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Future MTA Game Modes.

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# 01. Last Escape


The server set one person as an objective at random and others must kill him.

The one that has accomplished it would have the chance to choose the next objective.

If one killer has killed his partner,then he would be punished by score reduction.

If the winner happened to be in sudden trouble(for example out of line),then the server would choose another one.This goes round an round.

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everyone thinks racing is a mad idea so ive improved it to add some more exhileration to some races

at the start of the race 1 of the cars provided has a bomb in it

when somebody go past a random checkpoint have that set off the bomb timer which appears for all players yet nobody will know who has the bomb untill they explode

need a bit more thought tho

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there should be a serivival match theres 5 cars 3 guns and 20 people. the point of the game is to grab what you can and go nuts. but in order to do it you should make it it a small area in the city. This going A bit off subject but I havent been online in few weeks. Can you put feature list on what things are in mta 0.3. That movie was great if you finally got that stupid animation working that good ,you should get a full page reaview in P.C Gamer.

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Um ye, those arent game modes.

Anyway someone in a server just a sec ago was talking about the Kauffman Ca missions, so couldnt u make where there is 1 person (lets call him X) who spawns randomly on the map, and the other ppl spawn with a car (again randomly or a fixed location). The idea is to get X first and drop him off and a specified location on the map. There is a certain amout of rounds and for each round u win u get money. The person with the most ammount of money at the end wins

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Ill say something about the Manhunt idea, even though I came up with it awhile ago on a server and hadnt posted about it, we played it at a LAN party recently.

We only had 6 people, and it was difficult to find the person. So maybe their arrow should be a different color. And maybe make it on only 1 island due to the size of the islands.


At the airport the roads are circles, pretty much, and so maybe we can make those circuit races. A few people may know what i'm talking about because they've been on a stunt server that i've tried to get people to actually race on them. Anyways, maybe some map editing can be done to make it a race track.

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I got some more ideas I remembered after playing last night.

On the runway strip at the airport where the plane lands.

You race toward the water to see who wins. BUT, remember in the old days, 1950s movies, where the highschoolers would race on the cliff, and whomever stopped first lost? But usually someone did it too far and fell off the cliff? Well, in this mode, you have to race till the end, but if you don't stop close enough to the edge you either lose, or you fall in the water.

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  Sedan1988 said:
death match!!!! with time or frags

team death match!!! with 4 teams!!!!!

cops and robers!!!!:)

domination!!!!!!! holding down a area for a number of time!!!!!!!!

Wow calm down

I love the 4 team deathmatch Idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ah crap I was swept up in the moment.

great idea

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I want a gta vc in multiplayer WITH people who i can kill and police! So I can kill the people with my friend and we can help each other if the police want catch us. That’s a dream but if you can apply this idea to the new version of MTA I will be happy ;D THX

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hi everyone,

all of this is a good idea....

But what to do when ya play on lan and have just 2 computers in your house??????

I have a idea for that problem!!

Please mta team,

Make something so we can have bots in mta!!

that should make it really cool! ;-)

Look to unreal tournament! its not laggie with bots!

so please make in the next version a bot configuration!


Groeten van een nederlandse mta speler!!

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CTF, but with a twist, kinda like ThreeWave CTF in quake 3 Arena. 2 Flags per team. 2 teams a game. Red and blue. This is the deal, there is also a safe point where if, say u cap that fool who jacked your flag, instead of traveling ALL the way across town to get back to your base, each team has a safe point half way a set distance from the enemy base(and vise versa)where they can deliver the flag, and it majically makes it way back to base on its on in an instant, or u can return it to base too

Get the loot!

Kinda like cops and robbers, and rob the bank.

1 team has to pick up deposits from different stores, business establishments, ect and deliver it to the bank. The team that picks up/drops off money has to avoid being robbed by 2 teams, in turn these two teams are against each other for the money too. Now heres the tricky part... If the bank team picks up the money, and successfilly delivers the money without being robbed/killed scores and the match restarts. *NOTE* everyone only has one life, if u get killed, u spectate till the match is over. And if the bank team kills the other oppsosing teams, the match is over and the bank team wins. As for the thug teams trying to rob them, whichever team kills the bank transport, and the other team automatically win, seeing as they have a clean shot home with the loot. Or first team to return the loot to thier base, wins. cool eh? Keep in mind, u only have one life, so it should make ppl play more stratigic and cooperatively. ALSO, keep in mind, the bank has a small army, so they have a 2 to 1 advantage over the other teams, so the two teams really have to kinda team up and get the money, but, wait, only one team can have the money, so there is teamplay, and corruption... I LOVE IT, Hope u guys can work something up with this. I may write a script for clan matchs....When i learn to write scripts for this program :P

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cop's and robbers... ive got a cool idea. how bout rob the bank or sumtin

robbers go around robbing places every and the cops has to stop them

ctfaggio...i prefer capture the whoopie

about stunt. isnt it a bit stupid that the scoreboard says how many ppl u killed? make it say how much money uve earned.

we definately need a REAL racing mode

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Talidan said:

about stunt. isnt it a bit stupid that the scoreboard says how many ppl u killed? make it say how much money uve earned.

I do wish you would read the manuals provided.

Manual says:

the money is not displayed on the scoreboard, this will be addressed in future versions of the stunt server

Nuff' said

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OK... You have 2 teams.

1 is like "The Law" and the other is like "Baddies" or something.

"The Law" have to protect a building (marked on the radar) while the "Baddies" have to take it over and plant a bomb!!!

Once the bomb has been planted, the "Law" have to try and difuse the bomb before it blows up. and then.....

.... on no! Wait... that would be Counter Strike.

How about you have hostages and .......

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Well, i've looked through almost all of the posts and it seems that no one mentioned anything about the halfpipe mod that can be added in good ol mta v.1. You could have people try to do the best tricks in the half pipe, or even a full pipe. I have done this on mta v.1, someone doing tricks and another as the camera so you can see yourself doing them. It is incredibly sweet.

Another idea is Monster Truck Madness. Have everyone drive around the sandking with huge tires, or even better use the chevy silverado mod. I'm not sure what else you could do with it, but i was also wondering if it would be possible to make it so you could stand in a vehicle without falling off. Then you could ride in the back of a monster truck or something, and be able to freely shoot at other people while moving.

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  NEWO said:
COOPERATIVE MISSIONS... come on... one gang vs other gang to dominate all the city!!... if you are doing a mission, other team can prevent it!!. :wink:

Perhaps, if the guys can establish some criterias in the randonic loading of the pedestrians and cars passerbies, all of the players would see the same persons around, without that, however, cause big loss of ping.

I mean, cooperative missions of humans x PC.

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