dealership and click "join race". Multiple game modes can then be played out in a single session. Or just have a screen showing the game modes made available by the admin and the people curently playing in each mode so they can decide what mode to join and join it in that screen. That would be a lot less annoying. People in other game modes can interfere with each other to a limited extent maybe. That would be funny. Definitely innclude the following modes: -Team CTF -A Racing mode where there is a choice of multiple paths or "tracks" that can be raced just like in the single player car dealership missions in vice city. In fact take the paths straight out of the single player game. There's a good amount of variety in those. And of course the players will have to follow that path. If they deviate from it they can't finish the race. This mode should include 3D markers that are in the single player missions to make it easier to stay on track or include an option to turn them on or off. How about include a "sim" mode or something like a long term "always on" mode where there are multiple gangs. And a boss is chosen for each gang in one of various optional ways. The whole game is trying to acquire as much property as possible by each gang. This could be done in various ways like killing all the NPCs in a building and then acquiring it or killing many of a certain type of NPC until they force their property for sale in which then you would go to the property and have the option to purchase it or have a centralized location for that like a real estate agency. And this mode would be continuous I guess. Once a property is acquired you get a free member (the next person to join will be on your side) and/or the NPCs respawn and join your side and are harder to kill. I can see games, though, where one gang totally rules over the city and make it almost imposible for others to win. Maybe certain conditions have to be met like a % of property need be owned by a gang to win. Long enough post. Thanks. I hope blue is done soon. Link to comment
Leviathan Posted October 8, 2004 Share Posted October 8, 2004 Negativeions said: Definitely innclude the following modes: -Team CTF Let's stay in vice city style and make a variation on team CTF CTC (capture the coke) http://www.forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=3300&highlight=coke the gangs can be used as they're now in mta like the sailors with the ship as their base mexicans and ariport robbers and phill's place etc. just place the cok somewhere in that base (not too difficult) Link to comment
Gtatari Posted October 9, 2004 Share Posted October 9, 2004 http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=183 my idea Link to comment
Guest Posted October 9, 2004 Share Posted October 9, 2004 obsticle race wat if ur in a car and u have 2 reach a certain point but guys in toweres and those tyre poppers, walls, jumps, stp u. you would take it in turns of trying 2 make it 2 the end. If it wast ur shot u could spectate or snipe from towers. Link to comment
Guest Posted October 9, 2004 Share Posted October 9, 2004 one guy starts on fire and has to catch ever1 else on fire by eithere running into them or throwing molotves at them, last one not on fire wins. Link to comment
Gtatari Posted October 9, 2004 Share Posted October 9, 2004 cheeseburger said: one guy starts on fire and has to catch ever1 else on fire by eithere running into them or throwing molotves at them, last one not on fire wins. I like that idea, but of course everyone has to be invincible for it to work. that could also be turning into regular tag, ... when one person sets another person on fire, they are put out, and no longer "it." Oh yeah, next time try to include both ideas in one post >>>Some Of My Ideas>>> -CoOp Fire Team: a) Two trucks are started at different islands... b) each island's team races to a goal of something like "20 fires put out" -CoOp Hosipital: bascially same thing as fire team, cept multiple ambulances per island, and if any patient dies, the island loses. Link to comment
Largo Posted October 11, 2004 Share Posted October 11, 2004 turf wars are already in place, just small modifications to polish it ie. i had a lan with 5 others and we joined a pub server and held off sunshine auto's, we shared the sabre turbo to get health it needs to be polished in regards to appearence, and friendly fire off to avoid team kills, scoreboards of group kills etc.. even that small change encourages team play, gets rid of those rambo's out there (you know who you are) Link to comment
Guest Posted October 15, 2004 Share Posted October 15, 2004 alrite i some of these might have already been posted. sorry but there is 25 pages to look thru and u loose track after so long. i saw alot of cops and robbers related but not sure about this. make it kinda like the mod for halflife and unreal and quake and whatever else its ever came out for thats called JAILBREAK. in that mod whenever you kill someone they goto jail on the opposing teams base. if ur entire team is captured then you loose, but you can break into the other teams base and pull a switch that will open all the jail cells and free you partners. you could use this just for the robbers. and for the cops have them have a certian number of reinforcments and when that number goes down they loose. or mabye have the cops get held hostage when they die. and make it to where the cops or robbers actually have to put the body inside of a vehicle and transport it back to the base before they are actually held hostage or put in jail. then you could have people wreck the car and free the hostage or prisioner. so when the car blows up or they just kill the drive the person just respawn normally. but crap that would ruin the whole point in the robbers robbing. wait i got it. the cops dont have a set number of spawns and they dont get kidnapped. instead the robbers get took to jail when they die or get busted. and the rest of the robbers hvae to rob to get the money they need to pay the prisioners bail. Link to comment
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