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Bullsh*t Lame As Spam Thread - B.L.A.S.T (All Welcome)


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A: Talking Bout' by nappy roots!, even though i dont think thats hip hop

Q: if its april 15th, whats the day after the day 5days before the day that 4 days ahead of a day thats a day ahead of today?

if that makes sense

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A. I can wait

On another note - too many releases of MP gta3, is going to dilute the numbers, and unfortunantly send at least 1 of the mods home packing, which is not what i want to see. If onlt there could be one solid mod.

Q. Will multiple MP mods dilute the quality of MP in gta3 and numbers?

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A. isnt is free? - for the pleasure of testing or whatever.

[imho]On another note - since when were korn a good metal band? - let alone all some of those other bands - listen to slayer - nuff said =)[/imho]

Q. Who wants to test my paitence by starting stupid threads? =)

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  |Y|aNi}{ said:
A: Don't think so,except if there are REALLY many MP mods but not 3-4...I think that the best will have everyone and that's it....

Q: What is the best band of all in Metal?

YAY a Metal question

I won't post the best but I'll post bands I listen to alot

You probably have never heard of them

Black Metal: Emperor, Immortal, Darkthrone, Ildjarn, Graveland, Mayhem, Mutiilation, Nargaroth, Burzum, Solstafir, Grabnebelfürsten, and Nifelheim (there are alot more)

Death Metal: Deicide, Thou Shalt Suffer, Haemorrhage, Morbid Angel, and Decapitated

Doom Metal: Funeral, Thergothon, Black Sabbath, Skepticism, and Deinonychus

But the best (not in my opinion) would be Black Sabbath after all they created Metal and sub genre Doom metal

(btw if you want to know every band I listen to just ask :wink::P )

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